Game of Thrones: I Am The Heir For A Day

Chapter 54: Dragonglass

Chapter 54: Dragonglass

Rhaenyra's heart raced as she stepped onto the soft sand, shaking the water from her soaked boots. In the distance, she heard Rhaegar's call, but when she looked up, he was gone.

Panicking, she cried, "Where are you? I'm coming for you!"

"I'm over here! I'll check first!" Rhaegar's voice echoed faintly.

Rhaenyra sprinted in the direction of his voice, the moss-covered cliffs stretching endlessly and dotted with numerous caves at their base.

Scanning the cliffs frantically, Rhaenyra muttered in disbelief, unable to discern which cave Rhaegar had entered.

"Stop hiding, Rhaegar! Come out and stop playing games with your sister!" Rhaenyra's voice echoed through the cliffs, her frustration growing.

But despite her calls, there was no response from Rhaegar.

Now gripped by fear, Rhaenyra searched every cave, finding nothing but bat droppings and remnants of the tide's retreat.

Rhaegar was nowhere to be found.

With her pulse pounding in her ears, Rhaenyra realized that Rhaegar's disappearance was no joke.

He had actually ventured into one of the caves.

"Seven hells! Who knows how deep this cave goes or what dangers lurk within," Rhaenyra cursed under her breath, her mind racing with worry.

With determination in her steps, she turned and sprinted back, intent on summoning the guards to aid in the search.


In the castle, Viserys lay fast asleep in his chamber.

The years had taken their toll on him, his once vigorous frame now showing signs of aging, his energy waning with each passing day.

Once, in days long past, before Rhaegar's birth, he would have embraced his wife in the warmth of their bed, finding comfort in her presence before drifting off to sleep.

But now Alicent entered his chamber, her expression contorted in disgust as she caught a whiff of the lingering scent of alcohol that clung to him. With a disapproving frown, she quietly slipped away to seek refuge in another room.

Years of marriage and refinement had not dulled her sensitivity to such smells, and she craved the freshness of a room untouched by the scent of liquor.

Finding solace in the quiet solitude of the adjoining chamber, Alicent settled into a plush armchair, intending to steal a moment of respite from the chaos of the day.

However, her rest was short-lived.

A series of knocks jolted her from her half-conscious state, causing her to glance at the door, expecting to find a maid seeking her attention.

But there was no one there, and no voice calling to her.

Knock, knock...

Alicent's brow furrowed in confusion as she searched for the source of the sound, her senses on high alert.

To her astonishment, the knocking seemed to be coming from the very walls of the chamber.

More specifically, from within the walls themselves.

Alicent's heart quickened with a surge of panic, her mind racing as she struggled for a course of action.

Then, as if in a nightmare, the bedroom wall began to shift, slowly rotating to reveal a hidden passageway.

Alicent recoiled in shock, her hand shaking as she reached for a nearby knife, her instincts screaming at her to defend herself.

As the wall swung halfway open, revealing the darkness beyond, Alicent's mind raced with fear and uncertainty.

Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined that a simple room could hide such a secret passage.

With bated breath, she peered into the yawning void of the secret passage, her nerves on edge as she awaited whatever lay on the other side.

"Who... who goes there?" she called out, her voice shaking with fear.

Knock, knock...

Two more insistent knocks echoed from the hidden passageway, accompanied by a cool breeze that swept through the room.

And then, suddenly, a figure cloaked in black emerged from the darkness.


A rustle came from the dimly lit crypt.


The clash of flint and a torch burst into flame.

The firelight flooded the crypt, casting a crimson glow on Rhaegar's face.

"Rhaenyra's not following. Should I turn back?" Rhaegar murmured in a hushed tone as he returned the flint to his spatial bracelet.

Since acquiring this treasure, he had been secretly stockpiling supplies for emergencies.

Looking around, Rhaegar realized that he was standing in a tunnel, surrounded by remnants of mining activity, evidence of previous visitors.

"Since I'm already here. Let's keep going," Rhaegar reassured himself, his heartbeat slowly slowing as he stretched the torch into the darkness ahead.

The cave stretched before him, its air crisp and inviting, urging Rhaegar to press on in search of the young dragon.

His heart yearned to reunite with the fledgling dragon, unsure if it might be lurking within these depths, waiting to be discovered.

As he traveled deeper into the cave, the passage narrowed, its walls bearing the scars of numerous cuts and excavations.

A dark crystal protruded from the stone, its surface seeming to absorb the flickering firelight.

"Is that dragonglass?" Rhaegar wondered aloud, his fingers tracing the smooth surface of the black crystal, memories of the months he had spent under the tutelage of the two Maesters flooding back.

In that time, he had gained knowledge of this unique mineral - dragonglass - a unique substance found on Dragonstone, also known as obsidian. Though it adorned select armour and weapons within the Red Keep, its practical uses remained largely untapped.

Rhaegar carefully removed a fragment of dragonglass from a nearby chiseled pit and stowed it in his spatial bracelet - a rare addition to his collection.

Since he was already here, he didn't want to return empty-handed.

Pushing forward, Rhaegar continued his journey into the depths of the tunnel, the light of his torch guiding his way.

Despite the increasing depth, he remained undeterred, confident in his familiarity with the route.

As he advanced, the tunnel began to narrow, the walls becoming densely packed with dragonglass ore.

Soon, the entire passageway seemed to be carved from dragonglass.

Finally, he reached the end of the tunnel, where the firelight revealed intricate patterns carved into the walls of dragonglass - depictions of shepherds, dragons, giants, and even grotesque-faced monsters.

Approaching, Rhaegar studied the carvings, piecing together the meaning of each image.

"The Song of Ice and Fire!" he exclaimed, his mind instantly conjuring the legendary prophecy.

Etched into the dragonglass wall was a narrative that encompassed the Fourteen Flames of the ancient Valyrian era, Aenar's fabled voyage across the sea, and the chilling tale of a Long Night brought by sinister creatures.

"The prophecy of Aegon the Conqueror is true. The Others really exist?" Rhaegar murmured in astonishment, his gaze fixed on the mesmerizing scene before him.

This revelation eclipsed even the awe-inspiring presence of a dragon - the realization that the legendary monsters were no mere myth, but a tangible threat, foreseen and inscribed in the very heart of the Dragonglass Mines on Dragonstone Island.

As Rhaegar reached out to brush the dust from the carving, a sudden beep rang in his ears, startling him.

"A exploration mission is now active. Target: Dragonglass Wall," the system announced, projecting a data panel in front of him.

[Dragonglass Wall]

Exploration progress: 0.2%

"From the exploration mission... the carvings seem to be authentic," he mused, interpreting the system's feedback.

The quality of the Dragonglass Wall hinted at its significance - it was either extremely valuable or of considerable antiquity.

The prophetic carvings adorning its surface were of undeniable value, their timeline far beyond his knowledge.

It seemed he was on the verge of acquiring another priceless relic.

Sitting on a small bench retrieved from his spatial bracelet, Rhaegar leaned back against the dragonglass wall, patiently awaiting the completion of the exploration.

"I hope Rhaenyra will not grow anxious, fearing my absence," he murmured, his thoughts momentarily drifting to his sister's well-being.


In the bedroom that belonged to Alicent, she was jolted awake by a sudden surge of anxiety, her brow furrowed as she sat angrily in her chair, her gaze fixed forward.

Before her stood a figure cloaked in black, his arms folded resolutely behind his back.

Breathing heavily, Alicent expressed her irritation. "What brings you to Dragonstone Island and what is your purpose here?"

Undeterred by her hostility, the black-robed man spoke in a low, measured tone. "My purpose is unimportant. What matters is the purpose of your visit."

Perplexed, Alicent inquired, "And what might that be?"

The black-robed man's answer was cryptic. "The two princes were bought here to tame the young dragons, but unfortunately they were chased away. The relentless search of the guards will soon reveal their hiding place."

Alicent's curiosity was piqued. "Is that so? And what knowledge do you have?"

"I know the whereabouts of two young dragons," he revealed, his words laden with meaning. "Prince Aegon may choose the first, but the other location must be shared."

Alicent looked at him with uncertainty, her mind racing to decipher his intentions.

Considering the immense value of a dragon to a Targaryen heir, she pressed, "Where can these young dragons be found?"

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