Gacha Sovereign

Chapter 213: First Day

213 First Day

Alex went back to his house. He trained as usual. He was one step away from a breakthrough. However, he didn't plan to use these few days for his breakthrough. First, even if he used his Gathering Array for a few days, he doubted he would be able to achieve a breakthrough. Second, if he used his Fire Spirit Pills at this time, to refine the pill's efficacy will need some time. He would need to skip one or two days in the tournament, which not possible.

He was practicing as usual and planning to breakthrough after the tournament. That was the ideal situation for him. At least, he managed to deceive most of the people. Since he didn't use anything like his Sword Art or the others. People might think he was a body cultivator. After all, Charya had said his strength was as strong as body cultivator.

As long as his opponent thought like that. He can use that thinking at his convenience.

A few days passed. The tournament finally came. Song Yu and Putri came to his house so they can go together. The tournament was held in the north near the Cultivation Pavilion. Alex registered his name. Because he was a bit unknown to others, most disciples still didn't know him.

The people coming here were in Martial Master, and some of them were in Martial Grandmaster. Because the number of the fight, today, they only need to fight once. And tomorrow they will fight twice for the top hundred positions. The next day, they will fight three times for the top ten positions, and finally, the last day was the climax for the top position.

The referee came to the stage and announced, "The battle will start now. I have put the bracket here. I will still call the participants. Those who are called, please come to the stage immediately. No crippling or killing in the arena. I will stop the battle if necessary. That's all. The match starts! First, Rank 934th, Garuma versus Rank 999th, Milda."

The crowd looked at the bracket, and many got surprised. Although there was not any exciting match on the first day, they saw a thrilling match on the second day.

Alex and the rest sat a bit far from others since the presence of Song Yu and Putri might incite the crowd. Alex saw Evelyn and Lena on the crowd. It seems they also noticed him and went to him. Not long after, Evelyn and Lena came.

For this tournament, Lena wore a shirt and a short so that they won't restrict her movement. Evelyn wore a green flower embroidered dress. Evelyn was the one who greeted him first as usual. "Big Brother Alex"

"Little girl. You come again." Song Yu sometimes watched her progress when Alex taught Evelyn. So, besides Alex, she would be the closest one to Evelyn.

Alex nodded to her. He tried to search for another person in the crowd. He didn't see Himu... Simon, since it was his name now. It was a bit hard to get used to 'his' new name. He finally saw him, but to Alex's surprise, he was only a 5-Star Martial Master. He was shocked. He thought Simon could reach at least the same as Evelyn since their potential was similar. But it seems after Alex went away. He can't keep the progress. Alex shook his head, a bit disappointed and lonely.

Evelyn also noticed his expression. She tried to cheer him up. "Big Brother Alex, You got a perfect score in Battle Tower. That is awesome."

Alex looked at her, he knew her intention. He patted her head. Evelyn's age was only a year older than his real sister. If his sister was cheerful, maybe she will become like her... and perhaps he can also keep fighting for himself in that world. Well, it was in the past.

"That's right. Big Brother Alex, I will defeat you this time. I have practiced for this moment" Evelyn said.

"Sure, I'm looking forward to it" Alex said.

"Big sister also practiced very hard to beat Big Brother Al... oof."

"Evelyn!" Lena shouted and closed her mouth with her hand. She looked at Alex, "I... I didn't practice for you. I just practiced, so I didn't disappoint the royal family."

"That is what my sister said to convince herself. She just can't be honest" Evelyn escaped from Lena's clutch and corrected her.

"Ah, I know it, she must be that type of girl" Song Yu said cheekily to Evelyn with 'I understand' face. Putri only smiled at her back.

"Evelyn! You little brat." Lena shouted as she was too embarrassed. She tried to grab Evelyn, but this time, she failed because Evelyn avoided her clutch and hid behind Alex.

Alex can see, Evelyn was a 7-Star Martial Master, even so, he saw Evelyn's ranking in 24th. On the other hand, Lena was an 8-Star Martial Master.

Evelyn and Song Yu joined hand to tease Lena. Luckily, the crowd didn't notice them, especially Alex. To get surrounded by four stunning women, so enviable...No no no, one of them was still an underage kid...

Not long after, Lena got called to the arena to fight.

"Rank 246th, Lena de Viona Thiveapia versus Rank 224th, Marlin Xiver."

Lena went to the arena. Evelyn still didn't forget to tease her once more. "Big Sister, you can't beat big brother Alex if you lose."

Lena stumbled on her step. All of them chuckled. Alex looked at Evelyn and thought, 'Is this brat in her rebellious phase? Back then, she was so timid, but not she can tease her elder sister again and again.'

Alex shook his head. Lena's opponent was a young man with short green hair. Their cultivation was the same, but as expected, those from Royal Family, her basic was top-notch. As soon as the battle started, Lena defeated her opponent with five moves.

Then, the next one was Simon's turn. His opponent was a male with the cultivation of a 7-Star Martial Master. After a hard fight, Simon defeated him.

Not long after, Evelyn's turn came. When Evelyn walked to the stage, one whisper to another until it made a loud sound. Can't be blamed for that. After all, Evelyn was the youngest one that participated in this tournament.

Her opponent was a 5-Star Martial Master, who surrendered as soon as he came to the arena. Evelyn came back without a problem. After a few more fights. Finally,

"Rank 1st, Alexander Sirius versus Rank 301st, David."

Alexander walked to the stage, and as one should expect, he became the entire arena's focus. After all, Outer Disciple's first rank was gotten by an unknown disciple that only came to the sect for a year.

"He is an 8-Star Martial Master."

"Did he really conquered the battle tower with that strength?"

"Yeah, It is really unrealistic."

"That's right. But he is handsome."

"Yeah, if his strength is also a real deal. I might be charmed."

"Tch. I'm so envious."

Alex came to the arena and looked at his opponent. His opponent was a male with long black hair. He was a 7-Star Martial Master. When Alex arrived at the stage, David said. "I heard you had beaten an 8-Star Martial Master in a single kick. But you just lucky because he underestimated you at that time. This time, I didn't underestimate you and will fight the match with my full strength."

Alex only looked at him, not saying anything.

"Tch" David clicked his tongue, "Why don't you say anything, do you think my rank is too low for you to say anything. Don't underestimate me."

He released all of his Spiritual Energy. The cultivation of 7-Star Martial Master was apparent on the stage. Alex took out his sword as he looked at the referee. The referee wore a long black robe and covered his face, so he didn't know who he was. But, from his cultivation alone, he was a 5-Star Martial Grandmaster.

"Match Start"

Alex didn't release his Spiritual Energy, but David was not surprised by that. After all, according to the rumor, Alex was a body cultivator. Of course, what he didn't know, Alex had planned that so people misunderstood his strength. With that, he can take them by surprise. But for this 'David', his pure strength alone was enough.

David took out his sword and charged at Alex. He raised his sword and swung it down. Alex also raised his sword and swung it to block it.

David's sword started glowing. Alex immediately channeled a bit of his Spiritual Energy to his sword. Alex didn't use the rank 4 Sword that the sect master had given him as his reward for Seven Stars Cut. He used his usual rank 3 sword. Although, David's sword was only a rank 2 sword. Alex still needs to channel his Spiritual Energy a bit so there won't be any scratch on his blade. After all, it was bothersome to repair them.

"Sword Petal. Rose Thorn"

The sword suddenly glowed red, and a big thorn rose from the sword like the stem of rose, full of thorns. Alex saw two of the thorns were growing in his direction. He retreated a step back to distance himself from the thorn.

David smiled as he thought he was succeeded in his attack. He immediately swung his sword once again to Alex. Unfortunately, this time, Alex took another step back and swung his sword. Alex's aim wasn't David's sword. Instead, Alex aimed at the thorns that were in his direction. With a single normal cut from 400 bull strength because he didn't use his Spiritual Energy in his arm to add another a hundred bull in his strength. It destroyed the thorns.

David was surprised by it. He saw Alex didn't stop there. Alex swung his sword once more. He didn't want to lose, he also used his full power and Spiritual Energy in this swing. Regrettably, their difference in power was too far. Alex's sword suddenly felt so heavy in his hand.

At first, when they sword clashed, he thought he could match Alex's swing. Until he felt something wrong, he felt Alex's swing suddenly got stronger and stronger. Alex didn't release his Spiritual Energy, he didn't even do something special. He only released a single swing. He didn't know if his eyes were deceiving him, but he saw Alex's was so huge at this moment. His strength or even his presence was so huge.

He kept channeling his Spiritual Energy to block this slash. He used every ounce of his strength on his feet too. He felt if he didn't do that, he would be on his knees. Suddenly, the arena started to crack. This completely blew everyone's mind. They clearly saw Alex didn't do anything special. But suddenly, the ground under David's feet cracked. They were wondering what David's feeling at that moment was.

David gritted his teeth. Everybody could see how he was struggling in the arena. After the ground cracked, David slowly bent his knees. He had used both of his hands at this time just to block this swing. But it didn't stop there, the swing still continued until David pinned to the ground.

"Alexander Sirius Wins!"

Alex nodded to the referee and left the arena.

The curiosity that had been buried until now, burst out.


"He is really a body cultivator."

"But why did he use a sword?"

"Is he underestimating him?"

"Ah, but from the way he won the match just now. It was so charming."

"That's right. He was so charming in the arena. The way he overpowered his opponent with a single swing. If he came in when I'm in trouble and saved me like that. He is really a prince charming."

"I will support him in this tournament."

"That's right. I will also support him."

"Prince Alexander"

"Prince Alexander"

Evelyn and the rest looked at the crowd, giggled. Evelyn said, "Look, Big Brother Alex suddenly become a prince."

"Hehe, I might use this to tease him later" Song Yu said while grinning.

Putri looked at these two, helplessly shook her head. And Lena pouted.

Not long after, Alex came back. Song Yu tried to tease him, but Alex seems like he used to it. Considering his life back in Acacia Kingdom, he had gotten used to this kind of situation. He was unfazed to Song Yu's teasing.

After that, Evelyn and Lena said goodbye since there won't be any matches again for them today. Alex, Putri, and Song Yu also went back to their house. Alex had seen the bracket, and for tomorrow, he might need to prepare himself a bit.

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