Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

If he put it that way, it could be true too. His accusation was not only random nonsense, but also quite reasonable. He might be right in some cases, Gilgamesh could be some spy of the Church, his power sealed to spy on Maou's two sisters.

But unfortunately he is wrong.

The demons here also turned to Gilgamesh, they have look of accusation, even Sona had in his gaze shock and disappointment as he looked at Gilgamesh.

"No ... I am no longer of the Church" Gilgamesh said and it is true, he had no relationship with them, Gilgamesh rarely helped the Church and the only contact he had was with Gabriel.

"Bullshit!" Kiba spat "Even after all this! You still deny it! You are spying on us and lying to us! I should kill you right here and now!" He shouted as he ran, the sword materializing in his hand instantly.


Kiba was fast, even for low classes he was still fast. It's probably because of his trait as a Knight, not to mention the sword he created. It wasn't demon magic, it was his Sacred Gear.

Kiba's Sacred Gear was [Sword Birth] or also known as Demon Sword Maker.

[Sword Birth] has the ability to create various Demonic Swords of different attributes according to the user's will. The swords, however, are not as powerful as one of the Excalibur fragments. It can also be used to create countless Demonic Swords from any surface within a certain distance of the user, which can also immobilize opponents. The user can also create multiples of the same sword and even pass them between others for them to wield.

For everyone here, it was clear that Kiba was too close to the blur, his speed was too great to the point that you would have a hard time if fighting him up close.

But Gilgamesh could see his movement clearly.

As soon as he approached Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes also moved forward. Gilgamesh raised his legs and kicked Kiba in the stomach. Time seemed to stop when Gilgamesh's kick hit him, the boy instantly choked, saliva came out of his mouth before time resumed and the blond boy launched himself backwards, flew like a freshly thrown bag and hit the wall, enough to make spider webs of cracks.

"Yuuto!" Rias choked as she stood up, and not only her, Sona too

All the Demons in the room became tense instantly, the atmosphere now became high as they were all looking at Gilgamesh, few helped Kiba who was still on the floor to get up.

Gilgamesh could tell that they are now ready to attack him, actually Gilgamesh didn't want to do that as he is not neutral with them, but Kiba doesn't calm down enough and if Gilgamesh doesn't do anything they will suspect him still.

Gilgamesh's eyes glowed as his eyes emitted power.

It's as if gravity itself changed. There was no agitation in the room or anything extraordinary. But there was a change in that place when suddenly all the demons in the room widened their eyes, their skin paled slightly as if something had just appeared in the middle of the room. Their shoulders heaved, the weak one immediately fell back.

The strong one, Sona and Rias also trembled, they still try to stand firm and look calm, and fortunately they succeed, after all this energy wave was not as strong as the one Gilgamesh used on Rias.

"Listen here Yuuto Kiba." I called out as I looked at him who was looking at me with wide eyes, "I don't know what your problem is with the Church, but don't you dare use that excuse to attack me. When I said I am on my own side, I mean this, I am not on your side, not their side, and not the side of the Fallen Angels."

Gilgamesh then took off his aura and everyone returned to normal, the only ones who were not influenced by Gilgamesh's aura were Xenovia and Irina, after all Gilgamesh did not use his aura on them.

Then Gilgamesh turned his face to see Koneko who was trembling at the sight of me, Gilgamesh approached her and she cringed. Akeno about to move, but she still looked frozen, Rias was the one who moved, although trembling, but she tried to approach Gilgamesh.

Unfortunately it was too late for her, Gilgamesh raised his hands and pinched Koneko's cheeks.

"Mugyu ?!" Koneko let out in a hushed tone as Gilgamesh pinched her cheeks. I then add pressure by pulling up, down and widening my pincer. The moment Gilgamesh added pressure, she lets out a scream, but Gilgamesh I ignore her and continue pinching.

For a few seconds, Gilgamesh could tell that everyone just stared at him in bewilderment to the point of making Rias who was about to approach stop, because she also looked at me as if Gilgamesh only had a second head and three extra arms.

It continued for a few more seconds where Koneko tried to wail, but it came out only as a muffled voice and they finally broke through the shock when Koneko could hold back no longer and let out a pained cry as tears flowed from her eyes and this time Gilgamesh let out.

"Easy now?" Gilgamesh asked Koneko who stared at him the moment he released her. And when Gilgamesh asked the question, her eyes widened as she realized that Gilgamesh just pulled her away from her expression of fear again. She gives a small weak nod and leaves Gilgamesh satisfied, great, he doesn't want to leave her traumatized again.

Clearing his throat, Gilgamesh gathered the attention of the Demons around him.

"I'm sorry about that everyone, I really am, but to let you boys and girls know that I didn't take their side or any of your sides. And I can't explain when you all have doubts about me because of Kiba-san's words" Gilgamesh said as he gestured to the blond man who cringed when his gaze fell on him.

No one spoke after Gilgamesh said this, he could tell that even though he made no threatening moves, they were still suspicious except for Sona who immediately nodded at my words.

"I understand Gilgamesh-san." Sona said while looking at me, "We could understand how you felt when the Church accused us of associating with the thief, right Rias?"

"Oh?" Rias seemed to be stunned for a moment before clearing her throat and nodding, "Yes, yes. Sona here, but I'm surprised you act so offensive." She mumbled the last part, but I still caught it.

"Like I said, I'm on my side, I don't want you to associate me with them because if you did that heck you know what your higher will did. They will send letter to the Church and bla, bla, bla. in the end it will give me a headache or blow up another war." Gilgamesh told them and Gilgamesh could tell that they shuddered when he mentioned the war part.

What Gilgamesh said was pretty much right. If it was true that he was a spy for the Church and especially a user of Longinus, this could be considered a serious offensive action, not exaggerated, but Sona and Rias here could be counted as royalty because of their status, since the demons could demand something from them and accuse them of wanting to start a war, and worse, they could ask for anything.

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