Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 117: Tang Xiao And Plagueis

Chapter 117: Tang Xiao And Plagueis

Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and a new year was opened in the Galaxy, 34BBY, this is also the eighth month since Tang Xiao and the Mothership came to this world.

Everywhere in the Galaxy is celebrating the arrival of a new standard year, but most people don't know that such a peaceful time is becoming less and less.

The pace of war is approaching step by step.

Moreover, some people are destined to never see the sunrise of the New Year again.

Tang Xiao flicked the alloy long sword in his hand, beads of blood spilled from the sword and fell on a corpse on the ground. He turned his head and looked at the already lifeless buildings, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You did a great job Tang Xiao, you killed 13 people this time, cleanly and neatly." Darth Plagueis' voice came from behind, and he looked very satisfied.

At this moment, Darth Plagueis was wearing a black cloak that completely covered his body, standing outside the building and silently watching the killing.

Although he didn't go in, he was able to accurately tell the number of Tang Xiao's murders.

Tang Xiao put the long sword back into the scabbard, put the pistol back into the holster, and raised the hood of the cloak to cover his face as well. At the same time, he still used the power of the original force to cover his face, so that even if others saw his face, they would not leave any impression in their minds.

No matter how they recalled, they couldn't recall what Tang Xiao looked like.

During these three months, Darth Plagueis began to teach Tang Xiao some basic skills in using The Force. But it's not just a hand-in-hand trick, but throwing him out directly, one word, kill.

Plagueis not only allowed Tang Xiao to hone his skills in killing but also made him lose himself in the killing, thus completely falling into the dark side.

Although Tang Xiao is not yet qualified to obtain his own lightsaber, Darth Plagueis' training for him has also begun to lean towards close combat. From the beginning fighting with an assault rifle, he was only allowed to use a long sword and a pistol later.

Tang Xiao's physical fitness training has not fallen behind, and the T-850 which looks like Schwarzenegger has been supervising his training. In addition to the basic fitness to lose fat and increase muscle, a large number of fighting classes were added afterwards, mainly to improve the flexibility of the body.

In addition, among the methods of using The Force, there are also ways to enhance physical fitness, which also makes Tang Xiao's current physical fitness far surpass that of ordinary people.

Just like just now, he entered the stronghold of the terrorist organization in Bando Gosa by himself and then killed everyone insidewell, it is absolutely impossible to rush in head-on.

"Find anything?" Plagueis asked sullenly.

Tang Xiao took out a storage device that was disassembled from the mainframe, "I found this, and they are planning to destroy this storage device. I will take it back and give it to my technical team to crack."

"As soon as possible." Plagueis dropped this sentence, turned and left.

Tang Xiao weighed the storage device in his hands. In the past month, Plagueis had him destroy several strongholds in Bando Gosa. He also seemed to feel that someone was trying to deal with him, but he still had no clue. He could only start with the only clueBando Gosar, who belonged to Samir Sahad, who Tang Xiao captured for him last time.

In fact, from the perspective of Tang Xiao, who already knew the answer, he could easily understand why Gardulla and Garyn wanted to kill Hego Damask II. But from Hego's point of view, he couldn't think of Gardulla's courage to deal with him anyway, and he couldn't think of why she would participate in it.

It was precisely because he misjudged the determination of the temporary alliance between Gardulla, Black Sun, and Planet Naboo that Hego was almost assassinated in the plot - Jabba's intelligence saved him at that time.

But now, Tang Xiao was going to take the credit for himself.

"I will have some important research projects in the future. Keep an eye on the Bando Gosa line for me. If you find anything, please notify me as soon as possible." Plagueis said coldly.

"Yes, I have already begun to have some clues, and I believe that I will soon find out what Bando Gosa wants to do." Tang Xiao lowered his head and said.

"Your use of the Force is still too rough. You must remember this: The Force can not only lift big rocks to hit people but also accurately use a steel needle to pierce a picture on the human body."

"Yes, my lord."

"Okay, you go back. I won an order for you. The defense force of Planet Muunilinst wants you to order 10 Wraith Fighters, and the price is 300,000 credits each."

"Yes, I will arrange the production immediately."

"Okay, I left a training plan, you have to follow it. And..." Plagueis's voice became cold, "You'd better go out more. Hehehehe..."

Tang Xiao bowed his head and said nothing, he knew Darth Plagueis meant to let him go out and kill more people.

After getting in touch with him more, Tang Xiao also discovered that Darth Plagueis is actually a rather homely guy. All his energies were devoted to the research of 'Midi-chlorian', which is also known as the Midi-chlorians. His theory believed that this is the key factor that exists in the human body and produces The Force.

If it wasn't for the feeling that someone was going to deal with him, and if he had met a talented person like himself, Tang Xiao guessed that Plagueis wouldn't want to go out and wander around at all.

But Plagueis is a man who thinks highly of himself and is arrogant. He entrusts his formal apprentice Darth Sidious with the work of subverting the Galactic Republic, but he fantasizes that after Sidious succeeds, he can ascend to the sky and become the master of the Galaxy in one step.

And the education of Tang Xiao is also the same, except that occasionally he figured it out and took Tang Xiao to destroy a few strongholdsor those of Bando-Gosa, or the enemies of the Damask Holding Group. Other times it's all kinds of homework, and I hardly care about him.

From this point of view, this guy is quite cute, even a little naive.

It's not because Darth Plagueis' IQ is not high. In fact, if he really wants to be serious, he often makes a shocking chess game with a wave of his hand. After all, the plan to subvert the Galactic Republic was originally planned by him and was later handed over to Darth Sidious.

The reason why Plagueis was like this at the end of his life is actually because he was cheated by his master.

Darth Plagueis naturally had a master, and out of the traditional skills of the Sith Lord, he also killed his master himself.

But the problem is that his master was still left behind before he died. He originally planned to resurrect Plagueis through the power of the Midlander but failed. However, the failure was a failure, and some very complicated changes occurred by accident, which made Darth Plagueis completely lose the ability to predict danger.

Worst of all, Darth Plagueis had no idea of this.

So he believed in his own feeling very much, he always thought that he was safe, and over time, he also lost his due vigilance.

This became the only weakness of Darth Plagueis and the cause of his death.

And all of these have become advantages that Tang Xiao can use. Plagueis felt no danger from him, so he naturally trusted Tang Xiao more and more, almost to the point of shocking him.

Tang Xiao, on the other hand, was approaching his little plan step by step.

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