Fourth Scourge of Star Wars

Chapter 936: Replenishing The Aura Of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures u0026 Repairing The Dantian!

Chapter 936: Replenishing The Aura Of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures u0026 Repairing The Dantian!

A gigantic vortex of energy was centered on Ling Tian, while his body looked like a bottomless black hole, absorbing all the chi spirit of the world without exploding! 

In the center of this gigantic funnel, Ling Tian lay quietly sitting cross-legged, letting every trace of spiritual energy be absorbed into The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures.

The aura of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures was rapidly replenishing, regaining its power and reaching the nascent soul level after 6 months!

The world was rapidly being destroyed, so there was a shortage of chi spirit. It was normal after such a long time to barely reach a strength comparable to the nascent soul realm.

But Ling Tian did not worry and continued cultivating. If it was another world that was not dying, Ling Tian could not do this because it would completely damage the foundations of the world, as he would be collecting every last drop of chi spirit and would dry up the area completely, damaging the place and turning it into a wasted area. But in this small world, Ling Tian could do this right now since the world is dying, and he could absorb all the spiritual aura that would ultimately be lost in the void.

The gigantic funnel had reached a point where it covered the sky and the earth, stretching hundreds and thousands of miles in all directions. It had even replaced the chaotic tornado in time, completely absorbing all traces of energy in its path and being swallowed up by Ling Tian's body.

After a little over 6 months, gathering all the spiritual aura in the world, the range of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures had expanded astonishingly, causing the giant funnel to cover almost half of the entire world!

All while sucking spiritual energy into The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures!

The balance of the world had long since been lost, laws and principles completely collapsed and an aura of death had begun to cover the entire world, preparing for the arrival of its demise.

Another 6 months passed and The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures' range never stopped, causing the world's energy absorption funnel to cover almost the entire world, over 3 quarters of the world!

At a certain moment, Ling Tian suddenly opened his eyes and a sword appeared in his hand, he waved his arm and slashed towards the inside of the ground where he had been sitting for almost more than a year without moving.

* Boom! *

A terrifying aura burst from the depths of the world, transmitting shockwaves that swept everything in its path.

Mountains, parcels of land and rivers collapsed, quickly being destroyed and bursting into pieces. Chaos spread across the world in short order, beginning to shake fiercely as the surface of the world began to change, steadily destroying itself. Even the sky seemed to fall apart everywhere, as the ground sank and disappeared into the abyss.

Several significant wounds appeared on Ling Tian's body as he was covered by these bursts of chaotic energies, which were quickly healed.

Ling Tian did not hesitate and descended into the ground, cutting through the ground with a bit of care as he headed towards the core of the world. The terrifying aura came from there.

After descending for thousands of miles in a while, Ling Tian stopped when he could descend no further.

A terrifying pressure was rapidly arising, at the same time his instinct alarmed him not to descend any further.

"I think this should be enough!" Ling Tian gritted his teeth as he resisted the terrifying pressure from the depths of the world.

His clothes had been torn to shreds completely while his body was being wounded over and over again, constantly healing. The twin trees in his heart began to help by healing some deep and serious wounds that were quickly appearing.

The Construction Technique of the Everlasting Ultimate Body was executed, allowing the coercion on Ling Tian to decrease by several levels, boosting his body to resist and try to take refinement one step further, even trying to form the ninth chi circulation inside him.

Having experience in being able to split his concentration on two things at once, Ling Tian let his instinct take over the execution of The Construction Technique of the Everlasting Ultimate Body subconsciously, while he concentrated mainly on his dantian.

The dantian, which had been repaired by a little more than half, was still full of cracks on its surface. The breath of the Primordial Chaos Force covered it completely, hiding inside and preventing its repair. Not even the aura of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures along with the energy of the Legendary Purple Chi could completely counteract this trace of the Primordial Chaos Force.

"I hope it works!" Ling Tian concentrated and began to direct all the energies towards his dantian instead of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures.

Despite having moved locations, The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures was still absorbing energy nonstop, drawing all the energy from the surface to the depths. It was not only the simple spiritual energy, but also brought the destructive forces and all kinds of energies from the world.

* Bang! *

The inside of his body became chaotic in an instant, with bones, muscles and tendons shattering into pieces once the energy collided with the breath of the Primordial Chaos Force as it surged from inside the dantian and confronted it. Even his organs suffered severe injuries.

Meridians collapsed, veins and arteries burst and lost their indicated paths throughout the human body.

But Ling Tian gritted his teeth, enduring the pain while trying to protect his organs and heart. Lines of blood gushed from the corners of his mouth as the inside of his body was destroyed.

"It really is a force of its own from the heavens? How I feel like this wants to completely destroy my body?!"

Ling Tian roared, feeling the horrendous ravages inside him, specifically around his dantian. Endless pain covered his entire body.

The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures' own energy along with the terrifying outer aura of the world that contained all kinds of energies, as well as the energy of the Legendary Purple Chi were clashing with the Primordial Chaos Force, destroying his body in every moment. 

All traces of the Primordial Chaos Force hidden in his body, as well as those enveloping his meridians and some organs, surged towards his dantian, gathering and becoming stronger, becoming one energy to face The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures force leading the charge.

Both sides clashed their energies completely, wreaking constant havoc on Ling Tian's body. Even with the help of the twin spiritual trees it was not enough to heal the severe wounds that appeared at every instant and were rapidly accumulating.

Ling Tian recalled on what Linqi, the legendary heavenly Qilin and descendant of heaven's will, had told him according to; the Primordial Chaos Force breath was to wash his body and get rid of all kinds of stored energies, since Ling Tian had not died and reincarnated, so it would be like a different stage of rebirth and thus obtain a completely different and superior strength.

That is why he is the one selected by the heavens, that is why he had obtained the heavenly objects of the legend belonging to the heavens! With the will of the heavens to become stronger than before!

But at this moment, Ling Tian felt that this slight trace of Primordial Chaos Force is so terrifying and dangerous, and it seemed to want to destroy his entire body once under attack. It was as if it had a conscience of its own and did not want Ling Tian to regain his cultivation base so that he could no longer cultivate. He didn't even fall at a disadvantage when facing different types of energies.

Ling Tian even thought at this moment that these objects might not really be the legendary objects coming from the heavens, as he had a vague intuition that this really wasn't the case if he thought carefully about the supposed of the will of the heavens...

* Boom! *

* Boom! *

* Boom! *

At this moment, the world's core began to repeatedly explode from within, exuding chaotic shockwaves, which completely covered Ling Tian, directly hitting him as it was so close.

The outside of Ling Tian's body was filled with countless wounds, the skin stained with blood as several serious wounds began to deepen. Both the outside and inside of Ling Tian's body were being destroyed, being a chaotic battlefield.

"Cough! Cough!"

Ling Tian coughed out several mouthfuls of blood, feeling that his body would not be able to resist if he stayed in this place for long. Just the expansion of the energy burst from the world's core was enough to seriously injure him, if he overstayed and the world finally exploded, Ling Tian would undoubtedly die.

However, this itself caused the Primordial Chaos Force's breath to be countered slightly, momentarily weakening as the explosive power from outside directly entered Ling Tian's body and attacked it!

The balance was broken and the Primordial Chaos Force's breath was suppressed!

Ling Tian controlled the energy of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures along with the energy of the Legendary Purple Chi, trying to completely suppress the trace of the Primordial Chaos Force while at the same time repairing the dantian.

Ling Tian swallowed several pills that contained high medicinal power, especially for repairing meridians and dantian. Although these pills are low level and could not really repair all the meridians, Ling Tian guided the medicinal power into the dantian, mixing with the energy of The Sacred Heavenly Scriptures and Legendary Purple Chi.

The cracks closed, and the dantian quickly recovered, with few cracks remaining on its surface. Although the meridians could recover as well, Ling Tian focused on primarily repairing his dantian.

The remaining mountains of the world began to collapse, rivers and forests disappeared, falling into the depths of the abyss. The sky cracked completely and the world principles collapsed, the entire world was filled with an aura of death, with explosive energies spreading rapidly from the core of the world.

Ling Tian remained focused entirely by repairing his dantian, while through his space perception he surveyed the waves of destruction hitting him fiercely more and more often. His intuition began to become deeply alarmed, telling him that he had to leave the place and leave the world.

The world became completely covered with cracks, emerging from within and spreading out in all directions. Chaotic storms appeared across the sky, swallowing everything in their path.

The underground walls and caves near Ling Tian collapsed as well, closing off the path and burying Ling Tian in the depths.

Right then, Ling Tian felt his intuition finally jumped fiercely one last time with sharp reminder, a terrifying shiver of death enveloped his body fleetingly and, without delaying another thousandth of a second, he abruptly tore through space and escaped into the void.

* BOOM! *

The abandoned little world finally exploded!

Ling Tian had barely escaped into the void when the world's waves of destruction tore through space and reached him in an instant, horribly battering his body and causing severe injuries.

Several mouthfuls of blood spurted out of his mouth rapidly.

Dozens of medium and high-level defensive treasures were pulled out and activated for protection, only to be destroyed in less than a second by the wave of destruction.

However, this was enough for Ling Tian for him to open a small crack in the void as his spiritual connection strengthened and he found the way to home. A small spatial root of the world was grasped through space perception.

Without waiting a fraction of a second longer, Ling Tian forcibly opened the crack and stepped into it before it quickly closed, disappearing from the void dimension.

The entire void dimension became chaotic.

Waves of destructions expanded in all directions in the void, sweeping away everything in their path.

These explosive waves that came from the world spread tens of millions of miles in all directions! 

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