Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 39: The Fool's Consequences

Chapter 39: The Fool's Consequences

The Land of Fire shared its borders with the Land of Hot Water that had its own Shinobi Village but unlike the five major shinobi villages, namely: Konohagakure, Kumogakure, Iwagakure, Sunagakure, and Kirigakure, these remoted Shinobi Villages were caught in the war reluctantly. They weren't anywhere rich or strong enough to maintain their neutrality like Uzushiogakure or profit from the war like Amegakure.

And because of this reason, Team Tsunade couldn't recklessly enter the borders of the Land of Hot Water because it's been fully 'allied' by Kumogakure.

And Tsunade had no appreciation for the current regime of the Third Raikage. She also took the chance while setting up an array of traps for their possible pursuers to expand the base of her apprentices' political history and the absence of the hyperactive redhead went unnoticed by Tsunade because the girl would have heard it from one ear and let it out from another.

"During the end of the First Shinobi War, the Second Hokage and the Second Raikage were ambushed. This ambush led them to their deaths but later, it was beginning to become clear when all the coup members against Second Raikage's regime began to silently disappear that the one behind the ambush may just be the current Raikage."

"Yet, that man is considered honorable," Tsunade huffed, "The issue is with what he considers honorable. The Third Raikage is very aggressive and cares about his military the most. As such, while Shinobi revere the man... the civilians and the whole of the Land of Lightning's court see him as a tyrant. Even to this day, to increase the number of Kekkei Genkai clansmen, Third Raikage openly encourages the enslavement of shinobi and kunoichi who have any form of a bloodline."

Tsunade looked at Kai and Mikoto. While the girl had one of the most enviable Kekkei Genkai, the boy would easily pass as one... nay, maybe he DID have a kekkei genkai. The sight of him showing seven nature transformation affinity was still fresh in her mind but... nobody knew anything about this kind of kekkei genkai. In fact, Konoha has some hidden acts like this, too, but the operative word here was 'openly.'

"Either way, I don't think I have to explain what happens next, right? But I'll still explain just so you two can understand the threats of this world... and this is different from the cases in victim files, too. The Shinobi are made to ejaculate constantly and their specimens are preserved while the shinobi who capture the kunoichi have the option to either sell her off to the Kumo's administration where she will not only be impregnated by one of the cup specimens but also by any shinobi the village find strong enough but even after her death, her body will be thoroughly researched."

"Jutsus are formed with enough research and ingenuity and the Kumo's practice-led Iwa and Kiri to do the same... albeit in a more moderate and politically-inclined manner. It is said that the Third Raikage captured a shinobi of some rare bodily transformative mutations and found black lightning that has significantly higher attributes than normal lightning transformation."

{A/N: Aside from kumo, black lightning is only found with Sasuke and his cursed seals alongside Kakashi and his senjutsu chakra that one time... so I'm sure a few knows what I'm getting at about the captive but I'll explain that later, too~!}

'Huh... so Kumogakure is THAT club where most of the things go legal... neat.'

"Why didn't Sunagakure adapt to these shifts?" Mikoto inquired as Tsunade shrugged, "They don't have resources to fund such a thing. Those mummies would feel lucky if they discover another natural oasis instead of a poop formed by water chakra spit." The woman held a smirk but found Mikoto highly unamused.

"Anyway, it's not like we have a high chance of meeting a Kumo nin here," Tsunade shrugged.

"So the Land of Hot Water is under their control?" Mikoto sighed softly and shook her head.

"There are many outposts of Kumo, yes... it would have been easier to take a ferry ride from the coast of Land of Hot Water but we'll just have to make do with our own. Land of Whirlpools is closed off and is surrounded by many natural whirlpools. We would have to let Uzushiogakure know we are trying to contact them before we can even enter."

Kai hummed loudly and questioned, "Sensei, isn't there any flying jutsu? If we had one, it would have been a lot easier."

"Last I checked, we're shinobi... we don't fly," Tsunade gave Kai an exasperated stare.

"Ah, so breathing fire, making clones, and sealing gigantic titans of chakra is fine... we just drew our line when it came to flying."

"Well..." Tsunade blinked. If he put it this way... "You're not wrong but there aren't any flying techniques known to me..."

Kai suddenly stopped and forced others to stop on their next steps as they looked at Kai strangely.

"Has anyone ever tried to transform into an animal, like Tsume's clan... and I don't know? Fly with wings?" Kai was curious. Even he was confused why he didn't think of that before and then it hit him...

Transformation Jutsu was a fucking Academy level skill that allowed him to transform into a Mikoto with big bazookas. He considered the technique nothing more than a prank and others would have, too. After all, higher-level techniques utilize greater and more complicated applications and none would care about a basic skill like transformation.

He didn't wait for Tsunade or Mikoto to speak that he was crazy. Nah, his gut has always been right except when he chose the damn gamer mind, and the next second...


A large plume of smoke covered Kai as it hid him while notifications filtered his very... strange vision.

[Skill Created with specific action.]

[Identified as an unetched skill.]

[An existing skill detected as a part of this new skill. If removed from the temporary skills, the base skill will revert to the host.]

[Skill level adjusted and Skill Points distributed.]

[Essence Transformation (3/75): Allows the user to transform into any beast, plant, or item. This skill does not change the weight of the user, chakra reserve, or any other aspect of the user except physical appearance. The body is molded to form the shape of the chakra extended from the user. Chakra consumed reduced by 1 at every level. Current Consumption: 47/min.

Next Level: Transform into something new 1/540 times or 25 SP.]

Kai's entire world felt... large. He looked up and found Tsunade and Mikoto. If this skill was somewhat more 'permanent', he may have gotten infrared vision but this was better. He could easily look upto Tsunade and what a view it was to find her and Mikoto dumbstruck.


"Amazing, right?" Kai inquired as he was transformed into Cinnamon, the ever-youthful white snake buddy of his.

Although the pinky-sized body with his actual weight meant he wouldn't be able to move but that was fine... still, the conditions of this skill's level up made it seem like he had gotten his first A-rank Jutsu. He planned to grind this skill completely. It was too good to not do so and its chakra consumption wasn't all that much when even C-rank genjutsu will have a higher cost.

His giddy thoughts, however, weren't shared by Tsunade as she watched the snake pood back into a beaming Kai while she blinked.

'That's a one chakra shroud short of being a kinjutsu...'


Tsunade heard another burst of smoke beside her but found Mikoto being the... same.

"Huh? Why didn't it work for me?" Mikoto frowned.

"Inuzuka clan can transform into their ninkens because they have the foundation, research, and lifestyle for it. They even lower their own weight to match their Ninken's attributes or increase their Ninken's weight and size... you can't just transform into a beast without studying one extensively but... I guess nobody really thought of doing that because the Inuzuka clan isn't particularly stellar and your technique is similar to Orochimaru's as he would turn parts of his body into snakes..."

Tsunade frowned when he said that while Kai shrugged, "Or maybe he did manage to transform into a beast but kept it to himself. I mean, Orochimaru-san's a genius"

"Then goddamn study under him!" Tsunade instantly scoffed in annoyance. Kai would barely recognize her own efforts but would gush over the tiniest thing Orochimaru does. It was fucking infuriating!

"You know... Sensei... if I had really studied under him, I would have tried this technique long before..." Tsunade knew he was right but her brutal stare made it clear she wasn't up for a logical discussion while Kai shrugged and, "But you know... I wouldn't trade Senseis."

"Really? I recall you saying how Jiraiya would have been a fun Sensei," Mikoto smiled, clearly understanding the way of chaos after being with Kai for so long as he felt Tsunade's stare practically stabbing into him.

"Shouldn't we move?" Kai questioned.

"Oh, we'll move," Tsunade remarked, "But let's put a pin in this until we complete our mission."

"Or forever," Kai suggested.

"We'll see," Tsunade remarked as they began to move. Flying was doable but not for now... not if Kai decided to go hell with it and consume the last bits of his SP.





The sound of drizzle over the border shared by the Land of Earth and the Land of Rain permeated the surroundings as one masked shinobi silently made his way through the closed border of the country ruled by Hanzo and met with an Iwa Nin near an unnamed section of a forest. The moment the two exchanged scrolls, they fell back and flickered away and a few seconds later, a platoon of shinobi chased after the masked shinobi only to hear the sound of an explosion.

While something similar happened near the Land of Hot Water with a small team of Kumo shinobi and near a dried and barren civilian village within the Land of Wind that governed over the largest desert of the continent.

Yet, the message that should not have even fallen in the ears of one of the strongest and consequently, most dangerous men in the war now made their eyes light up.

It did not take long for Konoha to realize that other villages knew about Mito's death the moment a short tragedy in their war efforts against Sunagakure occurred.


The immediate war council members had grim expressions. A few clan leaders were not present but this was excused because those absent were in the war themselves... well, those that lived.

Hiruzen eyed the empty chairs of the Sarutobi and Shimura clans and how close the seats were to one another. The situation in real life was... similar.

'Had my son been in THAT outpost...' Hiruzen's heart quivered and he looked at Danzo who sat on the seat appointed to him with a stoic expression.

"The sudden attack from the Ichibi Jinchuriki was not expected at all. Until now, no Jinchurikis had been used because of Mito-san's deterrent but it would seem that either they know of her regretful passing or they wish to pull all tailed-beasts into the war."

"Which should be absolute madness," Shikudo Nara groaned slightly and Yata Uchiha frowned slightly.

"The losses include exceptional shinobi like the late Shimura Gin who happened to be the clan head of the Shimura Clan, my own Aburame Clan predecessor, and many more. But we have to form tactics to deal with the situation."

Although the previous clan head of the Aburame clan died alongside many others... nobody felt that this leader was any different than the previous one. Yet, when the name Gin Shimura was uttered, Hiruzen observed Danzo and found profound confusion in the man's lone eye.

The emergency war council concluded with nothing but some short measures and the employment of the barrier ninjutsu team under Hokage's Anbu to keep the Jinchuriki of Sunagakure in check. But Hokage had other concerns.

Like usual, the elders would arrive at his office a few minutes before to discuss amongst themselves but Danzo wasn't a part of it this time, and for an unfortunate reason.

"Danzo..." Hiruzen muttered bitterly as Danzo sat in front of him with a collected look.

"Gin Shimura was deployed to the Suna War Front. Losses were expected and he happened to be part of it."

Danzo stated plainly as Hiruzen frowned and sighed, "Is that all you have to say for your son?"

Hiruzen looked at Danzo with a strange look. It wasn't pity. It wasn't sadness either... it was as if he was looking at a possible mirror had his own son died during the attack.

"Our profession is to kill. He knew what would happen the day he wore his forehead protector and so did I." Danzo narrowed his eye with a look of utter indifference yet his fists clenched by themselves under the table as he remarked somberly, "Actions have consequences... never forget that."

"I won't," Hiruzen replied but it felt like Danzo wasn't talking to him.

'My son... gave his life for Konoha. My part had nothing to do with... nothing to do with this. It was either the Sand Jinchuriki or someone else...'


A/N: Alright, so I wanted to have more fun with Danzo and his descent from a beneficial party of Konoha as a whole to just a bandaged bitch having become tired of bending over for Hiruzen or having Hiruzen bend over for him.


Shoutout to braydon merx, Edwin Carrillo, lxRushimxl, Bladehaste, and PandaMan!!

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