Five-Year Old Prophet is Pampered by Ten Brothers

Chapter 194 - The Silent Girl

Chapter 194: The Silent Girl

Lauren did not have time to answer System Divine Nine’s question. She was already standing in front of the entire class.

The kindergarten table was a large rectangular table. Six or seven people were sitting around it.

All the children looked up and stared at Lauren.

A little boy in the front row raised his hand. “Miss Bailey, who is she?”

“We have a new friend today and she will be joining our class. She’ll learn and play with everyone.”

When they heard this, all the children looked at Lauren with curiosity in their eyes.

The children in this class were not exactly the same age. It was obvious that some of them were already six or seven years old, while some of them were just like Lauren, only four or five years old.

“Lauren, please introduce yourself to everyone.”

Lauren did not show any signs of stage fright. Instead, she revealed a big, wide smile.

“Hello, everyone. My name is Lauren. I’m four and a half years old this year. I hope that I can get along well with all of you.”

After she spoke, all the children started clapping one after another—except for a little girl.

This little girl was sitting in the corner. She kept her head lowered throughout the whole process, as if everything that happened had nothing to do with her.

‘Well, it really has nothing to do with her,’ Lauren thought.

“Alright, then Lauren will join the fourth group.”

This class was divided into four groups, and there was an empty seat at the table in the fourth group.

The empty seat was next to the silent little girl.

Lauren walked over and sat down.

The first class was music class. The music teacher was a very gentle female teacher with long hair.

During the music class, the children had to stand up and line up in several rows to stand in front of the piano and sing with the teacher.

Due to her height, Lauren could only stand in the front row.

Lauren stood next to the silent girl. She looked to be about four or five years old and was very skinny. She was so skinny that Lauren felt she could be blown away by a gust of wind.

“Come, Let’s learn a song together today. Let’s swing our oars.”

The first class was quite enjoyable. Lauren had never attended such classes and no one taught her music or singing. Therefore, she was very active in class and caught the teacher’s attention.

“Why haven’t I seen you before?”

At this moment, a boy took the initiative to answer, “Miss Lane, she’s a new student in our class. Her name is Lauren.”

Lauren remembered this boy. Miss Bailey had mentioned that this boy was the class monitor and his name was Cian Alston.

Cian was a very responsible class monitor. He even helped Lauren pick up her new book and cup.

“I see. Everyone should learn from Lauren and actively participate in class activities.”

“Got it!”

The children were very obedient and answered loudly. Only the girl next to Lauren remained silent. She did not speak during the entire class and did not sing a single song.

After the music class, there was a handicraft class. Today, they were going to learn how to fold origami cranes.

Lauren had studied English, Spanish and programming, but she had never been exposed to music or origami.

As soon as the class started, the teacher gave everyone two pieces of square paper.

The teacher folded the paper and the students imitated her.

However, Lauren did not seem to have any talent in this area. Her two pieces of square paper had been accidentally torn by her during the process.

Looking at the two broken-armed origami cranes in front of her, Lauren pursed her lips.

She looked at the students on her left. They were still folding the paper seriously.

Then, Lauren looked at the silent little girl on her right and widened her eyes in surprise.

A lifelike origami crane was placed in front of her.

“Wow, you’re amazing. The teacher only taught you once and you already folded it.”

Lauren did not hide her praises at all.

However, the little girl did not react to it. She did not even thank her.

After that, Lauren saw that the little girl only used one of the square papers. The remaining piece was placed under her folded origami crane.

“May I have the piece of paper on your desk? Both of mine are torn.”

That little girl glanced at Lauren.

This was the first time Lauren looked directly at the little girl.

Lauren was surprised for a moment. That little girl’s gaze was not that of a five-year-old child. It was as though she had gone through a lot.

That little girl nodded and pushed the square paper to Lauren.

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