Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

Seeing that his magic powers were useless Vali fired at Gilgamesh at such a high speed that it seemed like a white flash.

Gilgamesh was not intimidated as he also fired at Vali turning into a golden flash.

Both began to fight in the air advancing at high speed, the impacts they caused shook the entire barrier making even those watching feel the tremors.

If one looked, it seemed that both were fighting as equals, after all they kept colliding again and again.

But for the trained eyes of Azazel, Lavinia, Valerie and Tobio this was not true.

They could clearly see that Gilgamesh was winning and dominating Vali little by little, and if it continued like this the Hakuryuukou would lose.

Vali was already getting irritated, no matter which blow he dealt, Gilgamesh would easily defend himself and hit back with an even stronger blow.

Gilgamesh was stronger, more agile, faster and had better reflexes than Vali, each blow from Gilgamesh caused cracks in Vali's armor that forced Albion to remake even more.

And to top it off Gilgamesh hadn't even released his Balance Breaker, hell he hadn't even summoned the [Boosted Gear].

Vali quickly manages to distance himself from Gilgamesh and releases waves of his demon power to buy some time.

However this did not happen as Gilgamesh with a single shot of his divine energy nullified everything.

Wasting no time Gilgamesh raised his right hand toward Vali and released a burst of his divine energy that came out in the form of a beam of light.

Vali's eyes widened as he saw a wave of divine power so great that it covered his vision and he quickly activated one of the powers of [Divine Dividing] making his wings appear larger.


Extending his hand Vali made the whole wave of energy half its size however it kept moving forward making Vali draw on his power.

"Debt" said Vali.

[Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide! Divide!]

Slowly the whole wave of energy began to fade as her power was divided several times and Albion's voice came out of Vali's wings.

Vali prepared to advance against Gilgamesh but stopped when she felt all her armor overloaded.

[Vali's armor overloaded] warned Albion.

"He overloaded my armor with just one wave of energy?!" thought Vali perplexed, he felt that Gilgamesh hadn't even used his true power in that attack.

[Vali behind you] warned Albion.

Vali snapped out of his thoughts as he looked ahead and saw that Gilgamesh had disappeared, when he received Albion's warning he turned around only to see Gilgamesh on his back with a prepared punch.

Vali couldn't even react when Gilgamesh punched Vali so hard in the face that it broke his helmet and sent him flying into a nearby mountain.

Gilgamesh landed calmly on the ground while watching the spot where Vali had crashed.

Vali quickly rolled off the mountain he had been thrown into before falling to his knees, his helmet had been destroyed and his armor appeared to be crumbling.

Vali is perplexed.

"The difference in power is so great?!" questioned Vali surprised and startled.

He never imagined that Sekiryuutei would be so strong.

[It pains me to say this, but it seems that Ddraig's host is a monster to have this power and be so young, Ddraig has outdone himself this time, I don't even want to imagine how strong he will be if he uses Balance Breaker] comments Albion in pure surprise.

"Yes, he really is a monster, I thought he would be better than Sekiryuutei for my lineage, but he outdid me" says Vali bitterly.

[Now is not the time for that Vali, the battle is not over yet] says Albion to his partner.

"And what can I do? He is stronger" said Vali apprehensively.

Albion was silent and surprised, Gilgamesh had not only broken his armor and made Vali retreat, but also seemed to be making Vali's spirit and will to fight break.

And that only happened when you encountered unyielding power.

Or when Gilgamesh used his [Haoushoku Haki] to subdue Vali's will.

[This is no time for that Vali! You still have one more option, use it! You shouldn't give up before the battle is over] said Albion trying to motivate his partner.

"You're right Albion" said Vali with a smile.

The Hakuryuukou stood up and his armor started to restore however Vali staggered a bit and fell again.

"How?!" asked Vali to himself perplexed.

Vali felt his whole body heavy and his stamina was fading as if he had been fighting for days.

[I don't know Vali, but your stamina is being drained quickly, you should use the Juggernaut Drive soon] said Albion as he knew Vali would not last long.

The fact that Vali is losing stamina came totally from Gilgamesh.

The King of Heroes was using his [Snatch] to steal Vali's physical attributes and that includes his stamina.

The [Snatch] is an ability that allows its user to steal the physical attributes of his opponents such as strength, speed, agility and stamina and add it to himself.

Vali who has the ability to divide and steal the power of his enemies was having his own power stolen.

Vali quickly adjusted and rose into the air over Gilgamesh's gaze.

"So you're giving up, Vali?" asked Gilgamesh to him.

Vali laughed.

"No, but even if I have to give it my all I will force you to use your true power" said Vali as he increased his power even more.

Gilgamesh was surprised that Vali had so much power stored up.

Vali suddenly crossed his arms as a menacing aura began to emanate from his body.

[He will activate the Juggernaut Drive, partner, you must stop him, his power is far below normal, he will be consumed by the power of Albion] said Ddraig in warning.

Gilgamesh quickly increased his power.

"I who am about to awaken..." Vali began to recite as his power began to increase.

Azazel and the others would prepare to stop but it was not necessary.

Gilgamesh released a gigantic amount of his divine power suppressing Vali's power and moved forward.

Before Vali could complete his transformation Gilgamesh advanced and in an instant appeared in front of Vali who could not react.

Gilgamesh raised his fist which was imbued with a strong divine energy that Gilgamesh fired at Vali at point-blank range.

The moment Gilgamesh's fist collided with Vali a giant explosion occurred shaking the entire battlefield sending Vali flying against the ground which was blown up as the Hakuryuukou fell.

In one blow Vali fell unconscious to the ground.

Gilgamesh quickly posed in front of the unconscious Vali, Gilgamesh noticed the approach of Azazel, Tobio, Valerie and Lavinia.

"You overreacted Gil-kun" said Lavinia seriously as she approached Vali.

Gilgamesh gave an apologetic look.

"Don't worry Lavinia, Vali is fine" said Tobio to his who nodded.

Valerie quickly approached Vali and looked at him.

"He'll be fine, I can heal him" said Valerie to Lavinia's relieved sigh.

"He's going to be fine. But I am surprised by this power difference between you two, although I was already expecting Sekiryuutei's victory" said Azazel to everyone's surprise.

"You expected it?" asked Tobio in surprise.

"Yes, I have felt Gilgamesh's power before and so I knew he would win, but I didn't imagine that so easily" commented Azazel.

He already knew of Gilgamesh's power and so he knew that victory would come to the King of Heroes, however he did not imagine that Gilgamesh would dominate Vali so easily.

"So I guess that's it" Gilgamesh said however Tobio intervened.

"Actually I would like a battle against you" said Tobio with a smile.

Everyone was surprised by this.

"Even you Tobi-kun?" asked Lavinia in surprise.

"I am surprised Tobio, why is that?" asked Azazel surprised.

"Well I would like to test my power against you, after all you are considered the Greatest Swordsman in the World" said Tobio surprising Gilgamesh.

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