Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 197

Chapter 197

"Is that better now?" asked Gilgamesh to the boy who now calmer nodded.

"I know it may not be the time, but what do you wish to do from now on?" asked Gilgamesh to the boy.

"What to do?"

"Yes, like it or not you possess a Longinus so it draws danger to you, a peaceful life is not something possible for people like us" said Gilgamesh to the boy.

And this was true, power attracts power and the Longinus are weapons that are said to kill Gods, so the moment you have one of them strapped to your soul you have already become a target for the whole world.

Everyone feared and tried to kill you for it.

The [Annihilation Maker] in particular is perhaps the most feared.

[Annihilation Maker], Longinus that allows you to create creatures based on your imagination ... Just putting it like that was enough to make anyone wonder how powerful Sacred Gear is. Gilgamesh obviously knows very well the capabilities of this Sacred Gear.

There are many islands on this planet, many of them are gone and will never be remembered by mundane people. One of them was the island that was called Cactuar Island, which was located between Europe and the Asian continent.

That island was totally destroyed ... Permanently erased along with all the living things that existed on that island. Men, women, babies, animals, plants. None of them spared.

That's a story for another time, of course. However, there is one thing, one thing that made Gilgamesh very worried about Leonardo's safety.

In the last five hundred years, no [Annihilation Maker] user has lived to be 20 years old.

Why? Simple, they all murdered.

Murdered in their sleep.

Killed when they were at their most vulnerable.

Murdered when they were still just a baby, even at some point.

It's because the power of [Annihilation Maker] is very easy to use and more outrageous. It was Sacred Gear very suitable for children who really understood its ability. Because imagination is very strong when people are at a childish age.

But when they grow up, it becomes a problem.

In the beginning, during old age, there were no big problems. All [Annihilation Maker] users are able to live normally, but because they are getting older, so is their mind and consciousness, and this makes their creatures less powerful.

But the biggest problem came when mankind started to learn.

They begin to grow. They become smarter. More creative. More adaptable. More resilient. And more imaginative.

Few entities have come to fear and distrust the growth of man, with such power that can create a monster just by thinking the bearer already needs to worry. And now they get more intelligent and creative ...

And their fear was confirmed during the incident on Cactuar Island.

And from that day on, the bearer of the [Annihilation Maker] begins to be hunted. Either killed or recruited to join the army. However, one thing is certain, they never make it past twenty. It is because they have all killed, many gods and creatures fear their power, the thought of the user able to create a god-killing level monster is so frightening.

The moment Leonardo had this Longinus in his soul he became a target.

The only way Leonardo could survive and have a good life is if he allied himself with some Faction.

The Faction of Heroes was an example since it could protect him, but now that was no longer possible.

"I would like to join you" said Leonardo surprising everyone.

"Why?" asked Gilgamesh surprised.

"Even when I was under their control Jeanne always talked and took care of me like an older sister" said Leonardo and Gilgamesh smiled at that, "She told me about you and how you took care of everyone who needed help, she told me that if one day I needed help I could come to you" finishes Leonardo.

Gilgamesh and everyone else were surprised by this, although Gilgamesh was glad that Jeanne didn't seem to have fallen as low as he thought.

"Are you sure about that? Me and my friends are always getting into trouble and trouble, will you still want to join us?" asked Gilgamesh as he looked at the boy.

"Yes, I do" Leonardo said almost instantly.

Gilgamesh smiled as everyone seemed to be happy.

"Then welcome to the family Leonardo, we will all take very good care of you, don't worry" said Gilgamesh smiling at the boy who nodded.

"Okay let's have a party to celebrate" Mordred shouts in joy together with everyone.

Gilgamesh can't help but smile.

Even in the face of all this only their happiness mattered.

And Gilgamesh would do anything to protect them.

A Few Days Later.

With Gilgamesh.

It had been a few days since the incident with Crom Cruach and the conversation with Leonardo.

After that Leonardo moved in with them and was given his own room with his own things, everyone began to see him as a younger brother that they helped and cared for.

Gilgamesh and everyone else also began to train Leonardo to gain better control of his Longinus.

After all the [Annihilation Maker] is an extremely dangerous Longinus, in the novel Leonardo had been forced to activate his Balance Breaker forcibly and the creatures generated caused great havoc in the underworld, and it was even revealed that this Balance Breaker had the potential to destroy the world.

Gilgamesh had helped Leonardo gain better control over his Longinus.

It turned out to be much more than imagination to use its power, the more descriptive it was the more powerful it was, as was the cost it took to create the monsters, being physical and mental stamina.

Gilgamesh and Valerie were also teaching magic to Leonardo who, surprisingly had a talent for it.

Gilgamesh had also granted him another Sacred Gear, the Sacred Gear [Night Reflection].

One of the weaknesses of the [Annihilation Maker] was the bearer himself, since he was much more vulnerable than the creatures he creates.

The [Night Reflection] could manipulate shadows and so Leonardo could use them to protect himself and it wasn't that complicated since the shadows moved by the user's imagination.

Leonardo had also shown himself to be a pretty shy kid and had a little trouble making friends, but after spending some time with everyone he loosened up.

Speaking of Gilgamesh the King of Heroes was currently walking the halls of Academy Kuoh along with Valerie and Rias and their Nobility.

They were in the first floor room of the old school building where the "Sealed Classroom" had been made.

It had a ribbon with "Keep Out" written on it was heavily taped and with magic seals carved into the door.

"So why are we here Gremory?" asked Gilgamesh seriously to Rias who shuddered a little.

"My brother, Sirzechs Lucifer, told me that when I am to release my [Bishop] I should call you and Dhampir" said Rias to Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh nodded while Valerie had a happy look on her face.

"What is your relationship with Gasper?" asked Rias to Valerie curious.

"He is my younger brother" said Valerie smiling to everyone's surprise.

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