Five-Year Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

Chapter 172 - The Past

Chapter 172: The Past

“Mr. and Mrs. Torres have been very strict with Master Franklin since he was young. They were determined to groom him to become the successor of Torres Corporation. That’s why Master Franklin never had the chance to play with these things.”

The two people in the distance did not manage to fly the kite. It was already past 11 o’clock, and the wind was slowly weakening.

But they did not give up. They were still trying to fly the kite by running a distance before the letting the kite fly.

“So Franklin has yet to fly a kite. Looks like I am much luckier than him.”

Mr. Hayes was surprised by how Lauren viewed things from her perspective.

Actually, Lauren was not lucky either. It was just that she was very optimistic about everything.

Mr. Hayes coughed and continued, “As for Master Quinn, he is a little more carefree than Master Franklin. He has been rebellious since he was young and always skipped class to play with his classmates. He has done all sorts of things.”

Lauren nodded. It sounded like what Quinn would do.

“In the past, if Master Quinn failed his exams, he would give me his papers and ask me to pretend to be his parent to sign them.”

Speaking of the past, Mr. Hayes seemed to have traveled back to more than ten years ago. At that time, Franklin and Quinn were still very young. They surrounded him and asked for food all day long.

He did not expect the two of them to grow up so fast in the blink of an eye.

“After that, Master Quinn refused to listen to Mr. Torres’s arrangements to work at Torres Corporation and insisted on working as a model overseas. He even fell out with Mr. Torres. However, Master Quinn managed to break free from his shackles and he was able to do what he liked.”

Lauren figured out what Mr. Hayes didn’t want to say.

Unlike Quinn, Franklin was still struggling in the corporate world, or perhaps he was used to it now.

“Miss Torres, you’ve really changed the two of them a lot since you came. If it were in the past, we wouldn’t have had the chance to come out and play. The Torres family has always been empty, it had only become livelier after you came.”

Lauren stuck out her tongue. Not only had the family become livelier, she had also brought a lot of ghosts.

“What about my parents?”

Lauren felt very uncomfortable when she mentioned them.

So far, she had never had the chance to call them ‘mom’ and ‘dad’.

So many people knew that she had returned to the Torres family, so they must have known about it as well. However, they had never come back to visit her.

Lauren also had a vague idea of their attitude. That was why after such a long time, she had never taken the initiative to mention them in the Torres family.

She had asked this question carefully today.

Mr. Hayes did not struggle to answer. Instead, he thought for a moment and seemed to be considering what to say.

“Mr. Torres and Mrs. Torres have not lived here for a long time. As Mrs. Torres is not in good health, they have moved to a quieter place. Usually, they would only come back during the New Year holidays. Master Franklin will visit them every now and then.”

Mr. Hayes did not say anything more, and Lauren did not continue to ask.

Family ties had always been Lauren’s weakness.

She might have a way to deal with anything else, but…

“Lauren, look! The kite is already flying,” Franklin’s voice came from a distance.

Lauren looked up and saw that the fish was already flying.

As Quinn continued to let go of the string, the kite flew higher and higher.

The kite, which was originally large, became much smaller when it flew into the sky.

“Mr. Hayes, I’m going to fly the kite now.”

Mr. Hayes waved at Lauren. “Hurry up and go. Have fun, Miss Torres.”

“Okay. Ben, you stay here and accompany Mr. Hayes!”

Ben nodded, and Lauren left with a sigh of relief.

The field was huge, and the two brothers had to run two to three hundred meters in order to fly the kite.

Lauren was already out of breath when she ran to them.

Quinn had already set the kite string to a certain length.

He squatted down and carefully handed it over to Lauren.

“Yes, you have to hold this handle with both hands.”

Lauren did as Quinn said.

“Look! The kite is flying so high!”

Lauren pulled the string while Quinn and Franklin watched from the side with smiles on their faces.

Watching from afar, Ben felt that this scene was so beautiful that he took out his phone to take a picture of it.

The sun was shining, the wind was blowing, the grass was green, the tents were brightly colored, and the three siblings were flying a kite with smiles on their faces.

Anyone who saw this scene would be envious.

Flying a kite was a tiring job for Lauren. After playing for a while, she did not want to stand up anymore.

Franklin and Quinn found two stones to weigh down the string of the kite.

“Come on, let’s go back and sit down.”

Lauren went back to the picnic spot and sat down.

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