Genius Club

Chapter 399: Ill Wait for You

Fireworks exploded in bright bursts over the Disney Castle, filling the night sky with colors and memories of childhood. Lin Xian stood beneath them, his eyes locked on Zhao Ying Jun. The vibrant lights flickered across his face, mirroring the turmoil in his heart.

He thought he had prepared himself for this moment. He had already pieced together most of the puzzle. But still—finding out you’re a father is one thing. Hearing it directly from Zhao Ying Jun, face-to-face, was a different shock altogether. The impact hit him like a punch.

Lin Xian had planned to collect hair samples from Zhao Ying Jun, Yan Qiao Qiao, and himself to run a DNA paternity test at the hospital. He expected to get the results by tomorrow afternoon, giving him some time to come to terms with the idea of being a father.

But now…

He had just gotten Zhao Ying Jun’s hair a few seconds ago. No need for tests. No need for time. Zhao Ying Jun had laid out the truth right in front of him, blunt and undeniable, leaving Lin Xian with no time to process it.

What could he even say?

Lin Xian felt like he was playing a game and had just been thrown into an entirely new level—one he hadn’t prepared for. How many men in the world had to face something like this?

Around them, the crowd cheered, marveling at the fireworks. The joys and sorrows of people aren’t always shared. Lin Xian stared at Zhao Ying Jun’s honest smile, unsure if he should apologize. But why should he apologize? He hadn’t done anything wrong! He was innocent. Yet, here he was, suddenly with a biological daughter because of Zhao Ying Jun…

Deep down, though, he knew he wasn’t as innocent as he claimed. When Zhao Ying Jun admitted that Yan Qiao Qiao wasn’t some distant relative but a child found on the streets, Lin Xian had already pieced together what had happened.

Yes, he had been misled by Zhao Ying Jun’s parents. Lin Yu Xi must have known that destroying the tangled time-space particles would either fatally weaken her or leave her severely impaired. She had fled as far as she could before the particles’ energy vanished. When the time-space loop broke, Lin Yu Xi reverted to her original appearance. Her muscles and the marks from her workouts disappeared, along with her extraordinary strength, blue eyes, and memories. She transformed into a completely different person. With the meddling of Zhao Ying Jun’s parents, Lin Yu Xi became Yan Qiao Qiao.

Lin Xian knew time-space rejection could change a time traveler’s appearance. But who could have predicted that those changes could reverse back to the past? That destroying the time particles would result in memory loss, restored appearance, and the disappearance of future traits?

However, with the DNA test results in hand, none of that mattered anymore.

Zhao Ying Jun could still smile after hearing all this. She smiled because she didn’t know she was fated to be executed by her own daughter. Of course, she could still smile…

If not for that looming threat of execution, Lin Xian might have smiled too. This wasn’t an unexplainable situation. All he had to do was reveal that Yan Qiao Qiao was from a future time. With Zhao Ying Jun’s intelligence, she’d grasp the concept of time-space anomalies.

When life throws challenges at you, you deal with them. The child was here, and she was innocent. He would figure out how to raise her. It wasn’t the end of the world.

But his situation was different.

Lin Yu Xi wasn’t just a child to raise; she was a future executioner here to end his life! In 36 days, he would be executed by this daughter he had grown fond of… Who could smile at that? Especially after holding hands with his future executioner today and listening to Zhao Ying Jun talk about chopping carrots with a kitchen knife. Now, he felt like that carrot, laid out on the cutting board and sliced to pieces.

Raising a tiger only to be attacked later, dying at the hands of his own daughter to fulfill her destiny… Lin Xian’s heart could barely accept it.

But there was a small silver lining. Lin Yu Xi had lost her memory. There was still a chance to change her fate.

If he could prevent Lin Yu Xi from regaining her memory, he could save himself without hurting anyone. He could give Lin Yu Xi a new, happy life. It was just a name change to Yan Qiao Qiao, after all. It didn’t change their blood connection or affect her new life. So what if they lived the rest of their lives as brother and sister? Lin Xian wasn’t hung up on family titles. If Yan Qiao Qiao never remembered her past, never reverted to being Lin Yu Xi… it wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.

Just then, Yan Qiao Qiao, who had her ears covered by Zhao Ying Jun, turned around. She blinked, puzzled, and looked at Zhao Ying Jun.

“Sister, why are you covering my ears? I can’t hear the fireworks… What were you guys just talking about?”

Zhao Ying Jun glanced one last time at Lin Xian before turning her attention back to Yan Qiao Qiao. She smiled and patted her head.

“We were just talking about the fireworks too. I was afraid the noise might hurt your ears, so I covered them for you.”

“You don’t need to,” Yan Qiao Qiao shook her head. “I like the sound of fireworks exploding. Look—”

She pointed toward the castle, where fireworks spun around in the air, creating golden circles that sparkled.

Zhao Ying Jun stood behind her, admiring the sparkling scene over the Disney Castle. She didn’t look back or speak to Lin Xian again. She probably didn’t want Yan Qiao Qiao to know the truth. Or maybe she was giving Lin Xian more time to process and accept it.


As the last firework bloomed in the sky, everything returned to calm. The crowd dispersed, content with the night’s show.

“That was so beautiful!” Yan Qiao Qiao stood in front of Zhao Ying Jun, tilting her head back to look at her. “I heard other kids say these are the most beautiful fireworks in the world!”

“Tonight’s?” Zhao Ying Jun shook her head. “Tonight’s weren’t the best.” She chuckled, mimicking Yan Qiao Qiao’s tone from earlier in the day. “They were just… okay.”

The business van drove steadily on the city’s elevated highway. Driver Xiao Li had picked them up from the Disney park entrance and was heading back to Zhao Ying Jun’s neighborhood in Donghai City.

Lin Xian sat in the passenger seat, gazing out the window without a word. In the back, Yan Qiao Qiao was busy going through her collection of today’s treasures: toys, plushies, a souvenir booklet, a glowing ear hat, and more. But what she loved most was the warm family photo.

In the picture, the kingly father and queenly mother stood close together, with their little princess in front, holding up her sparkling dress. They looked like a family from a fairy tale, but also like a real-life family. And that was enough to make her happy.

Yan Qiao Qiao’s pale fingers traced the photo where her “mom and dad” stood close together. Even if they weren’t her real parents, as long as they went to Disney together, that made them a family—a complete family.

Before long, the van reached the underground garage of Zhao Ying Jun’s building. The back door slid open slowly. Yan Qiao Qiao jumped out with energy to spare, still full of life. She grabbed Zhao Ying Jun’s arm and led her out of the car.

Lin Xian unbuckled his seatbelt and followed, watching as Yan Qiao Qiao ran to the elevator and pressed the button. She really was getting smarter. She could handle everything on her own now and understood a lot.

Lin Xian looked at Zhao Ying Jun, who was just a step away. She looked back at him, as if waiting for him to speak. They hadn’t been able to discuss the “biological daughter” topic because of Yan Qiao Qiao and Driver Xiao Li’s presence. But Lin Xian knew this wasn’t something he could avoid. Out of responsibility and respect for Zhao Ying Jun, this matter had to be clarified.

“About Yan Qiao Qiao…” Lin Xian started. “You don’t need to apologize to me because I have something I’ve been hiding from you too. I’ve also been trying to find the right time to tell you, but I haven’t found it yet.”

Zhao Ying Jun nodded. “Then, in that case…” She glanced over at Yan Qiao Qiao, who was waiting for the elevator, then looked back at Lin Xian. “How about tonight?”

“Tonight?” Lin Xian checked his watch. It was already 10:07 PM. It was late. How were they supposed to talk now, with Yan Qiao Qiao still awake?

“Come to my place.” Zhao Ying Jun smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear. “Once I put Qiao Qiao to bed, I can show you the DNA reports. And… we can have a proper talk. I have some things I want to tell you too.”

Lin Xian nodded. It was better to get everything out in the open tonight.

Lin Xian agreed and turned to Driver Xiao Li. “Xiao Li, wait for me here. I’m going up to Ying Jun’s place. I’ll be down in a bit.”

Huh? Xiao Li was caught off guard, looking up. This scene… Why did it feel so familiar? It was like it had happened before! Last time, the excuse was to put a Pomeranian to sleep—an excuse so ridiculous no one dared question it. And now, they weren’t even pretending. No reason was given! What was he, the driver, supposed to do? Wait here… or not? Should he stay faithfully, or use this chance to sneak away?

This was a new challenge for him as a driver. When he had taken professional driver training, the instructor had said that when driving for the boss, you must learn to read between the lines. Sometimes, when the boss says to stay, it means to leave, and the driver needs to be the “bad guy” and help the boss get away. Other times, when the boss says to leave, it means to stay, and the driver needs to be the “good guy” and wait.

Unfortunately, Xiao Li came from a military driving unit. He was honest and sincere, truly not understanding the nuances of corporate etiquette. Ah, yes! He suddenly remembered… In situations like this, where he wasn’t sure if he should stay or go, he should call Brother Wang! Brother Wang, the former group leader at MX Company and now the only vice president at Rhine Company, knew Zhao Ying Jun and Lin Xian well. He was basically their biggest shipper.

As soon as Lin Xian went upstairs, Xiao Li decided to call Brother Wang to ask what to do. Xiao Li remained calm under pressure. He gave Lin Xian an OK sign. Everything was understood without words. Let the boss guess.


The elevator doors opened. The Pomeranian, VV, seemed to have heard Lin Xian’s steps. Unlike its usual barking, it softly approached Lin Xian’s feet, rubbing against his pants.


Lin Xian bent down and picked it up. “VV, long time no see. Did I wake you up?”

“Woof!” VV, in its doggy language, expressed that it didn’t mind. It quickly analyzed the situation. Today, Lin Xian had come to the house on his own. Unlike last time when he came with a mission, this time, he was probably here with a purpose. So, as a dog that understands hearts… What should it do now?

“Woof ahhhh—” VV let out a huge yawn, big enough to fit a coconut in its mouth. Then it closed its eyes, lying on Lin Xian’s arm, and began to snore.

Both Zhao Ying Jun and Yan Qiao Qiao looked at the Pomeranian, confused. “Why is it so sleepy so early today?” Yan Qiao Qiao asked. “Yeah… it’s usually super active at night,” Zhao Ying Jun added.

Yan Qiao Qiao pointed to the dog bowl. It was empty. “Normally, it would be barking like crazy and eating its food before going to sleep.”

“Maybe it’s too tired,” Zhao Ying Jun guessed. “After all, we got home late today, and it probably wore itself out waiting. But don’t worry about VV going hungry. It eats every meal like it’s the last one. The vet even said we should control its diet more. So missing one meal today is actually good.”

“Lin Xian, why don’t you put VV in the bedroom?” Lin Xian nodded. He petted the strange fluffy dog. “You fall asleep fast… just like me.” He easily carried VV to the bedroom and placed it in its bed, even arranging it in a comfortable sleeping position, before returning to the living room.

Yan Qiao Qiao finally caught on. “Is Lin Xian staying over at our house?” She began to mentally divide the space on her bed, planning to move a bit to the center and leave the right side for Lin Xian.

“We don’t have enough room for that,” Zhao Ying Jun chuckled. “You go wash up and sleep. Lin Xian and I have some things to talk about. He’ll be leaving soon.”

Yan Qiao Qiao raised her hand. “I can sleep on the couch.”

Without another word, Zhao Ying Jun grabbed Yan Qiao Qiao and led her away. “Not tonight!”

Even though she had once been a terminator, after losing her enhanced body and future traits, Yan Qiao Qiao’s small frame couldn’t handle the exhaustion of the day. She came out of the bathroom in her pajamas, yawning non-stop.

“Oh, right,” she suddenly remembered something. She went to the coffee table in the living room, took out her favorite family photo, and grabbed a black marker. She wrote “Yan Qiao Qiao” on the back of the picture.

“What are you doing?” Lin Xian asked curiously from the sofa.

“Just marking it,” Yan Qiao Qiao replied, capping the pen and looking at Lin Xian. “If I write my name on it, it’s mine, and no one can take it.”

He chuckled. This little girl was learning more and more. She was starting to develop a sense of territory.

“Do you like this photo a lot?” Yan Qiao Qiao nodded. “I’ll take good care of it.”

With that, she carefully took the photo and headed toward her bedroom. Halfway there, she turned back. “I can really sleep on the couch, you know.”

Her innocent words made Lin Xian laugh again. “Maybe next time,” he said dismissively.

“Next time?” Yan Qiao Qiao tilted her head. “When is next time?”


This clueless question was awkward. How was Lin Xian supposed to answer that? It was like when people in X Country say, “Let’s eat together next time,” or “Let’s drink next time,” when they part ways. No one actually chases after someone to ask when or which day. Would you like to make a pact?

“Okay, off to bed with you,” Zhao Ying Jun, now dressed in casual home clothes, came over and escorted Yan Qiao Qiao to the bedroom. “You were yawning while brushing your teeth and almost fell asleep standing. Why are you trying to chat now?”

Soon enough, the tired Yan Qiao Qiao and VV fell asleep in the dimly lit bedroom, where only the breathing light glowed softly. Zhao Ying Jun retrieved two DNA test reports from a drawer in another room, placed them on the coffee table, and pushed them toward Lin Xian. She pulled up a small chair and sat across from him.

“These are the DNA test reports I had done using your hair, my hair, and Yan Qiao Qiao’s hair.”

Lin Xian took a deep breath. It was time for the truth. He picked up Zhao Ying Jun’s report and opened it to the first page.

It read:

[After testing, sample A is the biological daughter of sample B, and sample B is the biological mother of sample A.]

This confirmed the biological mother-daughter relationship between Zhao Ying Jun and Yan Qiao Qiao.

He picked up the other report and turned to the first page:

[After testing, sample A is the biological father of sample B, and sample B is the biological daughter of sample A.]

For some reason, there was a drool mark on his test result. Did VV lick it? Of all things to lick, it had to lick this…

Naturally, this report proved his biological father-daughter relationship with Yan Qiao Qiao. Lin Xian looked up. He saw Zhao Ying Jun lowering her head, staring at her exposed toes, slightly curling and stretching.

It was almost midnight. Everything was silent. Outside, the cicadas hadn’t started their season yet. Inside, the girl and the dog were already asleep. The whole house was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. All sounds were gone, except for the rhythmic ticking of the clock on the living room wall.

The living room wasn’t brightly lit. Only the outer ring of warm lights was on. The gentle orange light bathed the DNA test reports, as well as the two people who were feeling a little guilty.

Strangely… The atmosphere was somewhat awkward, somewhat heavy. After all, what they were about to discuss was awkward for both of them. It was no less complicated than a custody battle during a divorce. Except this time, the problem wasn’t custody— it was how this child came to be! The two of them had never even held hands, yet they somehow had a teenage daughter. Who cares what Darwin thinks? The law of conservation of matter certainly wouldn’t agree.

“Actually, I should have told you the truth earlier,” Zhao Ying Jun finally broke the silence. She was wearing a nightgown, resting her chin on her hand, her voice soft as she gazed at the DNA reports on the coffee table. “When you first dragged me and Yu Xi to do a paternity test, you must have been looking for Yan Qiao Qiao, right?”

“Maybe you didn’t know who Yan Qiao Qiao was or where she was, but you were sure… How should I put it, you were sure there was a…”

She paused, swallowing hard. “You were sure there was a daughter of ours that had mysteriously appeared in this world. You thought the girl named Yu Xi was our child… but you were wrong. Yan Qiao Qiao is.”

“You said Yu Xi was picked up from the street, and it so happens Yan Qiao Qiao was picked up by my parents from a rural road. I don’t know if my guess is right… but a few days ago, I watched Back to the Future, that Hollywood movie about a boy who goes back in time to set up his parents. It’s a comedy.”

“Since I couldn’t think of any other explanation for where Yan Qiao Qiao came from, I could only guess this. But now, it doesn’t matter much to me how Yan Qiao Qiao came here or appeared.”

“And the reason I’m confessing about the lies my parents and I told you is because I’m worried that those lies might affect your judgment on many things—”

Zhao Ying Jun lifted her head, her eyes reflecting the warm yellow light. “Lin Xian, I can roughly guess that you’re doing something very heroic and important. Although I don’t know what your goal is, you must have some unspeakable secrets, some rules and guidelines you must follow.”

“I understand all this because I have an uncle who retired from the national security department. It wasn’t until he retired that our whole family, including my aunt, learned his actual job.”

“So, about Yan Qiao Qiao, it’s okay if you don’t explain it to me. I can understand and accept it. I will take good care of her, no matter what identity I have. I will always take care of her.”


She bit her lip. “Although it might sound a bit awkward and self-indulgent, to avoid causing any trouble or impact on your secret mission, I’ll say it straight…”

“Lin Xian, telling you about Yan Qiao Qiao doesn’t have any hidden meaning. I don’t want to pressure you or force you to make a decision.”

“Because… this matter… how should I put it, this matter isn’t really your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t need to be responsible for anything. I’m just worried you won’t find the girl you’re looking for, delaying your mission and plans.”

As she spoke, Zhao Ying Jun rubbed her forehead and smiled slightly. “Sorry, I’m getting more and more confusing, but that’s about it. You should understand what I’m trying to say.”

Lin Xian stayed silent… She really did confess out of concern for him, worried that he might be on the wrong path. And she wasn’t wrong… Zhao Ying Jun was indeed very smart. She guessed a lot of things correctly.

What she wanted to convey was that he wasn’t responsible for anything. Whether it was her or Yan Qiao Qiao, he didn’t have to be responsible. He didn’t need to tell her the truth either. She was willing to take care of Yan Qiao Qiao for the rest of her life, even if she remained in the dark.

She’s always been like this.

Lin Xian looked at Zhao Ying Jun, blurred by the soft light, and thought of Yellow Finch, who had disappeared in front of the Little Mermaid statue in Copenhagen, and the white jade statue in Sky City that had waited for 600 years.

She’s always been like this. Silently giving everything to him without asking for anything in return. Twenty-something Zhao Ying Jun was like this, Thirty-something Zhao Ying Jun was like this, Even in her fifties and sixties, she was still like this.

“I’ll take responsibility.” Lin Xian looked at the woman in front of him and said.

“Huh?” Zhao Ying Jun straightened up, blinking, not quite understanding what kind of responsibility Lin Xian was referring to.

“You’ve always thanked me for small things, but in reality, I owe you much more.” Lin Xian looked into her eyes, serious. “You were mostly right about Yan Qiao Qiao. She doesn’t belong to this era, this time-space… but she did end up here in a very unbelievable way. The most important thing is… there are more secrets about Yan Qiao Qiao than just that.”

The head of fake Yu Xi flying off, the blue-eyed girl in the hibernation chamber 600 years later, the assassin who was destined to kill him on July 7th… These images flashed through Lin Xian’s mind one by one.

If he laid out everything right now, it would only make Zhao Ying Jun anxious and helpless, with no positive outcome. Besides, Turing’s threat was far from over. Was it listening? Was it nearby?

Now wasn’t the best time to tell Zhao Ying Jun everything. At least… not until he had dealt with Turing and could protect her.

Lin Xian continued. “I still don’t quite understand everything about Yan Qiao Qiao. A lot of things are still dangerous for me. So… can you give me some time? I’ll tell you the truth as soon as I figure it all out.”

“Of course.” Zhao Ying Jun smiled, responding without hesitation. “I’ll wait for you.”

That smile… It truly made Lin Xian feel relieved. He straightened up and laughed too.

“It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I’m grateful that you’ve always trusted me. Even I feel it might be a bit blind.”

Zhao Ying Jun shook her head. “Do you remember what I once told you?” She blinked. “I said… back then, that overpass, whether you could fly over it or not didn’t matter. Whether you could make it or not didn’t matter.”

“Even though it’s a peaceful time now and we don’t face life and death situations, I’ve never been someone who fears death. If I can do anything to help you, I’m always willing.”

“So… I’m willing to wait, no matter how long it takes.”

She smiled again, making the light in the living room feel even softer.

“You once told me you had a dream, where you stood in front of that Disney castle. In that dream, I turned into a white jade statue and waited for 600 years with a trash can robot named VV until a magical spell came along and brought salvation.”

“To be honest, before you gave me that cleaning robot a few days ago… I always thought you made up that story. But now it seems like you really did have that dream, like that white jade statue really did wait for 600 years.”

“If we could wait 600 years, why would I mind waiting a bit longer?”

Zhao Ying Jun spread her hands and looked into Lin Xian’s eyes. “Time doesn’t matter… I’ll wait for you.”

At that moment, no more words were needed. Lin Xian felt as if Yellow Finch was standing right behind him, and the Rhine Queen of Sky City was sitting beside him. The soft orange light in the living room crowned them, surrounding him.

“This time… I won’t make you wait too long.” Lin Xian stood up, ready to leave.

Zhao Ying Jun picked up his DNA test report from the coffee table and handed it to him. “Take this with you.” She smiled. “Think of it as a keepsake. I mentioned in the hospital recently that I hoped you’d never need this kind of knowledge. I didn’t expect it to come in handy so soon.”

Lin Xian took the report and laughed too. “Yeah… life is full of surprises.”

In the underground parking lot, Driver Xiao Li was stunned. “Lin Xian… Mr. Lin Xian! So soon?”

“Soon?” Lin Xian checked his watch. It was 11:07 PM. He had spent an hour at Zhao Ying Jun’s place.

“It wasn’t that short. It’s late. How long do you think I should stay?”

“Oh…” Driver Xiao Li was dumbfounded, quickly nodding. “Right, right, not short at all. Not short at all.”

Back home, Lin Xian was exhausted. He truly sympathized with those parents at Disneyland, enduring this day in and day out, with no breaks, raising their kids. He could barely hold on. Barely able to finish his nightly routine, he collapsed onto the bed.

He blinked at the digital clock on the nightstand. 11:47 PM. It was already that late. By the time he fell asleep and entered the dream world, he wouldn’t have much more than an hour before waking up again. What a hassle.

But he couldn’t hold on any longer. He fell asleep instantly.

The clinking sound of machinery filled his ears. Lin Xian opened his eyes. He was still in that familiar pit. But there was no sign of Big Cat Face or Gao Wen.

“At this point, those two must be in the underground hibernation base, about to wake up the blue-eyed girl and decapitate the overseer…”

“Well, since I’m already here, might as well join the fun.”

Lin Xian ran toward the northeast of the pit, quickly and skillfully entering the hibernation base, just in time to see the lid of Smith’s hibernation pod slowly rising.

Since he was awake, that meant the blue-eyed girl was about to kick off the tempered glass.

Lin Xian walked inside and saw Big Cat Face sitting on a chair, staring through the glass at the blue-eyed girl inside.

“Hey, Big Cat,” Lin Xian greeted him like he was coming home. “How long has she been awake?”

Big Cat Face glanced at the display on the hibernation pod. “About half an hour.”

Suddenly, he jumped up, his face muscles bunching up as he scrutinized Lin Xian from head to toe. “Wait a minute… Who the hell are you? Where did you come from?”

“Hey…” Lin Xian waved his hand, signaling Big Cat Face not to worry about the details. “That’s a minor thing.”

At this moment, Gao Wen also came over from Smith’s hibernation pod, looking at the blue-eyed girl’s pod. “It’s really pitiful, this young girl… We’re all old, but she’s still in her prime, and she has to spend her life as a slave laborer here. It’s just too tragic.”

“Judging by her appearance, she must have lived a wealthy life before hibernation. Now, after waking up to such a drastic change, I wonder if she can handle it mentally.”

Lin Xian turned his head. Looking at Gao Wen, “For her… you don’t need to worry at all. In a bit, she might scare you into screaming.”

“Besides, after waking up, with a blank mind in an amnesiac state, what’s there to compare? She doesn’t remember anything from before or the kind of life she had… After all, she didn’t leave anything in her storage cabinet.”

“Hey! Who said she didn’t leave anything!” Big Cat Face swaggered over. “She left something, okay! Although it’s just a photo, it’s still something! Maybe when she sees the photo after waking up… she’ll remember everything!”

“What did you say?” Lin Xian turned around. He squinted at Big Cat Face. “Are you saying… there’s something in the girl’s storage cabinet? It’s not empty?”

“Of course, it’s not empty! I was just looking inside!”

As he spoke, Big Cat Face bent down, pulled out the blue-eyed girl’s storage cabinet, opened the drawer, and took out a laminated photo, handing it to Lin Xian.

“Look, there’s a photo. Although the girl in the picture doesn’t quite match the one in the hibernation pod, girls do change a lot!”

“And look at their clothes… so weird… and this man… he doesn’t look like her dad… huh?”

Big Cat Face scratched his heavy head. “Why does this man look so familiar?”

He looked at it a few more times, then stared at Lin Xian, dumbfounded. “Holy crap! Brother… which hibernation pod did you crawl out of? Are you here to visit relatives?”

Hearing this, Gao Wen also leaned over, carefully comparing the “king” wearing a crown in the photo and the young man in front of him. This… They were exactly the same person! Not a single difference!

Lin Xian tilted his head in confusion and took the photo. “Let me see.”

The moment he took the photo… Lin Xian froze. This laminated photo was the one he had taken at Disney this afternoon!

In the front of the picture, Yan Qiao Qiao, dressed in a princess gown, held her skirt; Behind her, he and Zhao Ying Jun stood close together, wearing a ridiculously extravagant crown.

He held his breath. Cleared his mind… Then. He turned the laminated photo over…

There, on the back of the photo, Written with a black marker, were three small words—Yan Qiao Qiao.

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