Game, Live Stream

Chapter 66.2

Chapter 66.2

In horror games, a school is indeed the most common location and setting, the frequency on par with western mansions. In particular, there were strange tales such as the Seven Unbelievable Myths of the Campus or other similar rumors... As soon as Xiao Tangqiu saw this place, he felt like he could see the FLAG raised high.

Sure enough, in the next moment, Kisaragi walked straight up to the school gate.

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but glance at Tang Mianmian. They couldn’t help but smile bitterly at each other, apparently reminiscing of the hard times they had spent in horror games.

Although they could foresee the hardships ahead, they could only bite the bullet.

Xiao Tangqiu looked over the school from outside. Like the other places in Hundred Ghost Village, this school was also gray and worn down, not like a vibrant campus at all. It was completely run down and looked exceptionally deserted and desolate in the night as if no one had stepped into this place for many years.

However, when Xiao Tangqiu followed Kisaragi through the school gates and entered the campus, the surrounding environment shockingly changed. Flowers grew on the lawns that were originally overgrown with weeds and the buildings that had looked abandoned for many years were instantly renewed. It was full of vitality in an instant. Even the classrooms with dilapidated doors and windows seemed to be restored.

At this moment, a clear bell signaling the end of class suddenly rang throughout the campus.

The previously silent campus suddenly came alive and every classroom in the teaching building suddenly sounded with the laughter and voices of students at the same time.

This scene, which was originally extremely normal, was exceptionally abnormal under the dark night. In contrast to the deathly surrounding environment, the noisy campus seemed particularly strange.

At this moment, a group of boys in school uniforms rushed out of the classrooms first. They laughed and jostled around past Xiao Tangqiu and rushed towards the basketball courts.

And then some girls left the classroom one after another. They were chattering while either going to the toilet or fetching water. Xiao Tangqiu looked through the glass windows of the classroom closest to him. There were many more students staying in the classroom reading books, sleeping, or gathered in twos and threes to chat.

Xiao Tangqiu observed the students in the classroom. These students were probably junior high school students. No matter how he looked at them, they looked like normal students. They also laughed, talked, and made noise... But he naturally wouldn’t take things lightly. The “passengers” on the subway look no different from ordinary office workers, too, after all.

But why did Kisaragi bring them here?

He looked at Kisaragi, only to see Kisaragi’s indifferent expression. She was obviously the one who brought them here, but it looked like she didn’t care.

At this moment, Kisaragi moved forwards.

Xiao Tangqiu quickly followed. Kisaragi walked toward the teaching building and stepped into the hallway on the first floor.

There were more students coming and going in the hall, laughing and horsing about. A hedgehog haired boy accidentally ran into them. Kisaragi quickly avoided him. Just as Xiao Tangqiu who was behind her almost collided with the kid, Shen Yuan grabbed him at the last moment from the side and quickly pulled him to the side.

The hedgehog haired head slammed into a wall and he fell on all fours.

Several of his companions immediately laughed without mercy, “Yoji! You are too modest! Hahahaha!”


Hedgehog-head got up embarrassedly, glared at his companions in anger, then turned to look at Xiao Tangqiu, “Hey! Who are you! Why did you trespass in our school!”

Xiao Tangqiu didn’t expect these “students” to be able to talk to them, so he looked at Kisaragi in doubt. But Kisaragi looked indifferent and didn’t seem to want to explain at all.

Seeing Shen Yuan’s unpleasant look, Xiao Tangqiu hurriedly grabbed him in secret. Usually, NPC’s would not take the initiative to talk to them. Since hedgehog-head talked to them, maybe a plot point was triggered!

So he tried to make an excuse, “Actually, we are here to look for someone...”

“Look for someone?” The hedgehog-head frowned, looking suspicious, “Who?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...”

How would he know who they were looking for?

So he thought hard and casually gave a name, “...Me... Mei.”

He remembered that this was a very common name, probably as common as seeing a dentist in a dental hospital. Sure enough, hedgehog-head scratched his head and asked, “The Mei from Class 2A?”

There really was a Mei!

Xiao Tangqiu, “...Yes, yes, yes.”

Hedgehog-head inexplicably blushed, “Why are you looking for her?”

Xiao Tangqiu blinked, “We are her...friends.”

hedgehog-head looked at Xiao Tangqiu and the others dubiously, but in the end, he seemed to believe it, “Then I will take you to find her!”

He turned his head and waved to his companions, “Go by yourselves! I’m not going anymore!”

His companion tisked and turned away.

Hedgehog-head said, “Class 2A is across the way, I’ll take you there.”

Xiao Tangqiu glanced at Xue Junli and Xue Junli nodded. Although he still didn’t understand what was going on, but the Miko didn’t look like she wanted to say anything. So they could only follow hedgehog-head to see if they could find out something.

They followed hedgehog-head and strangely enough, the Miko also followed.

Although Xiao Tangqiu found it rather strange, he knew that even if he asked, he probably wouldn’t get an answer. So he just turned his head to analyze hedgehog-head.

“Your school is really big, how many students are there?”

Hedgehog head scratched his head, “Ah? Don’t know...”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...How long has your school been around?”

Hedgehog-head was still ignorant, “Don’t know.”

Xiao Tangqiu’s mouth twitched, “Then what do you know?”

Hedgehog-head looked dumbfounded, “Why should I know these?”

Xiao Tangqiu, “...”

He was wrong! He shouldn’t ask delinquent youths these profound questions!

He turned away depressedly and looked at the classrooms they passed by, only to find that other than hedgehog-head, no other student seemed to notice them.

It stood to reason that outsiders like them who trespassed into the school during “class time”, not to mention such a big group, should easily arouse the curiosity and inquiries of students. But those students in the classrooms were still doing what they were doing, focusing on their own business as if they didn’t notice them passing by the windows at all.

Even the milling students around them in the hallway didn’t seem to notice them, still talking and laughing as they passed by.

But it was normal for them to be “ignored” like this. After all, when Xiao Tangqiu was on the subway before, the “passengers” also didn’t notice or spoke to them.

Xiao Tangqiu’s heart sank. So what’s with this hedgehog-head? How did this guy notice them and even come to chat and lead the way?

He even suspected that this guy was also a ghost. But Shen Yuan and the others looked calm, not at all like there was any danger.

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and continued to follow behind hedgehog-head through the long hallway towards the opposite teaching building.

Soon, Xiao Tangqiu noticed a second thing that was off.

The duration of this break was too long, right? How long was the usual break time between classes? Ten minutes? Twenty minutes? Although he was not too sensitive to time, he could feel that it had been a long time since the bell rang for the end of class. Break time would never be this long and it was impossible to be the end school, there were still so many students in the classrooms.

He couldn’t help asking hedgehog-head, “Hey, isn’t the break time in your school too long?”

Hedgehog-head scratched his head, “Is it long?”

Xiao Tangqiu discovered that although this guy looked like a bad boy, he was actually a natural airhead!

At this moment, hedgehog-head suddenly said, “Here. Class 2A is ahead.”

Xiao Tangqiu looked up and saw that they had already arrived in front of the teaching building on the other side. In front of a classroom on the first floor hung the sign of Class 2A.

They arrived so soon? But he hadn’t thought of a reason to look for that person yet!

Hedgehog-head rushed up happily and looked into the classroom through the window. The students in the classroom were also laughing and playing around. He looked for a while before turning his head to Xiao Tangqiu, “Mei seems to be not in the classroom right now, let me ask around.”

Xiao Tangqiu was about to say that you don’t need to ask, but hedgehog-head already knocked on the window by himself and asked a boy with glasses sitting by the window, “Hey, where’s your class’s Mei?”

The boy pushed his glasses, “Who are you?”

“I’m looking for someone! Where’s your class’s Mei?”

Probably from seeing the vicious expression on hedgehog-head, the boy shrank back a little, “The class monitor went to the teacher’s office on the fourth floor...”

“The teacher’s office on the fourth floor? Why is the teacher’s office so high up?”

The boy shrank again, “I... how would I know...”

Xiao Tangqiu was speechless. Was this guy really a student at this school? He didn’t even know where the teacher’s office is? Shouldn’t it stand to reason that such a delinquent would be a regular in the office?

“Then let’s go to the fourth floor!” Hedgehog-head scratched his head and said to Xiao Tangqiu.

Xiao Tangqiu, “...Okay.” They had nowhere else to go anyway.

So the group began to climb the stairs again. The students on the stairs came and went and no one noticed them. Hedgehog-head muttered, “Why is the teacher’s office on the fourth floor so high? Isn’t the fourth floor too high?”

Xiao Tangqiu glanced back out of the corner of his eyes and saw that the Miko was still quietly following.

After climbing the stairs, they finally arrived at the teacher’s office on the fourth floor. When hedgehog-head looked in through the glass window of the office, he became excited, “Mei is inside!”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help being curious about the “Mei” that hedgehog-head spoke of. This was just a name he casually mentioned and didn’t expect that there was actually a girl named Mei in this school. And she seemed to be the hedgehog-head’s... crush?

What kind of girl was this Mei?

Xiao Tangqiu looked into the window and saw a quiet girl with bangs and long hair draped over her shoulders. Her appearance was very clean and lovely, a face that met the standards of an innocent boy’s first love.

This was Mei?

He turned to look at the hedgehog-head and, as expected, he saw that guy blushing.

What’s with this situation?

There seemed to be something wrong with the development of this plot!

Just as Xiao Tangqiu suspected that the way he triggered the plotline was wrong, there was a violent tremor under his feet, followed by a wave of shaking.

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