Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 6: Chapter 82: Shock ~ 22

Book 6: Chapter 82: Shock ~ 22

The vast, deep forest known as the Dark Green Forest is located at the edge of the continent's western border.

The sudden and ferocious explosion finally stopped after causing tremendous damage, knocking down surrounding trees and blowing away several villages scattered around the area.

The wind was blowing, and dry dust was flying. There were no longer the rich natural surroundings of the villages that once existed in the area, which were now densely lined with trees and occasional villages. The space had been gouged out by a tremendously powerful explosion, creating a huge crater.

The radius of the crater is about 15 miles (20 km).

Those with knowledge of the area would imagine that it was a star falling from the sky. But that is not what the explosion was. It was just one man angrily releasing the magic he had inside him.

...... Ah?

Slowly, Satoru's ego, the creator of the crater, comes back to him. The leather straps that bound him are gone, and all he sees is a wilderness.

The fool who had tried to kill him by using Reina and Liz as shields is gone. Nor are any of his supposed associates. On the contrary, there is nothing left of Reine's corpse, the figure of Liz, the house where Reine and Liz used to live, the many trees, the grass, and so on.

All that remains is a crater that looks as if it was hit by a meteorite.

At the center of it all is no one but himself.

Ah ...... aahh ......

The anger that had so dominated him is no longer there. It has been sublimated with the explosion.

Satoru looked around in dismay. Even when he looked around, all he could see was the huge explosion that had spread out all over the area.

He does not remember the moment. All he remembers is that something inside his body was released outward.

I understand.

I understood it.

It seems that I have created this situation.

I, was ......

He looks at his shaking hands. It is definitely my hand, but it feels like it is not my hand. I don't know if it is really my own hand.

My Lord!

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in Satoru's ear. Slowly, he turns back to the owner of the voice.

Leia, I'm ...... I'm ......

The voice was so weak that Leia was startled, but she raised her hand.

A dry sound echoed around him.


Leia slapped Satoru on the cheek. Right before the slap, Leia's expression was distorted, but Satoru was unaware of this fact.

He looks back at the girl who slapped him on the cheek, stunned.

Gghh, ah ......, w-we'll talk later! Hurry up and embrace this girl!

Satoru did as he was told, looked at his feet, shuddered when he realized that it was Liz lying there, and took two steps back. He had no time to think about how lucky she was not to have been involved in the explosion.

W-what are you saying ......!

You want to embrace Liz? What is Leia talking about? There is no way I could do such a stupid thing. How could this be allowed

At the sound of Satoru's trembling voice, Leia gave a small, apologetic look, then turned her gaze sharply to Satoru.

I got her into the shadows just in time, so her life is safe. However, the shadows are a place where no one alive can be, and since I did not have time to control my Life Force Absorption, she was deprived of her life force and weakened. If things go on like this, she will die soon!

Dying? Lyz?

His own cheeks, stretched taut, gradually heat up. It was a strange sensation, as if reality, which had been monochrome until then, entered his consciousness in color. Satoru slowly chewed over each of Leia's words and still shuddered.

But ......!

This is no time to hesitate! Is it right for my Lord to leave this girl who resembles your sister to die!?


A shock hit Satoru as if he had been doused with cold water.

If left unchecked, Liz would die. There is usually no way to stop it. No matter how useful sorcery is, there is no way to restore the life force itself. However, there is only one possibility. That is for Satoru, who possesses an abnormal soul, to release his sperm into the girl.

Leia narrowed her eyes at Satoru, who was still stunned, and muttered a small, mocking remark.

If you want to let her die, that's a different story.

Like hell I can do this!! I don't care how much you know, I'm going to lose my shit!?(?)

Satoru was so ruthless in his response that he grabbed the girl in front of him by the chest and lifted her up. Leia's small body floated in the air and her neck was strangled. Normally, Satoru would have known that she was daring to say something hateful in order to rouse him, but he has no time for that now. While being strangled by the cloak, Leia still looked straight back at the Lord.

Gghh, t-then wake up! Even as we speak, this girl's soul continues to decay!!

The blood drained from Satoru. Leia's eyes were serious. There is no teasing component in them at all. If this continues, Liz will diethe shock hit Satoru.

He grabbed her by the chest, and her floating feet slowly touched the ground. Satoru's eyes were blank and his hands were shaking finely.

Leia was probably right Satoru could see the logic in that. If he wanted to help her, he could release his own semen into the girl, which would have the effect of restoring her life force. However, understanding and acceptance are two different things. If my younger sister had grown up, this is what she would have looked like. Is it acceptable?

And moreover, it was not just anyone, but myself who put her in this situation. Because of me, the girl's mother is dead, even though she was killed. Is it okay to pile on more unforgivable sins on top of the many sins I have committed?

It is not okay. There is no way I can be forgiven. But, I don't know.

Damn ...... Daaamn it!!

An irrepressible sense of guilt and helplessness overtook Satoru. He scratched his head so hard it bled.

Leia had never seen Satoru so self-destructive before. But she was extremely calm. She loosens Satoru's pants and quickly releases his penis. Of course, there was no way he had an erection.

Get on your knees and close your eyes. If you must see it, it will wither, won't it? I'll give you an erection, and I'll even guide you!

Leia's concern struck Satoru. Of course, Leia has a bit of responsibility. It was her mistake to pull Liz into the shadows without controlling the Life Force Absorption, but Leia cannot be blamed for this. It was such a sudden explosion. He should be thankful that Liz is in good health.

I-I'm counting on you

I can't help it, my heart is not here. Satoru did as he was told, closed his eyes and got on his knees in place. Leia's cold fingers touch Satoru's flesh.

Let your heart be empty. What my Lord will embraced from now on is me

Leia' voice, whispered into his ear, lacked the usual heat. Still, Satoru keeps his eyes closed.

Sanity...... Calm your mind.

Satoru's mind, which had been so agitated, calms down a little, thanks to Leia's art. Something warm touched his own glans, which was not erect. He calmed down enough to at least know what the feeling was. It's Leia's tongue.

Concentrate only on the sensation of the *kiss*...... my tongue.

Leia's tongue crawls around the glans that has been sucked into her mouth. He let himself be carried away by the movement of her tongue, which was less intense than usual, but certainly sensual. He could feel his penis twitching outside of his awareness. Before Satoru's tip, painstakingly coated with spit and reflexively enlarged by small tongue movements, could poke the back of Leia's throat, Leia withdrew her own mouth with a plop.

Nnahh, nnmhhhaa......v-very well. Now, my Lord, keep your hips in place.

Something was being moved around in front of him with his eyes closed. Perhaps she is preparing Liz's body by making her hold a linen cloth with a Life Force Absorptioncountermeasure attached to it, which Leia had in her possession.

Embracing, Liz...?

Suddenly a feeling of fear ran through Satoru. Hesitation grew stronger.

A girl who resembles his little sister. It is definitely him who clouds that smile and makes her cry. Moreover, even though the situation is unavoidable, what he does is a total rape.

B-but ......

Eeyy! You've got to get a grip! Does my Lord have no regrets for letting not only Reine, but also Liz dying!?

Leia rebukes Satoru's weak resistance.

Satoru's mind replayed the last Last Word of Reine. Hadn't she used all her strength to entrust her daughter to him?

Damn ...... damn it!

With his eyes closed, Satoru moved his hips forward. Leia's fingers guided him, and the glans felt the flesh that was not even wet. The place where it touches the glans is so small and not even wet that there is obvious resistance.


Satoru gritted his teeth. A pain at the edge of his lip and a trickle of blood.

The place where the glans was now touching was supposed to be a warm organ hidden by the skin. Yet, there is no heat in the feeling of Satoru's glans. It was almost cold. This is the best proof that Liz' vitality is weakening. Satoru couldn't afford to hesitateso Satoru sent his hips into her mindlessly. His own flesh tore through the narrow flesh and invaded. Satoru hesitated once more, as expected, when he was hit by it softly.

Breathing through his nose several times, he bit down on the pain. A taste similar to iron spread in his mouth and Satoru finally sent his hips into it. At the same time, he felt as if he heard a buzz sound.

Satoru! Satoru!?

Satoru looked up as if he had been jolted by a third party's voice that jumped into his ears. The voice coming from the sheath of the knife that was hooked to the pants he had taken off belonged to Rico.

Rico!? You're safe!

I managed to ......, but Minerva and Solor is...!

There is an urgent in Rico's voice coming from the sheath. She must be intensely panic. Satoru was also panic and lost. Leia grabs Satoru's shoulder. She must have grabbed him with her fingernails, and there was a small, sharp pain.

I'm going over there! My Lord, do your best and cum inside this girl! Search...... Transfer

Before Satoru could answer, Leia executed two arts in rapid succession and then disappeared from here.

Satoru opened his eyes when he looked up at the sound of Rico's voice, and fearfully looked down at the girl who is sitting right underneatth him.

Lying there with a completely pale face is Liz. He is sticking his own thing into her tiny vagina. He could feel the blood from the deflowering slowly trickling down his own flesh.

Despair further assailed Satoru's heart. Inside Liz' vagina was unbelievably cold. He rushed to grab her shoulders just a little, but he knew she was breathing.

Tears streamed down Satoru's cheeks.

Why did this happen, ...... whyyyyyyy!

He have to hurry. Even if Satoru can only feel it, the light of Liz's life is already quite small. He just grubbily shakes his hips. There is no room to feel pleasure there. It's just a process to ejaculate.

He just slams his hips against the girl, screaming over and over again.

How did this happen, how did this happen...!

It's all my fault. It is my fault. Because of me, the girl in front of me lost her mother and lost her virginity in a rape-like. A red gusher is spraying out from the joint.

Blood from a broken hymen.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry Liz ...... Alice ...... I am.., I am.....!!

The girl who is laying on top doesn't even move an inch.

There was no pleasure, no nothing, just a pulsing of his fleshy penis in response to the sudden movement. He cried and sobbed, believing in the girl's life, prayed, and spewed out his sperm with all his might.

He thought he heard Liz's pulsation.

Satoru does not know if she was saved or not. If he believed the pulsation he felt, she would have survivedbut even if she did, the guilt of having done something he should not have done tortured Satoru, and he could not look at Liz.

It was so frustrating, so frustrating, so frustrating. Sobs leaked out and echoed.


A roar echoed through the sky.

At the same time, there is a pon sound, as if the air has exploded. Satoru reflexively turned his head to look at Leia. Next, the naked bodies of Solor, Rico, and Minerva, their clothes were torn to shreds, jumped into view. Solor and Minerva appeared to be unconscious, and Minerva's body showed red scars here and there that looked like scratches.

Thank made it in time, it seems ......

Breathing a sigh of relief, Leia slumped to the side. Rico hurriedly supports her.


......I just used up almost all of my magic power. ......After all, using the Group Transfer of this many people was just barely enough, even with all the magic stones used.

Leia smiles thinly and stoutly at the brown-skinned girl who supported her.

........I just can't move for about half an hour or so. Nothing to worry about.

Nodding, Rico gently laid Leia's body there. She then slowly turns her gaze to Satoru.

Satoru had lost himself. After turning his gaze toward them, he looked down at the girl who had just spewed his own semen into it with a face full of fear, and then dropped to his knees and pulled out his penis and stunned.


The color in Satoru's eyes is one of intense turmoil.

Rico can see that he may have saved the Liz's life, whose life was in danger, by spewing his semen inside her. Blood was spewed from her crotch, mixed with thick semen in other words, she know that she was a virgin. From the way Leia was talking, Liz must have made it just in time. There's redness on her cheeks.

However, Satoru's heart is almost broken by the act of raping and saving the life of a girl who resembled his sister, a girl he loves so much.


There was a fierce voice. Satoru shuddered and looked at his hands. However, his gaze is not on the palm of his hand. Is he looking at the sin beyond them?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Rico ...... I ......

To the lost Satoru, Rico daringly stepped forward and raised her hand in a wide gesture.

Get a grip on yourself!

A dry sound echoes.

Ighhh ...... aaargghhhhhhh!

Rico, who was about to slap Satoru's cheek, her hand was shaken off, suddenly flailed about, holding her own shoulder. The magical slave, bound by the art of Slavery, was in intense pain from the moment she tried to raise her hand to her Lord. This is the reason why Leia's face was distorted when she's slapped Satoru's cheek. Leia endured a small jolt with her mental strength, but Rico is a mere human being, albeit with a little extra soul. The pain that runs through her is not unusual.


The heat that ran in Rico's taut cheeks, though very shaken, brought Satoru back to consciousness. He rushed to Rico. Rico shook off Satoru's hands trying to help her up, and the she grabbed Satoru by the chest and glared at him.

Minerva and Solor protected me, so I only got a scratch. ......! Solor is using up all her magic. Minerva had one wing blown off and her whole body shredded.

Rico's voice, filled with anger, frightened Satoru anew. He realized that the three of them had also almost lost their lives in the explosion that he had probably unleashed.

Leia flew in and performed a Regenerative Healing on them. It seems they're not going to die, but. ......!

As Rico was about to raise her voice further, a weak voice rang in her ears.

Danna, samaa......


In a panic, Rico and Satoru rushed to Minerva. Minerva opened her eyes slightly and looked here and there before checking Satoru's face and smiling.

Aha...... thank goodness you are safe, ......Danna-sama.....

Minerva breathed a big sigh of relief. She honestly don't care. She was most happy and relieved that her beloved Lord was safe. Minerva tried to squeeze back the hand of the Lord who had taken her own hand, but found that she could not put any strength into it. Now Satoru was holding Minerva's right hand. It is the place that serves as her right wing when she is a flying dragon. Minerva feels as if it is not a part of her body at all, having just been healed by Leia's Regenerative Healing

I'm sorry ...... Minerva, don't have any strength at all ......

I-It's okay. Get some rest, okay?

Okay. ...... When Minerva get her strength back, have lots of sex with Minerva, okay

Satoru nodded again and again to Minerva, who said this with a smile nonetheless, even though it must be painful.

Yeah, yeahh! Yeah, it's promise!

Un ....... It's a promise, all right

Smiling, Minerva took a breath and closed her eyes.

Hey, I'm going to sleep. ...... Rico?


Rico, who had been watching Minerva with Satoru, asks back. Her voice is tearful. She pats Minerva's belly, where the scar is still thin. When she regained consciousness, Minerva had scorched much of her skin. Rico was happy and frustrated to realize that she had used her large flying dragon body to protect her and Solor, and she also felt Minerva's love for her.

Take care, Danna-sama, okay ......

Haaa, Rico sighed heavily. Minerva's kindness in asking her to take care of Satoru, even though she was in such a shredded state and would probably have died without the Regenerative Healing, was painful. Rico was so ashamed of herself when she thought about how she had been so jealous of this girl of the flying dragon, who had been so straightforward with her.

Wiping away her tears roughly, Rico sniffed and gently stroked Minerva's skin, and said firmly,

I know. I know. So, why don't you take the rest now? Right?

Okay. ......

Perhaps relieved by Rico's firm voice, Minerva is tsuu caught her breath and fell asleep. Minerva trusts Rico with all her heart. It is my duty to live up to that trust, Rico reminded herself. She glanced at Satoru, who was standing beside her.

Satoru! Satoru still has some work to do!


Minerva's recovery is one thing, but the immediate priority is to fill Solor with magic power. If we leave it like this, Solor will never be able to move again!

Satoru just looks lost even in Rico's fierce voice.


Stop complaining! Where is the arrogant, yet kind Satoru!? I don't want to lose Solor, who protected me and Minerva until the last minute with all her magical power!!

Leia, who was lying on her side, weakly reached out her hand to Rico, who was choking Satoru with a fierce, emotion-driven voice.

R=Rico. D-don't be too hard on my Lord. ......

Leia!? But, because ......

I-it doesn't mean that Solor will be managed in a day or so. ......

More importantly, Leia had something to fear. Solor's resurrection was certainly important, but it was more than that.

No, if that's what you mean, I'll get right on. ......

Satoru's viewpoint tilted sharply at an angle as he tried to stand up.

Ah ......

His vision darkens. The last sounds he heards were the sound of what seemed to be him falling and two women's voices.


My Lord!?

Raindrops fell on the crater. Water bloomed on the dry soil. The rain, which fell without knowing who had shed the tears, was gradually becoming more intense.

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