Forbidden Zone of the Human Race

Chapter 499: University of Warfare

Chapter 499: University of Warfare

While the girl sitting next to Xiang Ning hated people who used their connections, Xiang Ning still looked very handsome so she let her guard down a little. If not, she wouldnt have passed him her pamphlet and would just describe the university in general.

Xiang Ning thanked her and read the pamphlet in earnest. It covered some basic information about the university, which was divided into several sections. Cultivation classes were compulsory for students, but they also needed to choose majors and minors. In addition, there were many different kinds of classes too, such as mech piloting, commanding, and spaceship piloting.

All of it was just as Lu Zhenyu had said, to prepare the students for the battle in outer space.

Luckily, Xiang Ning was entering the university as a lecturer so didn't need to take so many classes. Still, he could choose to attend some classes like a regular student. He would think about it and ask the administration later.

The plane landed at roughly 2:40 pm. They were now at Starlight City where the University of Warfare was located. When the Great Disaster had just erupted, the three strongest representatives of humanity had used everything at their disposal to kill a tier seven Beast King. The other beasts soon stopped invading the area and they built a stronghold to stop future attacks from beasts. Thus, Starlight City was established.

Back then, humanity had yet to be able to properly cultivate, so the men had to rely on their wits, cunning, and a lot of weapons to bring down even a tier seven Beast King. Luckily, there werent that many Beast Kings in the beginning of the Great Disaster, so the other beasts didnt attack after they were slain. Still, it was one of the strongest beasts back then.

Starlight City was a city of hope, one that signified their prosperity amongst the stars. And it was located in modern-day Cairo!

Cairo was an extremely important location for humanity. It connected the Eurasian and African continents, making it one of the only pathways for the beasts to move between them. Africa had also been a biodiversity hotspot before the Great Disaster. That was why, when the Great Disaster occurred, almost no humans survived there. There were billions of beasts living there!

But what was even worse was the beasts lurking beneath the waves. Their strength and number were far superior to terrestrial beasts, so much so that the terrestrial beasts avoided all of the coastlines. Currently, the number of beasts in the African continent was reaching critical mass and they needed more land. As such, they instinctively turned to the Eurasian continent.

That was why another name was given to Starlight City: Meat Grinder

The Egyptian line of defense was one of the most important lines of defense for humanity!


After disembarking, Xiang Ning realized that the humidity was fairly high. After the Great Disaster, the native flora on Earth had undergone some changes as wellthey grew larger, stronger, and much more resilient. Egypt, which was once home to a desert wasteland and the pyramids, was now covered in vegetation; thick green vines had even covered the pyramids.

After the plane landed, a bus came and fetched everyone. The driver was a middle-aged African man. It was the first time Xiang Ning had seen an African. There werent a lot of foreigners in China, so the sight of people in all kinds of colors fascinated him as he stared at the street outside. It would take some time to get used to it.

On the bus, there was a senior guiding and explaining what was going to happen to them. He was a tier six, three-star martial artist. If someone like him appeared in Marsh City, he would be treated as a VIP, but he was nothing special here.

The bus was bustling with excitement. Everyone on it was from China, even the senior. Dear students, this is Starlight City. For the next three to five years, youll be living here, a man in his twenties explained to the students. Let me introduce myself. My name is Kong Hui, and Im from China, like all of you. Im currently in my third year and Ill be the one to guide you and talk a little bit about Starlight City.

Xiang Ning stared at the streets outside as Kong Hui was talking. He noted that, while everyones clothes were different, the architectural style was more or less the same.

He had thought that the Egyptian line of defense, the meat grinder, would be a more gruesome and dark place. But it looked peaceful, and the economy looked good, too. Thanks to its location, the development and economy of Starlight City were within the top ten of the world. While it was a dangerous place with unlimited beasts, it was also a rich place with abundant resources. Almost everyone ate the flesh of beasts on a daily basis, thus it was also one of the largest producers of talented and strong individuals in the world. People with power and money flocked to it.

Im sure everyone here is a genius from their region, but please keep your pride in check here and dont challenge the seniors. Within the university, we dont use dollars, but contribution points instead. As long as you have them, youll be able to buy equipment, martial techniques, tutorial sessions with lecturers, and even training chambers where you can double your cultivation speed.

Kong Hui explained many things, many of them not mentioned in the pamphlet.

One last thing: you need to work as a team. While the university isnt really a place where you need to form a gang to survive, everyone here came from different parts of the world. It would be beneficial to befriend them and do some networking....


Soon, their bus arrived at the university.

Your lot is one of the last to arrive, so quickly go and register yourself. Its now 3:15 pm. Ill add everyone here into a group chat by 4:00, so make sure to check your communicator then. Ill leave further instructions in the group chat. Kong Hui left after saying that.

The students followed the directions on the pamphlet to the registration area. The university was indeed very large.

While Xiang Ning was searching for the place, a familiar voice rang out.

Xiang Ning! Over here!

He turned and saw Lu Shiyu not far away. She was wearing a uniform, her tall figure attracting the gazes of many male students.

My brother told me that youd arrive today, so Ive been waiting here. Lu Shiyu smiled as she walked toward him. Xiang Ning was happy to see a familiar face.

When did you arrive?

I arrived four days ago. Today is the last day for registration! Come on, follow me!

Alright then. Xiang Ning happily followed her.

Everyone was confused. They had thought that Lu Shiyu was a senior.

Hello. Im here for registration.

Welcome to the University of Warfare. Please place your hand here, a female lecturer gently said.

The man placed his hand on the device and a dim light flashed as his information appeared on the screen.

Wang Tianhao

Tier five, two-star martial artist

Identification card number: xxxxxxxxx

The lecturer nodded and smiled at him. Please come through here and wear this helmet for a test. Do your best, as your performance will be ranked. The higher your ranking is, the more resources youll obtain.

Doge & Chacha's Thoughts

Ngl this is one of the first novel that actually tied in accurate geographical information into its story.

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