Full-time Artist

Chapter 29: Untimely

Chapter 29: Untimely

If you dont understand, just ask

Lin Yuan immediately searched the Internet for information about supernovae.

After reading Lin Yuan, I realized that the so-called supernova is the award for novelists and newcomers held by Yinlan Book Bank, one of the four major publishers in Qinzhou.

once a year.

This newcomer award only accepts some young fantasy novels.

Because the target group of readers in this competition is strictly limited to under 30 years old, any novel subject matter that does not target this group of readers will be rejected from the silver and blue library

Young people are the main force of entertainment consumption.

Youth fantasy novels are the most popular type in Qinzhou!

In the minds of many young people who love novels, the status of youth fantasy novels is very high!

more importantly

Youth fantasy novels are very suitable for adaptation into anime and games, and their potential value is very high.

Therefore, in order to harvest these young readers, similar newcomer awards are actually held by many publishing companies.

Among them, the supernova of Yinlan Library is one of the most influential newcomer awards in Qinzhou. As long as you enter the top five of the supernova award, you can get the opportunity to publish novels and become a veritable novelist.

Of course.

This is not to say that Qinzhou only has novels about youth fantasy.

In the blue star, which is particularly developed in culture and art, each type of novel has a large market space, but other types of novels naturally have other submission channels

These works are completely different from youth fantasy novels.

Just like literary and commercial films, although everyone is a filmmaker, the intersection of everyone's circle is not deep.

In this way, things are simple.

Lin Yuan directly searched for youth fantasy novels that are popular on the market.

He wanted to see what styles are currently popular in Qinzhou.

After all, even if it is the four words of youth fantasy, there are many types of novels that can be included under it.

As a result, he found out--

Qinzhous youth fantasy novels are mostly based on adventures in other worlds.

The protagonists of these novels are often ordinary students who start to travel to another world and obtain gold fingers.

Then the story tells the story of the protagonists who rely on gold fingers to fight monsters while getting to know all kinds of girls, and constantly attacking these girls, finally defeating the devil and building a big harem.

also put the focus of the story on the level of passion.

There are some who do not travel to other worlds. They put the story background directly in the city and arrange for the protagonist to have super powers. Anyway, both have a strong sense of vision.

How to describe ?

is a bit like the web text mode of the previous life, and also like the popular light novels of the neon country in the previous life.

The combination of the two is the general appearance of these popular youth fantasy novels in Qinzhou.

Lin Yuan also deliberately searched, wanting to see what sports and sports themes in youth fantasy novels.

As a result, he was surprised to find that such subjects are rare!

Occasionally, there are a few books that focus on sports, and their results are half dead.

Competitive youth fantasy novels are almost a completely blank field!

At this moment, Lin Yuan suddenly understood why the system had to give himself a copy of "Net King".

This is to fill the vacancy in the market.

For the novel market in Qinzhou, the subject matter chosen by "The King of the Net" is novel, but the novelty also means that the creative direction chosen for this novel is very unpopular.

Lin Yuan was suddenly a little worried.

Although "Net King" is a youth fantasy novel, it is true that such an unpopular subject can really enable oneself to complete the task of literary prestige?

No one knows the prospects of "Net King", Lin Yuan can only wait silently for the opening of the registration channel for supernova.

The end of the month.

He came to the company again.

Just entered the composition department on the 10th floor, and colleagues congratulated him on the success of "Big Fish". Obviously everyone has heard the song.

Wu Yong even gave a thumbs up:

"I said before that "Big Fish" is a kind of custom-oriented impression song that is not popular. I didn't expect you to turn your head and slap me in the face."

"I do not have."

Lin Yuan denied immediately.

Wu Yong stood in place and pondered for a long time before he understood Lin Yuan's brain circuit. For a moment he couldn't laugh or cry: "I'm not talking about the face slap..."

Don't worry about this.

Wu Yong sat next to Lin Yuan and said with regret: "In fact, "Big Fish" was born in the wrong month, otherwise, with the quality of this song, he will definitely be able to rush up."

Lin Yuan was taken aback: "Wrong month of birth?"

Wu Yong was also stunned: "Don't you know it?"

Lin Yuan's reaction explained everything, this kid really didn't know.

Wu Yong can only explain to him: Doesnt we in Qinzhou update the new song list every month? So most singers who have ideas about the new song list will release songs on the first day of the month and get on the list. The attention will be higher."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Singers would choose number one to sing. He still knows about this, but he hasn't investigated the reason.

Was it to play the charts?

Wu Yong sighed: "Originally, "Big Fish" had hoped to make the new song list. Although it was already in the middle of December when the song was released, it couldn't stand the quality of the song.

Lin Yuan said: "But what?"

The popularity of the song is related to his gain of reputation, so he is still very concerned about this.


Wu Yong said: ""Big Fish" was born by mistake in December, and December is difficult to hell! Every year this month, there will be several singers and queens doing year-end performance sprints, so the fight for the new song list is very fierce. In addition, this song of yours was delayed until the middle of the month before it was officially released. The time is too short to be able to make it, so now it is only ranked 13th."

Lin Yuan thoughtfully: "Where is the new song list?"

Wu Yong smiled bitterly: "You are really a pure white, I will teach you, now you can search for Qinzhou Music, which are all official lists, without any tricks. The first list is the new song list. The newcomer list is also watched here."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan did the same, successfully entered the official website of Qinzhou Music, and found his song in the thirteenth place.


Wu Yong said: "The top ten on the list are either new songs by first-line singers, or simply the presence of the queen of singers."

"I will listen to it."

Lin Yuan, with curiosity, listened to the top songs, and after listening, he made a summary in his heart.

In all fairness ~ The quality of the top three songs is comparable to that of "Big Fish". The Qinzhou music scene is indeed strong, and the composers of these songs are all trump cards. They are also top singers in the industry, and they are well-deserved for their high rankings.


Those songs after the third place, compared with the 13th place "Big Fish", the quality is almost meaningless.

"Do you understand?"

Wu Yong said: "With the quality of "Big Fish" not talking about making it into the top three, the top ten is still very promising. The blame is that there are too many ruthless people this December, but your song is released in the middle of the month. Can rush in."

Lin Yuan nodded.

Wu Yong smiled: "But you don't have to be too upset. "Big Fish" is a custom-made one. It must be based on the release time of the Qizhou movie. In addition, it is not only the quality of the song itself that determines the ranking of a song. The reputation of the composer and the reputation of the singer are also very important. Your reputation is not as good as those of the ace composer. In addition, the Jiangkui is also a newcomer. It is understandable that you failed to make the top ten, unless the quality of your songs can cover After these shortcomings, otherwise you think those ace composers like to work with first-line singers. This is called a strong alliance. Although the tool guys are cheap, they are not angry!"

Lin Yuan said: "Yeah."

But I still choose tool people.

Wu Yong is still chattering: "So every November is the newcomer season. The newcomer season is a kind of protection for the newcomers. Without the protection of the newcomer season, the newcomers are inherently disadvantaged when they collide with a group of famous old people in the circle. Unless the quality of the song can overcome these shortcomings, it is still quite difficult."

just then.

A colleague shouted outside the door: "Xianyu, come here, Sister Zhao is looking for you."

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