Game, Live Stream

Chapter 127.2

Chapter 127.2

Xiao Tangqiu sat cross-legged on the ground and he looked at the Abyss Demon in disbelief… Could it be that this demon boss was even a demon boss who clocked in and out for work on time, and went straight home to sleep when it was time to get off work?

No matter what, he should be considered a hero now, right? This great demon was too disrespectful to him as a hero!

Shen Yuan raised an eyebrow and asked Xiao Tangqiu, “Do you want to know where the top of this tower is?”

Xiao Tangqiu frowned slightly, “Isn’t it here?”

Shen Yuan gave a small laugh, “Of course not, this is just the top floor.”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly remembered what Sai Lulu once said – “Some people said that if you climb up the pillar, you can reach the sky of this world, and some people said that you can find your way home by following the pillar to the top. No one has ever managed to get to the top yet.”

He couldn’t help but follow up Shen Yuan’s words, “If you continue to go up, what kind of place is it?”

Shen Yuan curled his lips and didn’t speak. The next second, the Light God’s Sword that had been inserted in his chest disappeared into his body, and disappeared as if it was absorbed.

Shen Yuan walked towards Xiao Tangqiu, then stopped in front of him and held out a hand towards Xiao Tangqiu.

Xiao Tangqiu hesitated for a moment and put his fingertips on Shen Yuan’s palm.

The next moment, the world spun and Xiao Tangqiu subconsciously closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he was sitting on Ouroboros with Shen Yuan, and the giant black serpent was rushing towards the wall of the tower.

He shut his eyes again, but what came the next second was not the pain of hitting the wall, but a gust of wind.

He cautiously opened his eyes only to see the giant black snake crawling up along the outer wall of the Tongtian Tower.

Xiao Tangqiu was so frightened that he didn’t know what to do. He was hesitating whether to grab the giant black snake, but he was afraid of being thrown off by the giant black snake. The next moment, Shen Yuan hugged him from behind with a low voice, “I’ll hold you tight.”

Xiao Tangqiu, “…”

He kept thinking that such a demon boss was extremely strange, but when he thought that the demon boss was still wearing Shen Yuan’s face, he didn’t seem so strange anymore.

Xiao Tangqiu sat on the giant black snake which almost formed a right angle against the wall of the tower, but because he was held tightly by Shen Yuan behind him, he sat very stably. There was even the occasional breeze around him…

Looking down from the Tongtian Tower, the scenery is actually pretty good. Of course, if the one behind him was not the great demon of this world, he might be more in the mood to look at the scenery.

After a while, Ouroboros finally climbed to the top of the tower and Xiao Tangqiu watched helplessly as the giant black snake carried them through the top of the tower to reach another world: a city on top of the clouds.

Looking around, this was an extremely prosperous city, a city as prosperous as any human city. But unlike a modern city with reinforced concrete buildings everywhere, this city was of a mix-and-match style, full of all kinds of strangely shaped buildings with many people on the streets that both dressed strangely and had strange appearances.

“…Welcome to the real world.”

Xiao Tangqiu was stunned. He was both extremely surprised and not surprised at the same time. It turned out that the top of the Tongtian Tower was not the way home, but the real world where the Abyss Demon and the demon people lived.

It was said that no one had ever been to or seen the real world.

This city on the clouds was actually very similar to the S-area, except that there was no metal tower in the center. Apart from the lack of the tower, there was not much difference between the real world and the City of the Abyss.

“Do you think this place is very similar to the City of the Abyss?” Shen Yuan seemed to see through Xiao Tangqiu’s idea.

Xiao Tangqiu froze for a moment, then nodded.

“Of course, because the City of the Abyss was built by the Light God in imitation of the real world,” Shen Yuan curled his lips, “After the Light God left the real world, he built the City of the Abyss as an exact copy to the appearance of the real world.”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed, “So that’s how it is.”

He looked back and discovered that the place they had just climbed up seemed to be something like a viewing deck. The tower they had just climbed was below the edge of this viewing deck.

“The City of the Abyss and the instance world is below…” Shen Yuan explained lightly, “The Light God’s Labyrinth and the City of the Abyss have an overlapping point, so they both have a Tongtian Tower.”

Xiao Tangqiu couldn’t help but ask, “Then why didn’t you go along the Tongtian Tower to the instance world and the City of the Abyss? Why didn’t you just climb down?”

Shen Yuan hooked his lips and showed a sarcastic smile, “After the death of the Light God, he incarnated into the supreme will and rules of the City of the Abyss. Under the rules he made, we cannot go to the City of the Abyss and the instance world as we like.”

Xiao Tangqiu pursed his lips, “Then how did you successfully invade the City of the Abyss before?”

Shen Yuan said casually, “We can only go to the instance world through sacrificing and summoning. The sacrificial summoning is an equivalent exchange. Once I successfully enter the instance world, no matter how many people I want to summon, it is a piece of pie… just need to expend a little magic.”

Xiao Tangqiu sighed, “Is the City of the Abyss completely occupied now? Am I the only human player still alive?”

Shen Yuan laughed without saying a word. After a while, he said to Xiao Tangqiu with a chuckle, “I’ll show you the real world.”

Xiao Tangqiu bit his lip, he didn’t know why the Abyss Demon didn’t kill him directly, but he knew no good would come out of opposing the Abyss Demon. He might as well as cooperate and see what this big demon boss wanted to do.

Shen Yuan patted the giant black snake that the two of them were riding on and it began to wander forward.

This was the first time riding a snake on a road for Xiao Tangqiu. Not to mention a snake, he had never even sat on a horse or an ox before. He couldn’t help but stiffen up, especially after encountering many demons kneeling on the ground reverently along the way… Although he knew very well that these demons were kneeling down to Shen Yuan who sat behind him but watching these strange-looking demons kneeling reverently, he couldn’t help but freeze up.

Shen Yuan was very calm, probably because he was used to seeing such devoted people. He accepted the piety and worship of the demons calmly along the way. Xiao Tangqiu had to force himself to turn his attention to both sides of the street.

The streets in the real world were very similar to the streets in the S zone. The streets were full of mixed-style buildings, most of them some kind of entertainment venue. There were not only pubs and casinos but also hunting grounds, which were all full of drunken demons.

However, unlike the City of the Abyss, huge electronic screens were erected every few hundred meters on the street, showing images of the army of demons invading the City of the Abyss. Many demons were laughing and joking around in front of the screens.

Xiao Tangqiu was silent for a long time before asking Shen Yuan, “So that’s how you watch the live stream?”

Shen Yuan glossed over it, “Different screens show different live stream rooms, and your live stream room was quite popular before.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a demon noticed Xiao Tangqiu.

“Isn’t that the human anchor LittleCandyBall?”

“Ah! It’s really him! The real person looks so much cuter!”

“So cute! I want to keep him! I’ve never had a human as a pet!”

But soon, the demons noticed that the person behind Xiao Tangqiu was Shen Yuan and immediately fell to their knees.

Xiao Tangqiu was still feeling depressed when, suddenly, a large area of demons had already knelt down in front of him. This seemed to be the center of the city and it was particularly full of demons. He tensed up again.

Shen Yuan was obviously used to seeing such big scenes as he calmly patted Ouroboros and let it continue to slither forward.

Xiao Tangqiu looked at a large number of demons kneeling around them, and then looked at the images of burning, killing and looting on the electronic screens, and finally couldn’t help but ask Shen Yuan, “Don’t you like watching live streams very much? If you kill them all, aren’t you going to be bored again?”

Shen Yuan smiled lightly, “You human players will die, but the City of the Abyss will not die.”

Xiao Tangqiu suddenly realized, “If we human players are all dead, the City of the Abyss will continue to summon players from other worlds?”

Shen Yuan casually looked at the kneeling demons and said slowly, “Although the Light God is dead, he incarnated into the supreme will of the City of the Abyss after his death — that is, the system — and has been trying to find a player who can defeat me. Once there are no players left in the City of the Abyss, he will summon another group of players to the City of the Abyss again.”

Xiao Tangqiu shivered, “Then you can continue this game…”

That’s it, that’s the truth of it all.

The Light God summoned these other world players to this world in order to screen out the brave who could defeat the Abyss Demon through the instances. Meanwhile, the Abyss Demon and its people regarded the instance world as a game, killing lives as a way to kill the boredom of their own immortality…

Was this killing game a killing game between the Abyss Demon and its people, or a killing game between the Abyss Demon and the Light God?

It turned out that in this killing game, there was no righteous side at all. Whether it was for the Abyss Demon or the Light God, the human players were just tools to be used.

It didn’t matter if they were all dead, after all, they were just dispensable pawns.

How on earth was he going to stop this killing game?

How could he get back to reality?

T/N: It’s just one revelation after another, isn’t it XD

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