Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 56: Iron Teeth Strike (1)

Chapter 56: Iron Teeth Strike (1)

Kushen Mothership, 41370 meters high.

Even the giant ship couldn't get too close to a planet, or its massive mass would trigger violent tidal reactionsearthquakes, tsunamis, and the like.

Under the shining of the stars, the crescent-shaped body of the mothership shone with dazzling rays of light, full of beauty. No matter who built this huge ship, it can be said that it is a miracle that can build more than 370 billion tons of materials into such a regular and beautiful shape.

"...Boss...Are we really going to attack this giant ship?" The first officer swallowed, and even his body trembled a little.

"This's too big...we can't shake it at all!" The navigator also opened his mouth wide and could hardly close it.

Kuken slapped the navigator on the head and shouted angrily: "Is your head filled with bantha shit? This is a civilian ship! You can tell from the shape, it is barely armed at all! Let's kill them directly The Fighters, and then bombard them a few times and they have to be cowardly! Now attack directly!"

"Okay!" The operator responded loudly, and then directly pressed the button. The Hammerhead-class cruiser was caught in the torpedo launcher that was installed later, and two proton torpedoes were immediately ignited and fired towards the mothership.

"Who told you to launch the torpedo!? Do you know it's all money?" Kuken roared again, "Rush straight over now and attack with the main gun!"

The Hammerhead-class cruiser began to accelerate and flew straight towards the mothership. In front of the cruiser, two light spots were also gradually accelerating. These were the proton torpedoes launched before. Facing the huge body of the mothership, the fire control radar can easily lock it.

The two proton torpedoes were getting faster and faster, and finally hit the mothership directly! Two groups of destructive light blue proton clouds exploded tens of meters away from the mothership, stirring up energy ripples, this attack was completely blocked by the energy shield.

This attack seemed to wake up this behemoth, only to see the mothership began to turn, the engine nozzles lit up bright blue light, and the huge thrust pushed the mothership out of the synchronous orbit of the Dawn star, and flew towards the Hammerhead-class cruiser head-on.

"Boss! He's here!" The first officer also panicked.

"What are you afraid of!? It's just right for them to come! Open fire immediately after entering the engagement distance!" Kuken roared.

The mothership and the Iron Fang kept approaching, and neither side took off Fighters. The mothership fired directly after adjusting its position. The five mass projectors installed in the center of the hull accelerated the heavy warhead to a speed of more than 50,000 meters per second. ! And unlike the atmospheric species, this speed will always be maintained in a vacuum environment, no matter how far it is, it will keep flying until it hits something.

However, the mothership's several bombardments failed to hit the target. Even if it wanted to fly at the speed of these warheads at a distance of thousands of kilometers, it would take more than ten minutes. This time was enough for the cruiser to evade.

"Hahahaha! You still dare to resist! Are you tired of working?" On the contrary, the counterattack of the mothership made Kuken even more excited. He also understood that the firepower of the mothership could not threaten his side at all, "Prepare to evade! This ship The big ship's weapons are all in the front, as long as it avoids the front, it can't hit us!"

When Kuken gave an order, the first officer immediately calculated the trajectory on the computer, and shouted at the operator: "Calculate the trajectory of the opponent's attack, left rudder 15!!"

"Yes! Left rudder 15!"

The cruiser Iron Fang immediately began to turn, taking advantage of its speed and agility to circle around to avoid the attack of the mothership. In front of the huge size of the Kushen mothership, even the clumsy Hammerhead-class cruiser is nimble like an elf.

This evasive action seems to have worked. The mothership's acceleration is very slow, and its turning speed is even slower. It can't keep up with the actions of the cruiser Iron Fang, even if the Iron Fang itself is not good at maneuverability.

But the mothership seemed to be on the fence with the Iron Fang, and was still moving forward and turning, so the speed could not be increased, and it followed the Iron Fang like a headless chicken. An elephant and a mouse playing hide-and-seek is probably like this.

Kuken laughed loudly when he saw this, "Hahahaha!! See it! This is a useless civilian ship! They still want to hit us! Hahahaha!!"

The other pirates around also laughed. The performance of the mothership seemed to them the last struggle. It seemed that the mothership had a huge size but no matching defense power was a certainty! So since this is the case, I really have the opportunity to take this mothership as my own!!

The distance between the two sides is getting closer, and the mothership has been doing nothing except turning around. When the distance from the mothership was 5,000 kilometers, Kuken spittled and roared loudly: "All turrets! Fire!!"

At the same time, the main guns in front of the Hammerhead-class cruisertwo medium-sized turbolaser cannons fired instantly, and two bright laser beams shot at the mothership. The 4 secondary guns installed on the ship, and the small dual-mounted turbolaser turrets also began to fire continuously, and a large number of plasma laser beams containing explosive gas were fired continuously.

The movement of the mothership did not stop at all, and the attacks of these laser beams were all blocked by the shield and did not harm the mothership itself.

"Hahahaha!! Keep calling!! Open the public channel for me!!" Kuken laughed and ordered.

After connecting to the public channel, he shouted angrily: "Listen to the big ship in front!! Your uncle is called Tie Ya-Kuken!! This place is my territory!! Now you are breaking into my territory Are you tired of building a colony!! If you are sensible, immediately lower your shield and surrender, and then pay taxes to me! Otherwise, when I knock down your shield, your ship will be destroyed!!"

However, no matter how much Iron Fang-Kuken yelled, there was no movement on the side of the mothership, and it was still persistently circling around.

Kuken felt that he was being despised, he had never been treated so coldly before! He slammed the table and shouted: "All Fighters take off! Increase the power of the main guns to the maximum and launch proton torpedoes!! Hit me!!!"

"Boss... didn't you just say that proton torpedoes are money..."

"Shut up!! As long as we occupy this big ship, we have everything we need!! Open fire! Launch all the proton torpedoes!!" Kuken roared.

The iron tooth cruiser was fully fired, all the turbolaser guns were fired at their maximum power, and more than a dozen proton torpedoes were continuously fired and exploded on the shield of the mothership.

The hangar door of the Cruiser opened, and 12 Orek Fighters were ready. One by one, they took off from the hangar platform and rushed towards them like wasps!

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