Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 200

Chapter 200

A Day Later.

Right after his conversation with Akeno, Gilgamesh had gone back to his house to prepare everything, the next day he would have Observation day, where parents go to school to see their children study.

When Gilgamesh arrived home everything occurred normally, he trained Arthur, Xenovia in sword handling and was thinking of giving Ascalon to Xenovia, Gilgamesh also helped Le Fay with some magical problems and helped Leonardo with his Longinus.

Currently Gilgamesh was heading towards the school for another day of school, Mordred and Le Fay had already gone ahead as they had some things to do in their classes.

Gilgamesh was still wondering when Gabriel would come to visit him from what Michael had said.

Gilgamesh paused as he walked out of the school gate. He felt a small barrier around the area, as well as a very familiar presence. It was diminished, but that was natural since they were in a populated area. Gilgamesh looked around, noticing that there were no humans nearby, and his eyes landed on a silver-haired, blue-eyed young man in his late teens to early twenties, leaning against the gate walls. He was also looking at Gilgamesh, and a mischievous smile grew on his face.

"Well, this is a surprise. I didn't expect you to approach me like this, my rival." Gilgamesh said as he walked up to the silver-haired man.

"Yes, I wasn't planning this either, but Azazel sent me to give you a message. He also sent other messengers to the Demons and Heaven." The silver-haired man replied.

"Oh, and what message would be so important that he would send the strongest Hakuryuukou of all time to deliver it, Vali?" Gilgamesh asked Vali, the current and strongest Hakuryuukou, just as he was the current and strongest Sekiryuutei.

"It's about the conference. In the last few days, Azazel has received information that a certain organization intends to attack the conference."

"A certain organization? That's pretty vague, isn't it?" spoke Gilgamesh although he already knew what they were.

"That's the best we have. They are an indescribable bunch. We've only known of their existence for the past two months, and almost nothing else since then. Well, I doubt they are capable of doing much anyway. The conference participants include 3 leaders of the Three Factions, high-ranking subordinates, including me, and you, the King of Heroes and his group. I can't imagine any organization, however large, that can really oppose us."

"True, in terms of power, we probably have the advantage. Still, to be able to escape Azazel's information network, they must be quite good in terms of structure and intelligence. At the very least, we should keep our guard up. "

"That's what Azazel said. Well, anyway, that's all I'm here for. I'll withdraw then. Unless, of course, you want to fight now?"

"Right before the conference? Yes, that will go down well with the leaders. Maybe another time."

"Too bad. Well, it's all right for now. But, one day we'll settle that fight."

"Sure. I wouldn't do it any other way."

Vali walked away, leaving Gilgamesh standing at the gate. And suddenly, as if by magic, the area around him was filled with humans, students leaving school, adults coming home from work. The barrier that Vali had erected was removed.

Gilgamesh sighed before entering Academy Kuoh for another day of school.



Currently in the Academy Kuoh classroom all the students were in class with the addition of their parents.

It was the day when parents and family members could come to the Academy to observe their child and family members.

Gilgamesh was studying in the same class as Rias, Sona, Akeno and Tsubaki.

Further back in the room were the parents of the students and Gilgamesh saw that Sirzechs Lucifer and Zeoticus Gremory were standing there with a camera as they watched Rias.

The red-headed Maou was standing at the back of the class, holding a video camera and directing it completely at his extremely embarrassed little sister as he hurled rude words of encouragement at her, sounding as if he was talking to a child instead of a girl about to come of age.

Gilgamesh really felt sorry for his Devil classmate, whose face had turned as red as her hair, looking as if she just wanted a hole in the ground to open and swallow her up.

Gilgamesh could not complain since his friends were here too.

Arthur was in Le Fay's room while watching his sister and Arturia, surprisingly, was in Mordred's room and introduced herself as his sister.

In Gilgamesh's room were Enkidu and Valerie, Sebas was in Asia's room as the girl had no relatives and Karna had stayed home and was looking after Fenrir, Tiamat was in the underworld doing his homework.

Enkidu also kept waving and giving words of encouragement while Valerie laughed.

Gilgamesh came out of his thoughts and turned his attention back to the class.

Which was promptly interrupted when the door opened with a loud bang, drawing everyone's attention.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened as he saw who had come through the door.

It was a woman of incomparable beauty who, unlike the Goddesses of Love, had a more innocent and worldly appearance. She was not a supernatural beauty whose existence defied nature, the Goddesses of Beauty and Love were that kind, changing to suit the tastes of others. She had curly blonde hair that shone like the sun, beautiful blue eyes that sparkled like sapphires and exuded innocence, and a jaw-dropping voluptuous figure that was the closest to perfection he had ever seen.

Even Sirzechs and Zeoticus could not hide their surprise at seeing who was there.

"That's what Michael was talking about..." Gilgamesh whispered to himself.

At the door, showing off his supernatural beauty was Gabriel one of the Seraphim and the Most Beautiful Woman in Heaven.

"Sorry I'm late! I got lost on the way here! This school is much bigger than I thought!" Gabriel declared with a chuckle.

His appearance drew more than a whistle of appreciation from the boys in the class, although these quickly shrugged off the harsh stares of his classmates and their mothers, saving him the trouble of having to deal with them alone.

"Um ... Miss? Are you related to one of my students?" the teacher asked, even while still perplexed to see the beauty of the woman in front of her.

It was as if she had been personally made by God, and the teacher was not wrong.

"Yes!" said Gabriel with a smile as his eyes passed through the students until they fell on Gilgamesh, "Yoo-hoo, Gil!" She called out in a singing voice as she waved enthusiastically at him.

He buried his face in his hands as all attention turned to him.

"But I thought all of Gilgamesh's kin were here" spoke the teacher as her gaze passed to Enkidu and Valerie, "You are his what?" asked the curious teacher.

Gabriel thought for a moment until he remembered what his brother Michael had told her how to introduce himself.

"I am his girlfriend" said Gabriel innocently as his brother had instructed.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHH !?" That was the general reaction of the class, especially the girls.

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