Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 29: 8 Months (1)

Chapter 29: 8 Months (1)

Kai had... grown. A lot. Yet... Yet...

His chest heaved in utter anger. He was at his wit's end. He'd been promised again and again but no, he wasn't taught it even now. He'd mastered more genjutsu skills, and even created one of his own with Nono's help. He'd mastered Taijutsu skills and had his physique reach higher than ever. He could one-shot his previous life's self with a slap. He could damn heal someone and cut one open with the Chakra Scalpel Technique. His growth spurt and enhancements made it so that his chakra was tremendous for his age but it wasn't limiting to him because of the power he packed.

By now, he was aware that his body was fundamentally different even if he hadn't chosen Stat Physiology. His body WOULD grow if he trained. His chakra WOULD grow if he trained. In essence, there wasn't any biological and metaphysical limiter on him of any sort. Yet...

"Sensei... you WILL teach me nature transformation today." He growled as he stood in Training Ground 23 while not only Kushina, Mikoto, and Nono watched from the sidelines with amusement as Kai could feel their emotions at a heightened degree now, but also the two resident shinobi of the Senju enjoying the show. But more than them, Kai felt Tsunade's amusement.

His gaze trailed her. It was unusual for her to wear something like... this. She must have just woken up, Kai realized. Her waist-length hair was still in a high ponytail but he could notice the laze in her eyes. Her mesh shirt, like usual, barely contained her breasts as she wore a turquoise v-neck top with the slightest depth to it and a pair of pitch-black spats that threatened to distract him and pull his attention to her very thick but soft and supple thighs. She stood with her arms crossed and chuckled, "Is that a threat?"

"You said," Kai seethed a little and glared, "Have chunin-level chakra reserve. I did. You said, to master the chakra scalpel technique for better control before nature transformation. I did. You said, you said, and you said! Why won't you just teach me the damn theory and technique? What's with the village-wide block about it?!"

Tsunade let out an annoyed grumble. Of course, she knew all that. She would love to teach the boy the method and indeed, there was actually a village-wide block for any shinobi under 16 to learn elemental jutsus by their Jonin Senseis. The reason was quite simple but still a political mess. Konoha was formed to safeguard children from war. To nurture them. Any child under 16 MUST not enter the war and for this reason, during the war, there will be two types of missions War missions, and the usual ranked ones.

Once anyone with enough ability know two elemental jutsu, they could become a Jonin with enough contributions but there are a few bad apples who would want to increase Konoha's war potential by hurriedly increasing the rank of the geniuses and send them out for the 'good' of the village. The village wasn't shorthanded in any manner but these people would do it still.

Tsunade didn't want her team to participate in wars and if there's a whiff that Kai is practicing nature transformation and given the current trend of his growth, may just master it, HE would do everything in his power to send him out.

Shinobi are paranoid by nature, most of the time. Geniuses are accepted but monsters are feared. And Tsunade knew given the situation of the War Council that Kai had managed to make one troublesome Elder fear his potential. That's why, even Yata didn't teach his daughter another elemental jutsu besides the Uchiha's basic Fireball Jutsu.

"Well?" Kai inquired, a little doubtful as he felt Tsunade experiencing... regret. This did put a damper on his anger somewhat. After all, she must have a reason given how complicated she felt after initial amusement.

"I will teach you... after three years," Tsunade sighed softly. Nature Transformation couldn't be just experienced. There are a series of steps one must master but that didn't mean Kai couldn't learn ninjutsu. After feeling despondent, he did purchase a ninjutsu but never trained it afterward because he instantly realized what Mito was talking about. That's why, even now [Water Release: Water Bullet Jutsu (1/15)] wasn't trained.

Her words did not please him and tired of acting like a boy for his needs and screwing away all empathetic reasons, he growled, "If you won't teach me nicely... I will find someone who can."

"Oh? Who? One announcement from me and everyone WILL reject teaching you. Youngest Chunin, my perky ass! Don't let that reputation get in your head. Be a good boy, and wait. Be patient. Why can't you just be obedient like 'em?" Tsunade frowned and pointed at the trio not far away.

Kai huffed deeply. "Fine then, I will just apply for the new sections of the missions," Kai frowned, "If I do get enough contributions, I can get relevant information, too, right?"

Tsunade's eyelids twitched as she kept her expression in check and drawled, "You will go nowhere near the openings."

"You can't stop me! I've done nothing but missions and practiced the same old thing for eight months. It's been a whole year since we graduated. Why the hell do you keep stopping me even when Mito-sama says it's alright?"

"Because she's out of her damned mind and you out of your depths! Wanna enter the new category of missions? Fine, I'll give you a taste of what you will enter yourself into now!"

Tsunade rushed forward promptly as Kai suddenly threw a smoke bomb on the ground, making Tsunade scoff, "That level of poison doesn't work on me!"

She instantly punched the boy's shocked form only for it to poof into a wooden log as Tsunade scowled at his impeccable body replacement technique and punched backward before her fist phased through his body. 'Damn Orochimaru for teaching the boy genjutsu!' Instantly starting to flare her chakra every other second, Tsunade clapped her palms, and the burst of wind whipped away the cover of smoke before she turned and gave the real a back-handed slap that shot him into the ground.

"Hmph, is that it?... Kai?"

She looked at his unflinching form and frowned. She knew of his strength and had kept hers in check but... Kai should at least be groaning and twitching. She hurriedly crouched down over him and checked his condition before paling.

"Kai, damn it! I'll have to get him to the hospital. Now you fucking understand? Worst could happen in a war"

Her expression froze before she growled and flared her chakra again which wasn't happening for a few seconds now and looked at the real Kai towering over her kneeling figure with his left cheek blue and bruised.

"It was a quick one even for a touch-based genjutsu," Tsunade narrowed her eyes but Kai spoke simply, "Worse won't happen in war if you train me properly. I thought... I had proved that long ago." His mutter was soft and Tsunade's eyes widened and she looked over to the trio who still looked clueless.

"You don't understand," still kneeling, Tsunade let out an exhausted sigh.

"Someone wants to kill me? That happens every mission. But if I know nature transformation and can adapt to the situation, I will become strong enough. I promise, I won't die and waste all your efforts. So if you could..."

Kai grumbled. He truly thought Tsunade of all people would understand that since Mito did, too.

Tsunade's gaze flickered as she looked a little sullen, an expression she had never formed for any of her students but here she was. "Any 6-year-old would be scared of it."

"Oh, please. Think of it this way. You can take me WITH you given that I am technically your Guardian. Of course, I wouldn't want a nanny as it would harm my reputation and other 6-year-old chicks would laugh about it but... wouldn't that be better?"

"Hardly," Tsunade chuckled and stood up before ruffling his head and looking at Nono with a glare, "Did you teach him that touch-based genjutsu?"

The speed with which Kai cast it would make him a nightmare for most Taijutsu users.

"Uh... no," Nono giggled, "He was experiencing the effects of my Last Harlot technique... hehe, he actually seems to know quite a bit," Nono winked at him, "And then he formed a genjutsu technique of his own related to another primal emotion after mastering Last Harlot."

"Excuse me? You two did what?" Tsunade smiled but the coldness in her gaze made Nono wince as she cursed her big mouth while Kai took a slow and steady step back.

"Where are you going?" Tsunade's head snapped in his direction while Kushina and Mikoto helped Tsunade by grabbing and keeping Nono in her place with their glares turning colder, too.

"I did it... for the science of Genjutsu," Kai mumbled weakly.

"He's right, Tsunade-sama," Nono hurriedly explained.

"Shut up, both of you. Before nature transformation, I will teach you a bit about character transformation on my knees," she stated coldly as Kai and Nono already felt the pain on their cheeks.

Ass cheeks.


[Touch of Revelation (20/20): A touch-based genjutsu that traps the target into an elusive scene where they eventually reveal their honest thoughts. Mental Stat increased by 1 at every level. Reduce chakra consumption by 2.5 at every level. Current Consumption: 100/sec]

[Last Harlot (15/15): A touch-based genjutsu that rouses the lust of the target for the user and traps them in a world where they can't have enough of you. Mental Stat increased by 1 at every level. Reduce Chakra Consumption by 0.6 at every level. Current Consumption: 90/sec]

[Horrible Vore (15/15): A smell-based genjutsu that requires the scent of a boar's lining to pull the target into a horrible experience of getting swallowed by a boar. Mental Stat increased by 1 at every level. Reduce chakra consumption by 0.6 at every level. Current Consumption: 90/sec.]

[Stats mitigated due to limit of skill's quality.]

[Death Crucifixion (20/20): A taste-based genjutsu that utilizes the ashes of anything to pull the target upon their own Crucifixion and agonizes them deeply. Mental stat increased by 0.8 at every level. Reduces Chakra Consumption by 2.5 at every level. Current Consumption: 100/sec]

[Might Fist (10/10): Train's fists to be as hard as a rock by punching the rock 1000 times every day. Increases strength by 1 at every level. Stamina Consumed: 20/min]

[Solid Bulldoze (10/10): Train the whole body by smashing into walls. Increases strength by 1 at every level. Stamina Consumed: 20/min]

[Leaf Twister (15/15): A kicking style that resembles a devastating twister. Increases strength by 1 at every level. Stamina Consumed: 20/min]

[Kunai Devil (20/20): A series of two-handed kunai styles imitating a short sword to deal vital damage to the enemy]

[Chakra Scalpel (15/15): Coats the hands in a controlled amount of chakra that can dissect into the body without excessive bloodshed. Reduce chakra wastage by 0.33 for every level. Reduces chakra consumption by 3.3 at every level. Chakra Consumption: 470/min]

[Chakra Empath (25/25): Allows the host to sense the general intent from the chakra of the target passively. Increases Perception by 1 stat at every level. Increases the range of sensing by 5 meters at every level. Current Range: 130 meters]

[Intermediate Chakra Poison (30/30): A skill that mixes chakra with poisons potent enough to demolish a village]

The level of grind was amazing for him despite his complaints and the skills rewarded to the team when they became a chunin happened to be Death Crucifixion, Might Fist, and the Wind Release: Wind Shuriken which allowed Kai to save 100 SP on the purchases!

[Name: Kai

Age: 6

Title: Konoha Chunin

Gamer Traits: Skill Tree; Sleepless Gamer

Rank: Chunin

Hit Points: 100

Stamina: 100/100 (17.1/min)

Chakra: 26134.5 (4209 7467*250) || (525/min) (150*250%/min)

Physique: 117 175/1000

Mental: 134 203/1000

Perception: 74 101/1000]

[Skill points: 509]


[Water Release: Water Bullet Jutsu (1/15)]

[Reduction of Chakra Wastage: 50]

Funnily enough, his SP completely netted out the same with expenditure and earnings including the missions but it did worry him for B-ranked Jutsu and higher.

And his control over chakra seemed to have hard-capped at 50. That's why he wanted to know another foundational way to mold chakra so that he could increase that stat.

And at the moment, he has really become the Genjutsu expert of the team as his mental stat also passed over the threshold for 200. But he was aware that the 200 mark didn't mean he had jonin-level skills. Jonins... were just too far. These eight months were enough for him to realize that Jonins may have at least one stat close to 300 much less an elite like Tsunade. Also, his chakra reserve was still in the mids of chunin so despite what he said, he really didn't care about the reputation of the youngest chunin and even within the flock of chicks hawing over his might, only Tsume's bark managed to attract him.

Still, he was happy. It took some time but Tsunade agreed to start the practice tomorrow.

But as he reached the Uzumaki Compound, his expression grew slightly worried while the constantly nagging Kushina who couldn't believe he, to quote her, did unspeakable things to Nono in a genjutsu world, grew silent. Both their expressions grew somber as they entered their home and made way to a particular room, not wanting to leave her side at all.


Shoutout to Eros, joseph m teti, Cody, and Jrod!!

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