Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

And not for a second did Gabriel regret the feelings he developed for Gilgamesh.

"I love you" said Gabriel with such passion that even Gilgamesh had his heart beating stronger.

"I know how you feel about me, and I feel the same way" said Gabriel who as an Angel was able to sense people's feelings.

"I know what is going on in your mind. You fear the consequences of your feelings. You think that I will reject you, or worse, that I will accept them. You are afraid that loving me will lead to my downfall, that I will blame you for losing my Father's blessing."

She rose from the bed, dragging her feet to stand facing him. Placing her hands on his shoulders, she held him in place as she sat on his lap. They were so close together, not only was she sitting on his lap, but her soft chest was against his, the two friends looking deep into each other's eyes.

Their hearts beat as one, while their heads were close to each other.

Love makes you do foolish things. It is not a thing of the mind, but of the heart. Under its bondage, men and women did everything, from moving mountains to committing genocide. Love makes you abandon logic and do stupid things, dangerous things.

He was afraid to confess his feelings, and so was she. They knew that this was not a passing attraction, but at the same time they had fears that their love was fleeting. After all, she was an immortal angel who had promised to defend humanity against the forces of darkness, and he, with all his powers and abilities, was still mortal.

They both knew their own feelings and understood others, but they couldn't take that final step into the forbidden.

At least ... not yet.

For now, they held each other tenderly, their foreheads touching as they looked at each other deeply. For the first time in a long time, he could feel the heat rising to his cheeks, staining his normally old complexion red. He couldn't help it as he blushed at the prolonged contact, struggling to keep his gaze at eye level. He, a person who slept enough to lose count, and regularly bedded a fallen angel and a creature of sin, had even bedded Goddesses like Aphrodite.

Although the Greek Goddess of Love became obsessed with him thinking he would be her true love.

But with Gabriel he was blushing like an innocent schoolboy.

For Gabriel had been the first woman Gilgamesh had ever loved.

Even when he slept with other women it was only lust, for his love was always with Gabriel.

Even when Gilgamesh eventually fell in love with Valerie it was still not the same, the Seraph was and always would be the first and strongest love in Gilgamesh's life.

He realized that his hold on her was getting a little stronger at that thought. Maybe it was the innocence or general purity she conveyed, but he could feel the barriers he had built around himself slowly disintegrating the longer he stayed with her. It was great to be just Gilgamesh once again, not the King of Heroes, the Beast of Destruction who had the power to overcome Gods, now he was just Gilgamesh, a normal person.

The measure in a few inches. At the last moment before he claimed her juicy lips, he turned around, startling her.

"Gil?" She asked, placing her hand on his cheek.

"Are we really doing this?" He wondered. "What would your brother say if he saw us now?"

Her grip increased, and her eyes took on a hard look.

"Of the many gifts God has given man, love has always been one of the most potent. Father watched and saw how it brought happiness and gave strength to those who followed his heart. Marriage is one of the sacred sacraments of the Church; do you think my Father, the God who practiced agape, would deny any of his children the chance to feel what it is to be in love? "

"No" Gilgamesh replied, "But what would your father say about us?"

She smiled sadly for a moment before answering.

"Love between angels was rare to begin with. Love between two of his greatest sons even rarer. Of those I know of, the greatest was perhaps between Hadraniel and Azazel" Seeing the disbelief on his face, she continued, "Oh, yes, he was once happily married, one of the lucky few among us to have found a partner to love wholeheartedly. And Hadraniel loved him, some say even more than his own father, but his father didn't care. Here were two of his sons enjoying one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon them, and he was happy to watch and smile at their mischief."

She paused, a look of nostalgia passing across her face.

"Back then, Azazel was far from the suave seducer he is now. He was a stuttering, clumsy mess who had no idea how to talk to a woman. It was Hadraniel who got tired of him getting around the problem, and one day after a mission confronted him. No one knows exactly what went on behind that closed door, at least no one but my father, but when she opened Azazel had a silly smile on her face and Hadraniel was smiling broadly."

"But then he betrayed her." Her voice hardened, as close to hate as he thought an angel could get without falling.

"You have never seen an angel with a broken heart before, and pray that you never will. Angels are not only God's soldiers, but also beings of love and light. When we love, we don't stop, our souls intertwine with our partners. To have that love torn away and betrayed ... there is nothing more tragic. For a hundred days and a hundred nights, the halls of Heaven were filled with Hadraniel's weeping. Nothing we did could comfort her, not even her father could shake her from her grief."

Another pause, this one the longest so far. He could feel her struggling with her emotions through the incipient bond they shared.

Placing his hands on her shoulders, he tried to flood the bond between them with positive emotions, helping her keep control of her anger.

"So when the hundredth night was over, Hadraniel was over, too." He could see in his memories, the majestic splendor of Heaven disfigured by his angel's weeping. The image changed to show a beautiful angel with long brown hair, hiding her face behind her hands as she wept. She knelt on the ground with her hair spread around her, and no matter what her brothers and sisters did, she refused to be moved. Finally, as the clock struck and a new day was beginning to dawn, she gave a final cry, before passing out. Her body went up in flames, the immolation so great that nothing remained but a stain on the alabaster marble.

The angel who represented the majesty of God was no more.

An angel moved to clear the scene.

"Leave it!" A voice commanded and all the angels froze at the command. The voice was one of resolute command, of unimaginable power and majesty.

"Father?" The voice came from his own lips, and he finally realized that he was watching the scene from Gabriel's memories. His mortal eyes were incapable of perceiving the existence that was the Biblical God in his true form. Trying was an invitation to pain unlike any other, since mortals were not supposed to look at the plunge in all its splendor.

"Leave it, child." The voice commanded once more, the ashes of one of her beloved sons rising into the air and flying into an urn, "I look upon this place and see the death of my son and the betrayal of another. Let it be known from now on, that Azazel has been cast out of Heaven, never to be offered redemption."

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