Filthy Gamer in Narutoverse

Chapter 46: ANBUsh (2)

Chapter 46: ANBUsh (2)

Kai's eyelids jumped at the bloody display. Tsunade rarely acted this... brutally but her experience in medical-nin made her impervious to blood and organs for the most part. Yet, he didn't dare take his attention from the opponent in front of him. His kunai constantly parried the man calmly. Oh, he was thinking of hundred of ways to kill the man but the quickest and the easiest method to deal with him would be using a technique Kai hadn't used and hence, wasn't reported to the higher-ups and it would help if the technique he uses isn't expected in battle at all.

This certainly removed the gas bombs and flash bangs including the explosive Senbons but the opponent also had a give. The man was too comfortable with the sword and the fact that he was one of the two to enter the traps laid down by Team Tsunade meant that despite being a good chakra user, it wasn't the man's greatest suit. Information like this mattered in the battle.

'Mad sword skills... could be a Hatake or a Gekko...' Kai leaned away to dodge the blade while throwing the kunai at the man as he leaned away.

'Yeah, not enough chakra senses in the heat of a battle,' Kai concluded with a blank expression as the Kunai suddenly poofed with a chakra seal emerging on the Kunai and


He rushed into the explosion, however. He hadn't used an explosive kunai until today but he already saw the man's body flicker as what was left happened to be a splintered log. Yet, the poisoned shinobi's reaction was affected enough that even Kai could react to something as basic yet annoying as a Body Replacement Jutsu. The Shinobi in front of him clearly had a jonin level reserve of about 100000 points and a refined body but still, his left sleeve was ripped apart and his forearm was singed.

The opponent narrowed his eyes and shot forward while straining his body. His sword left a series of after images while being enhanced by chakra yet, the next second, a pair of hands suddenly tore from the ground and caught the man's legs while Kai's palm wrapped in an exceedingly sharpened coat of [Chakra Scalpel] brushed through the shinobi who lost his balance for a brief but fatal moment.

There was no blood but the muscles of his neck were cut apart cleanly alongside his throat as the man fell to the ground. Yet, Kai didn't waste a second and went ahead to grab the man's head with a brutal expression and pulled the man's head apart from his body!

He felt the suicidal seal on the man's masked head activate and threw it in Mikoto's direction who promptly fell back with the head exploding in front of her opponent.

'Body secured and...' Kai took out a scroll before placing it on the corpse. With a plume of smoke, the corpse was stored into the seal and he instantly felt every other alive enemy looking in his direction with unbridled hostility, making him smirk.

Nobody would have thought that the [Chakra Scalpel] technique that required a 100... nay 200 of the user's focus could be used so masterfully in a battle. Yet, that's what happened. Kai's opponent was not prepared for such a technique and paid the price. Of course, part of the reason why the man fell was the earth clone Kai released and had it dug underground the moment Tsunade summoned her contract.

Kai wasn't about to stop now, however. He always planned to use legally lethal skills like the Scalpel technique but he always had a Hizashi with him in the war that was just as efficient.

He only glanced at Mikoto and rushed towards her to provide backup.

The opponent instantly formed hand seals, no longer trying to even come into close combat with an Uchiha and a Kai at the same time since a tiny mistake may cost him an organ.

Unlike the man before, this Shinobi was cautious of Kai's tactic and stopped forming hand seals with the previous clone once again emerging from the ground. Snorting slightly, the shinobi jumped up while throwing a volley of Kunai that stabbed into his clone yet before Mikoto tried to take advantage of the opponent mid-air, she was stopped by his hand seal as


Even the clone exploded while using all its chakra as fuel!

Explosive seals were part of Kai's methods and he loved them too much to drop them. Flashbangs and others had a slightly more complicated seal while gas bombs needed time and materials to form. So, regular explosions rocked for him!

"Ugh!" The heavy explosion only elicited a soft grunt from the man while Kai and Mikoto didn't even waste their time using a Genjutsu as their opponent constantly flared his chakra. Genjutsu's true value is in catching an opponent off guard with his chakra control weakened or simply depleted enough to not shake off the enemy's control.

The figure suddenly formed simple hand seals this time before throwing a shuriken at them. The shuriken itself was cloned almost dozens of times as mist began to bubble out of Kai while Mikoto formed a single hand seal of the technique she was most used to and blew a large torching ball of flames from her mouth that served to disperse the clones shurikens and even melt the real one under its scorching temperature.

Yet, the mist overcame the duo. The enemy had taken the initiative to put distance between themselves. Making it easier for him to view them only did their enemies a favor since the man was clearly skilled enough to catch on to Kai's strength.

While other newbie shinobis would have been hard-pressed against such a situation, even Mikoto knew she had to use something that the opponents weren't aware of and the mist provided her with the perfect opportunity for it. Kai saw the Sharingan user form a familiar sign and realized that the cheeky minx had copied something essential despite being refused by Tsunade to teach them at the moment.

"Meanwhile, you use... that," Mikoto winked as Kai smirked and formed a seal before being covered in a plume of smoke under the mist.

Their opponent frowned from a distance. Until now, Kai realized that the man hadn't shown any damning specific Jutsu but his chakra reserves were a bit higher than Kai's opponent from before, and his caution even higher. Yet Kai wouldn't put it past that his enemy had a skill up his sleeve ready to catch the two off guard. Anyway, the best way to take care of a troublesome opponent was to deal with them before they can even reveal their trump cards. That's why Kai quickly used his own hidden skills to kill the second shinobi.

Two figures shot out of the mist while the enemy was also aware of the opponent rushing in his direction with an even greater speed underground. Mikoto's Sharingan locked on the man as a basic illusion failed to trap him with his constantly flaring chakra while Kai threw out three Senbons. Yet, the opponent retreated again. Stronger or not, the jonin in front of them was surely devious as Kai's earth clone grabbed air only before getting undone and crumbling apart.

'Earth Release: Mudwall.'

The shinobi created further obstacles to sap away at Kai's and Mikoto's momentum but the duo simultaneously threw a volley of Kunais that the man evaded and continued to retreat. He simply had to play it safe and let his teammates take care of the Senju... or retreat with the report on the enemy's skill for a better threat evaluation next time.


A sharp hiss filled his senses before a giant white snake rushed out of the bushed to coil around the man but disappeared midair as he grew even more alert about the enemy's genjutsu skills.

The duo followed the man closely only because he let them. If he retreats too far away, Kai and Mikoto may rush to Tsunade's side and assist her which wasn't ideal.

'Water Release: Crashing Wave!' The man slammed his palm on the ground with a high tide of water materializing around him and crashing into the duo chunin. Yet, they... continued to rush into the wave.

'Did they' Before he could think, Mikoto and Kai threw almost a hundred exploding senbon needles into the crashing wave.




Air whipped about as he felt 'Kai' disappear in a puff of smoke.

'A shadow clone... how did he...?' The enemy grew alert and looked around cautiously before jumping on a branch to have a higher view.

"You won't find him. It's your fault really. You're the one who pulled away from the main battle." Mikoto smirked as the enemy's eyes widened momentarily but before he could move, Mikoto threw four more kunais at the man.




The man repelled the volley but the last Kunai suddenly transformed into Mikoto who threw a gas bomb in front of the enemy the next second. Before he could retreat this time, the Mikoto who was still on the ground grinned viciously while the Mikoto in front of the man kicked at him, making him raise his arm to block yet the next second, her foot was covered in a sharp layer of chakra that tore the man's wrists down to the last nerves. That moment of pain was all it took for this Mikoto to raise her body over the man's arms and kick against his temples as the sharp knife of a chakra tore the man's brain in the most unholy half.


The opponent fell down while Mikoto reverted into Kai with a puff of smoke.

Indeed, Mikoto had copied shadow clones from Tsunade just for shit and giggles to lord over Kai since he wanted to learn it. Who knew it would be useful...

"Let's go," Kai chimed while sealing the corpse.

As he appeared next to Mikoto, she glared at him while deactivating her Sharingan, "Did you have to almost mess up the plan by..." she flushed a bit and hissed, "By shifting the size of my body? What if the enemy had found out?"

"Oh, come on. Don't be jealous. I look forward to you growing that much... I mean, Tsunade Sensei will always remain superior but I guess that's the kind of growth you have with the God of Shinobi as a grandpa," Kai giggled as if he hadn't murdered two men with a technique meant to save a life.

"I'm not jealous!" Mikoto growled.


Tsunade pounced on the Aburame member the moment Kai sealed the first corpse. She had been keeping her distance from the bugs because it was highly troublesome yet this distance itself would have allowed the Aburame to attack Kai. Even she hadn't expected him to use Chakra Scalpel of all the techniques to achieve such a result. Even she herself did not have the laser focus needed to use that technique in a battle despite her chakra control because the jutsu's technicality lay in letting the chakra permeate through the skin and then cut.

But even if rushing toward the buzzing insects, Tsunade did not intend to face them as Katsuyu, her summon, poured another wave of acid on the bugs. Similar to Inuzuka Clan which raised canines, the Aburame clan raised insects of special kinds that had various functions from absorbing chakra to poisoning the enemy and tailing a specific individual. While the acid took care of many insects, Tsunade formed a hand seal and Katsuyu suddenly dispersed into multiple tiny slugs that were quicker than before and intercepted the wave of insects.

By this time, another shinobi had pulled back and unfurled a scroll before quickly waving a brush over the paper.

'That's the drawing user, huh...' Tsunade narrowed her eyes as white and black giants emerged from the scroll. Strength-type painted creations, she knew that it a glance.

She scowled and suddenly moved away right in the path of one of the giant's fists to avoid the dark tendril stretching from the shadow of the last shinobi towards her. Her ill-prepared punch, however, easily deflected the giant fist yet she was shocked.

A Nara, Aburame, and Super Beast Imitation User that could draw summons with strength impressive enough to bare her casual punches. This was impressive because these summons were only ink given form! And it used quite a small amount of chakra, too.

The Aburame and Nara, however, were more troublesome as she shot towards the loon artist with her amber pupils lit in vicious determination.


The second giant barred her way yet she swept and kicked down on the ground with her heels with the shadow tendril following behind when




Deep, cracks the width of an adult arm spread out as large bits of earth tore out including the earth clone of the Aburame that crumbled into dust as Tsunade suddenly shot back before kicking the large 'debris' at the Nara-nin whose eyes widened momentarily.


What he should have looked out for, however, was the tiny slugs devouring aburame insects at a healthy pace as a thin stream of acid made the man grunt. Not enough to stop paying attention to the large boulder as he formed a hand seal and his own shadow turned into dark spikes that tore into the boulder and stopped it

But just enough to lose focus from his teammates and the blonde devil in front of her as she used the diversion created by Kai's hazy mist at this second and slammed her palms on the boulder, causing it to suddenly slam on the ground and crush the Nara user underneath with the spikes disappearing finally.

Her gaze fell on the loon artist the next second as her apprentices rushed after the other opponent.

But the result was clear. The enemy would have had a strong team to face her, maybe strong enough to make it extremely troublesome had they gotten the entire set of skills on her apprentices but they lacked severe data.

Well, too bad for them, she didn't have a need for complete bodies now that Kai had stored the one and the quickest way to go through them... was to go THROUGH them.


"Heh," Kai suddenly chuckled as Team Tsunade regained their bearings and moved with a gloomy atmosphere.

"What?" Mikoto looked at him as he remarked, " I just thought about it... didn't we get ANBUshed?"

While Mikoto frowned for a second, his words elicited a burst of loud belly laughter from Tsunade who just felt refreshed by his words.

"Hah~ That's a good one, really. I'll use it if we get ANBUshed again."

Kai snickered at her words. The term ANBUsh simply rolled of their tongue.


Shout out to John Jones, doug mahan, jersbears, Nikolai Herup, Jose emilio lopez huerta, and Voks17!!

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