Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 60: Iron Teeth Strike (5)

Chapter 60: Iron Teeth Strike (5)

But now, and because of the terrible weight of the Kushen mothership of more than 370 billion tons, the gravitational force generated by this mass alone is enough to make the hyperspace jump fail!

Kuken's eyes were full of despair, "They rushed over and accompanied us in circles at the beginning, they didn't want to attack us...but they wanted to use their own gravity to make us unable to jump into hyperspace? They started from the beginning Just plan it? No... Impossible!"

He yelled crazily, "I got that bastard Kunto under control right away, without leaking any news! How did they know we were coming?!"

" it...that strange message we received earlier?" the first mate whispered.

Kuken suddenly remembered that before they set off, their cruiser received a string of strange messages. This message seemed like someone was constantly tapping on the microphone. They thought about it for a long time, compared all the known password tables and didn't know what it was, so they had to treat it as noise and ignore it.

But thinking about it now, the only possibility is the information leaked by this piece of noise!

"No!!!!" Kuken yelled angrily, "You guys want to plot against me! It's not that easy!! Even if I'm going to die, I want you to back me up!!"

He turned his head sharply, and shouted at the communications soldier: "Send me the information here to Black Sun! Send it to Viggo-Kash-Garuran{Note 1}! I want them dead! I want them to die with me!!!"

The communication soldier pressed a few buttons, but there was no response. He said with a sad face, "No way! The electronic interference is too strong! The communication cannot be launched..."

"Trash!" Kuken raised his hand and shot the communicator's head, and shouted, "Come up with someone else! Send me the signal!"

However, there was no one talking around. Kuken looked around and found that everyone was staring at him. He didn't dare to look up at him or speak. The anger in his heart was even stronger, "Are they all trash? Give it to me." People!! Just send the message, and I will give him 10,000 upis!!"

"You! Can you?" Kuken yelled at a pirate with a gun, and the pirate shook his head desperately, shrinking himself into a ball.

"You! Can you do it?" Kuken looked at another person, but that person didn't dare to sit on the bloody seat on the communication platform.

"Boss...let's...surrender..." the first mate whispered.

"Surrender?" Kuken had never thought about this option before, "This thing is our prey! Do you want me to surrender to my prey?! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhssdsmdrrr!"

He became more and more angry and directly put the pistol on the first mate's head.

But the first officer also went all out, raised his hands and lowered his head and shouted: "But at least you can survive if you surrender! Boss!!"

"Trash! It's all trash!" Kuken kicked the first mate to the ground, pointed out the porthole and said, "Didn't you see it? There are small boats and planes on the opposite side! We have a chance to escape!! Now just Advance at the maximum speed, even if the spaceship is damaged, you can increase the distance!"

The other pirates woke up like a dream and hurried back to their posts.

All I saw was that the engines of the Iron Fang cruiser began to accelerate, no longer entangled with the mothership and those Fighters, and just desperately flew towards the outskirts of the Endor galaxy.

Kuken caught another pirate and put him in the position of the communication soldier, pointed his pistol at his head and roared, "Call me non-stop! Until the information here is sent to Lord Garuran!!"

Then he turned back to the first officer and said, "Those Fighters are no threat now! Do we still have two close-in defense guns that we can use? Send heavy troops to guard these two close-in defense guns, and don't let anyone get close! Except for the bow main gun In addition, all the turrets are aimed at the three frigates, giving priority to attacking the one with the belly!"

The Iron Fang cruiser immediately began to turn, and the fixed-direction main guns on the bow were useless, but the other four twin-mounted turbolaser turrets could adjust their angles, pouring all their firepower on those Hammer-class frigates!

The cruiser's firepower is very fierce, and now after abandoning the mothership and aiming its firepower at other spaceships, it really begins to show its formidable power.

Under continuous shooting, the Hammer-class frigate equipped with two turbolaser turrets was destroyed first, and its heavy armor could not withstand a few turbolasers. disintegrated.

Tang Xiao drove the blade fighter and opened fire on the Iron Fang frantically, but the blade fighter was originally an assembled product, and basically, everything except the shell was replaced.

The infrared laser cannon installed on the fighter can be used to deal with other fighters, but the attack on this 315-meter-long large battleship is not even a tickle.

And now the opponent has also learned to be smart, they stopped firing at the mothership and aimed all their firepower at the only three Hammer-class frigates that could pose a threat.

"No! It's still close! Qi Jian! How strong is the shield strength of the opponent's cruiser?" Tang Xiao asked loudly during the communication.

"According to the mastermind's scan, the strength of the opponent's shield should be less than 10%!" Qi Jian said in the communication, "But even if their shield is destroyed, this cruiser is still not so easy to be sunk, let alone the village They're still on that ship."

"How many Gemini missiles do we have in stock?"

"There are still 30 more, and the production line of the mothership is currently in full production. But after all, we have just analyzed the technology of the Gemini missile, and the production capacity and inventory are insufficient."

"Let the Marines get ready. Once the shield is destroyed, immediately take an Aureo-class cargo ship to break into the opponent's hangar and carry out landing operations!" Tang Xiao issued an order, "Also, let a T-850 fly a fighter. Install a trigger-type nuclear bomb on it! If the Aureo-class cargo ship cannot get close, use a nuclear bomb to bomb it first!"

"But the opponent's firepower is still fierce, and the Fighters probably have no chance to hit it..." Qi Jian shook his head and replied, "If the opponent's turret cannot be paralyzed, the Aureo-class cargo ship will probably commit suicide if it wants to forcibly land..."

"Execute the order! In short, this cruiser must not be allowed to leave! This is our territory, there is no reason to just say it and leave!" Tang Xiao said firmly, "The first squadron returns! The rest of the Gemini missiles are all installed! Today, I swear to make them come and go!"

"Wait a minute! Hyperspace fluctuations have been detected! Spaceships are approaching with hyperspace jumps!!" Suddenly the radar soldier next to him yelled loudly.


{Note 1}: Vigo is the title of the leading member of the 'Black Sun'. There are a total of 9 Vigos in the 'Black Sun'. They all have their own territories and military strength, and their status in the Black Sun is second only to the Supreme Leader.

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