Gacha Kingdom Building

Chapter 5: Rolling At Level Two

Now that I was back at home, it was time for me to put my real Gift to use.

After such a long day, even I was thinking that all my Gift did was increase my speed. But [Godspeed] is just a lie to hide my true Gift.

I opened the Status Menu and focused on [Gacha Kingdom Building].

Same as last time, a bunch of information appeared, though it didn't seem like anything had changed.

I then opened the [Gacha Ticket] menu so that I could claim my daily tickets.

By reaching level 2, the number of tickets I got daily had increased, and so after claiming the tickets, the information on this menu updated to show:

Amount of Owned Tickets: 2

After acquiring the tickets for rolling in the gacha, the next step is obviously rolling in the gacha.

And so, I opened the [Banners] menu by concentrating on it.

The same myriad of different banners appeared, this time, since I already had a skill, the companion and weapons banner seemed more enticing.

But I still don't think I'm strong enough to carry a flashy weapon around, even after becoming level 2 and forming a party with Roy and Sam. It's also true that I only have a single combat skill that, although useful, is nowhere near the top when it comes to how much of one's power it increases.

So without knowing the strength and loyalty of a random companion, or being incapable of protecting my own weapons, those were still investments I was not confident in.

The banner that would result in the minimal amount of worries for me was, of course, the reliable [Skills Banner].

Of course, if I was insanely unlucky, it was possible for me to actually end up worse than when I started, but the chances were so much in my favor that I couldn't see myself picking any other banner to roll in.

And so, the two tickets I had went straight to the [Skills Banner]. All the while, I kept my hopes up that it would get something to make my dungeon-raiding days easier.

As it happens every time, my mind went blank for a moment, but in a flash, I came back to myself. It's scary how much I was starting to get used to this. Even then, it was still strange to have my mind wander off to who knows where...

After coming back to proper sanity, I checked the [Skills] menu. Inside it was the [Current Skills] menu, in which I was able to see what had changed from its previous state. Unsurprisingly, there were two new skills registered:

[Enhanced Drop Chance

The owner of this skill boosts drop chances in an area of effect, as a passive skill, it is always active unless the owner decides to deactivate it. Every sort of item that can be dropped has its chance increased, from every source.]

[Physical Prowess

An active skill. For every 5 seconds of activation, consumes 1 mana point from the owner.

This skill boosts strength, speed, and defense until the user decides to deactivate it or the user's mana has run out.]

Both skills seemed pretty good. At level 1 their effects were a bit dubious, but for now, [Physical Prowess] could be used as a last resort while [Enhanced Drop Chance] was a nice boost to have, no matter what.

I'd put it in the same tier as [Movement Speed Up]. Even though one is meant for combat and the other not so much, both have great effects.

Getting good skills like this was somewhat lucky I guess, but while both were useful, thanks to the fact that [Physical Prowess] would consume mana, I now found myself thinking about what status I should increase.

Originally, thanks to [Movements Speed Up] my plan was to focus all the level-up points I'd get up until level 3 on the Strength status. After that, at level 4, I'd split the points into speed and defense, making an overall balanced physical fighter, even more so considering that thanks to [Movement Speed Up] my Strength and Speed would be around the same.

But just by leveling Intelligence, I could increase my mana pool, allowing me to use [Physical Prowess] for longer. It would also allow for more spending at the [Mana Banners] and maybe even unlock new banners there...

The problem was that every status could be increased by training, and there was a way to increase one's mana pool without increasing the Intelligence status.

There were quite a few actually, but one of them simply revolved around spending your mana every day, through the constant use of mana, your mana pool tends to increase.

Since I was going to keep using the [Mana Banners] and that drained my mana, I decided to focus on doing this instead of spending the level-up points.

Before leaving the [Skills] menu, I tried checking for the [Available Skills] since if there was anything new there, it could change the way I spend the level-up points from now on.

But even though I'd hope that a level-up, or killing a few monsters would be enough to change the situation with the [Available Skills] I couldn't be more wrong. There's still nothing there, and any time spent here would simply be a waste.

I also focused on the [Kingdom] menu. There wasn't much to do there, and most things seemed to be either useless for me right now, or too expensive to even consider.

There was no harm in claiming the 2 [Kingdom Points] available for me though.

I couldn't help getting excited over how much a single level-up managed to increase my Gift's overall power.

I could now claim 2 [Kingdom Points] and [Daily Tickets], and though the [Kingdom Points] didn't have many uses, thinking about a future in which I'd get a ton of skills or weapons at once through the Gacha made me think that [Gacha Kingdom Building] had a lot of promise as a Gift.

The last remaining task for me to do was head over to the [Mana Banners].

I didn't really need weapons at the current dungeon stage, and I already had the dagger that was at least a little bit useful, so I focused on the [Armor Banners] thinking that a piece of protective armor would be good.

Once again, my mind went blank, and this time, the exhaustion from the mana depletion also kicked in, even if I wanted to do anything else, I was totally spent for the day.

The most I could accomplish was confirming what it was that I got from the roll in the [Mana Banners].

Since only a single mana point was spent, I wasn't hoping for anything grandiose in any way, but still, after looking at what I got, I can't help but feel puzzled.

It was a ring, just that, a plain ring. It doesn't look cursed, blessed, or anything at all.

Does a ring even count as armor? Well, I guess it protects a bit of your finger?

Anyway, it doesn't seem useful but there's also no harm in using it, so I just put it in a finger and drew the curtains on the day once again.

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