Forced Bride Of The Vampire Lord

Chapter 354 She Had Tricks

the leader of the witch picked up a dagger from the ground that was in the hands of the unconscious witch and held it tightly in her hands until Hazel came closer.

Just as Hazel crouched on the ground, she stabbed the dagger on her abdomen with a wide grin on her face.

“You are going to die with my hands no matter what trick you play!” she said with a wide grin when she saw Hazel narrowing her eyes.

Her expressions didn’t change at all as she held the dagger and then took it out of her skin with her own hands.

The hole that was formed filled with fresh flesh and skin in less than three seconds as if it was never there in the first place.

Her expression did not change. As if she felt no pain, nothing.

“You never learn with your actions do you?” asked Hazel with a look of disappointment as she held the jaw of the witch that opened her mouth and closed it with no words coming out.

“I have already told you that my body has the strongest healing power among witches, yet you are getting so proud of your petty tricks. Did you think I would really die from them?”

She pointed at the ground that was full of unconscious bodies of the witches like the place is a graveyard,

“You should have learnt it with their conditions since i want to keep you alive for more information but you disappointed me.” she said with a grave voice that brought trepidation in the heart of the witch who was sure of her victory.

All the witches have the healing power but it does not give immortality. She had seen many witches dying around her with gunshots and poisonous daggers since the effect of poison was much faster than their healing power but the witch sitting in front of her was different.

She had special powers that made her look no less than an immortal. If she had known about that, she would not have tried to attack her again and again but ran away when she had the chance.

But now it was too late.

“The word dark witches makes me more evil than you are. But i still know i am not the corrupt one even if i am part of devil while you are a fucking witch whose morals have broken in the greed of power. It is you who deserve to be sacrificed, not me.” she said in a cold tone that was full of razor sharp as the witch winced.

But she could not move as Hazel was still holding her jaws. With that she used her bare hands to pierce the skin of the witch and took out her heart that was still beating when she took it out.

The witch stared at her own heart with her eyes wide that soon lost its light and she felt limp on the ground. The heart beat for a second before turning still in her hands.

Hazel continued to stare at the heart as if she was looking at her reflection in it.

She never wanted to go on this path. She only wanted to live a simple life. She thought that she was kind enough to save others and take care of them.

And now look at her. She was sitting between the sea of dead bodies.

Lucian had been the start of it! She had been killing more and more people and somewhere in her heart she knew that she did not feel appalled by it anymore.

She had not killed others because she was a dark witch, but their actions had forced her to walk on the path of darkness and she wondered if there was an end to it?

Would she ever be able to walk back to the path of light? What would happen if she would be so corrupted that she would lose the importance of the lives of others and stop feeling emotions?

The ground was full of dead bodies and a few that were still holding the life with a thin thread that could but cut anytime if they were not helped.

But would she be able to save them? Save those who had tried to sacrifice her for the second time and if they were left alive, she was sure that it would not be the last time.

They would never feel grateful to her but blame her that she was the one who attacked them in the first place.

She choked as she knew that they would very conveniently forget that they were the one to attack her first.

“Why am I even caring?” she muttered as she stood up but no matter how many times she tried to move away from there and return to those who were still looking for her, her feet did not let her.

Her eyes continued to stare at their struggling faces and her ears could hear their inaudible pleading and she closed her eyes.

She covered her ears with her bloodied hands to get herself free from those whispered when she felt a strong pair of arms holding her.

“Are you okay?” there were not one but two voices that belonged to her family. Somewhere, where she was not treated as a dark witch but as a person who needed to be loved equally.

“Anne, can you help them?” she asked despite the fact that she was helping the criminals.

At least, she was saving herself from that greed and corruption by helping them.

But her words brought an instant frown on the face of the man who was rubbing her back. he did not need to be told what had happened here with the number of bodies covering the ground and the markings.

He had seen the marking before too and it had taken the soul out of him when he noticed all of that again.

“Those witches are the one who tried to kill you. They need not be saved!”

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