Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 158

Chapter 158

"I was going to get the Grail for myself, although I am allied with Rizevim our interests are different, but they are related to Trihexa, however you came first" said the man while calmly explaining everything without caring.

Gilgamesh listened to everything calmly although he was in doubt as to why this man was telling him all this.

"Now, our conversation is fine, but I have to go" said the man as he walked towards Walburga.

"What makes you think I will let you go?" asked Gilgamesh dangerously.

The man laughed.

"If you want to fight I don't care" said the man as his power increased.

Gilgamesh flexed his fingers and in a burst of speed disappeared.

The man's eyes widened as he saw Gilgamesh disappear.

Gilgamesh in an instant appeared in front of the man with a clenched fist and punched him with such force that it generated a shockwave.

The man could only cross his arms in front of him and receive the impact.

The impact sent him flying away, he quickly maneuvered himself into the air and landed on the ground while skidding a bit.

When he landed his right arm went limp while he could only move his left.

The man gave an impressed look.

"Amazing, you broke my right arm in one blow" said the man visibly surprised.

He took a vial from his pocket and removed its cap before pouring the contents into his arm which gained an aura before healing completely.

The man quickly moved his arm to Gilgamesh's surprise.

"Phoenix tears are very useful, you know" spoke the man as an aura covered his body.

It was an extremely dense aura that even surprised Gilgamesh, not only because of the density but also because it was extremely black and dark.

Gilgamesh quickly made his aura about his body and it glowed in gold.

If Gilgamesh's aura was divine and shone like the light of a God amidst any darkness, the man's aura was the opposite.

His aura was very dense and sinister as if it were darkness itself.

Gilgamesh's aura shone and purified the darkness that was man's aura while his darkness tried to devour Gilgamesh's light.

Gilgamesh was amazed at his aura, his aura was not all power, the man had a power between Satan and God Class, yet his natural aura was very dark.

It was like the exact opposite of Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh simply reached out his hand towards Arthur's sword and used the [Snatch].

Caliburn came flying towards Gilgamesh who grabbed the sword causing a gigantic sacred aura to be released from the sword which shone with a whole new light.

It was as if it was happy to be wielded by Gilgamesh.

To call Caliburn intelligent would have been inaccurate, but to call it aware, no. It is a sword made by God Himself and therefore she does not allow just anyone to wield it.

Just like high level holy swords like Durandal it only allows a chosen few to wield it.

Gilgamesh never had a problem wielding sacred swords, even Durandal or Ascalon or even the Fragments of Excalibur, he never had a problem with it, in fact it seemed that these swords were more than willing to grant their power to him and happy to be wielded by him.

Gilgamesh even considered that it was because of his deity, which according to Gabriel and Michael was very reminiscent of the God of the Bible.

Gilgamesh might not have been seeing the man's face but he knew he was making a complicated face.

"Well, now it's complicated" the man said as he saw the aura of sacred energy that the sword was releasing that was greater than anything Arthur had ever done.

Gilgamesh advanced against the man swinging Caliburn that was covered in sacred aura.

The man quickly launched his aura against Gilgamesh who cut down any who approached with Caliburn's sacred aura.

Both began exchanging blows at high speed.

The man could only defend himself with his aura and dodge because the amount of sacred aura that Gilgamesh was releasing from Caliburn was no joke, it could even hurt a god.

Gilgamesh quickly cut through the space in front of him and released a torrent of sacred aura.

Several rips in space appeared around the man releasing several waves of sacred energy.

The man quickly released torrents of auras in all directions to evade Gilgamesh's power.

The man quickly jumped and dodged the sacred auras but the moment he landed on the ground his instincts screamed in terror.

He looked back and saw Gilgamesh with Caliburn in hand and an extremely dense and sharp sacred aura that was very concentrated.

The man could only widen his eyes as he felt the deepest sense of terror when Gilgamesh looked into his eyes.

"Sword Magic: Flash of Origin"

A single bar of light was released as Gilgamesh swung Caliburn against the man.

The man at the last second managed to dodge the attack and retreat and couldn't help but stare wide-eyed when he saw the damage of the technique.

Everything in a horizontal line had been cut off, buildings, houses and everything in front had been sliced by the giant sacred aura at high power.

The man sounded off at this due to the sheer power of the sword that Gilgamesh used.

The man quickly jumped close to Walburga and Gilgamesh advanced but a giant aura was thrown at the King of Heroes.

Gilgamesh held Caliburn and channeled a great wave of sacred energy and cut the man's power in half.

When the wave disappeared the man standing with Walburga on his shoulders was revealed.

"Well, I guess I'll take Arthur too" said the man who seemed to smile.

Gilgamesh closed his eyes.

"What makes you think I will let you do that and run away from here?" asked Gilgamesh as he increased Caliburn's aura.

The man almost seemed to smile.

"Why will you only be able to save one of the two, him or your friend, which will it be?" asked the man.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened and he prepared to move forward.

The man quickly summoned a gigantic amount of his aura to fire, but it wasn't at Gilgamesh...

It was on Valerie.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he saw the energy going against the unconscious Valerie.

"So, which one are you going to save?" the man asked as he addressed Arthur who was lying on the floor unconscious.

Gilgamesh gritted his teeth and made his decision.

The man quickly made his way to Arthur and as he was about to reach the descendant of King Arthur he was stopped.

In front of him was Gilgamesh with Caliburn in hand and an extremely angry look on his face.

The man quickly looked over to where Valerie was and his eyes widened as he saw a tear in space absorbing his aura.

He quickly understood what was happening.

Gilgamesh had used Caliburn's power to rip the space where Valerie was and make a hole that absorbed her aura and sent it back to another place saving the Dhampir.

The man could only widen his eyes speaking a word before Caliburn was swung against him.

"Shit" the man said.

Caliburn came down slashing and blood came flying out.

A burst of energy occurred blinding everyone for a moment before it disappeared.

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