Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 207

Chapter 207

The conference had been a fairly simple affair after that. All the pieces seemed to fall into place once it was clear that the Three Factions were united in a single purpose: to end the internal conflict once and for all.

They spent a few minutes discussing battle potential and the like before taking a break, during which Michael addressed and apologized to Asia and Xenovia for his initiative to exile the Church.

He had explained that while the Biblical God had fallen, the System he had used to grant blessings, power, sacred artifacts and exorcisms, and perform his many miracles still existed and was still operational. However, with his death, no other being in Heaven possessed the power to keep the System functioning, not even the Four Seraphim together. So they turned to the power of the System with Michael as the core, and the faith of his many followers, still ignorant of the death of their deity, all over the world to make up for the rest.

Needless to say, no matter how many humans contributed their faith to feed the System, it would never, ever collectively be enough to match the power of the Biblical God, and therefore the effects of the System were noticeably weakened compared to when God was alive.

Not only that, faith was incredibly shaky. Even the smallest seed of doubt could contaminate it and make it unusable to feed the System. This is why any factor that could negatively influence the faith of the followers of the Church had to be removed immediately. Factors such as heretical sacred gears, like the 13 Longinus gears that claim to possess the ability to kill gods, and Asia's own Twilight Healing, which can be used to heal any being, not just the followers of the Biblical God, as well as those who knew about the death of the Biblical God but didn't shut up about it, like Xenovia.

Following the explanation, Michael once again apologized to the two, who simply shook their heads and proclaimed their faith in the late Biblical God, eliciting a smile from the acting heavenly leader.

After that, the conference began again, this time with Gilgamesh's group involved. The Three Factions, although now united, still had no power compared to the other factions, even if one included the two Super Devils, Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub, and Vali the Hakuryuukou.

So the Three Factions wanted the cooperation of Gilgamesh and his group for the alliance.

"So I guess that's it right?" spoke Sirzechs as he sighed.

"Then it's time to hear the opinion of other people, those who can influence the world. From the invincible Dragon-sama. First, Vali. What do you want to do for the world?" asked Azazel smiling.

The strongest Hakuryuukou smiled.

"As long as I fight with strong people" replied Vali smiling as she looked at Gilgamesh.

"Well, that and your face. So the perhaps most important thing here, what do you think Sekiryuutei?" asked Azazel as everyone turned their attention to Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh's decision could totally change the course of the meeting.

Everyone there knew and felt the power of Gilgamesh and his group, a power as great as some Factions of the Gods.

There was no doubt that among the Factions present there, the Demons, Angels and Fallen Angels the Gilgamesh Faction was the most powerful.

"How do you feel about this situation with the Three Factions? Do you wish for peace as well?" asked Sirzechs with a raised eyebrow.

"Honestly speaking, I'm fine, as long as the secrets of the Moonlit World are kept secret by normal people. But I can also say that as much as I want peace, it is something that would not come without a high price."

"So you think peace is impossible?" Sirzechs tilted his head.

"What I feel is that the peace that the people in this room desire will probably be very different from the one I desire" Gilgamesh spoke up getting everyone's attention.

"Oh? What do you mean?" Azazel asked with that ever present smile.

"You want to have peace, but does that peace extend to humans, by the way?" Gilgamesh asked as he looked the Fallen Angel in the eye. "Can you honestly say that you will not involve any innocent humans during this transition? Normal humans who can't defend themselves?"

"Well ..." The Fallen Angel shrugged with that annoying smile in response, knowing full well the impossibility of having adequate peace between the different groups. That's when someone decided to give their opinion.

"Why worry about those weak humans?" Everyone turned their attention to Vali, who was looking at Gilgamesh with a sharp look, "You shouldn't worry about them. They will only hold you back."

"Do you realize that I am one of those 'weak' humans?" spoke Gilgamesh as he narrowed his eyes and his power was beginning to leak out.

"You are different." Vali gestured with his hand, "You have the strength to prove yourself, and no offense, the 'normal' or 'weak' parts do not extend to you. You must not limit yourself to saving, you must use your strength in more ... 'recreational' ways." His eyes seemed to turn into slits as he kept his gaze on Gilgamesh, "By the way, I doubt the phrase 'human' applies to you as well."

"Vali." Azazel interrupted the tense moment with a single word, a noticeable tone present as he spoke and the distinct scowl on his face. The person in question merely shrugged and leaned back in his chair, but his eyes were still fixed on Gilgamesh, apparently waiting for a reaction from that comment.

"I'm sorry about that." Azazel gave an apologetic smile to me, "What do you think about our subject?"

"As I said, I am convinced that peace is not something that can be agreed upon so easily. Considering that your factions have been doing it for all these years, whether on or off the battlefield, it will not be simple to just tell your groups to put down their weapons" Gilgamesh spoke keeping an eye on Vali, "Kokabiel would be the prime example."

"True." Azazel nodded with a shy smile.

"That said, my words may not matter much to any of your kind" Gilgamesh spoke, "But my part still stands. I'm willing to give it a chance, as long as normal people don't get dragged into our side of the world."

"So ..." Serafall put a finger on her chin as she looked at all of us, "Does that mean you're okay with the idea we have or not?"

"... For now I will follow." Gilgamesh paused before looking at them closely, "But make no mistake. If any of your kind attack the humans in any way, I will take them down. That is the role given to me and I will enforce it."

"Oh ..." Azazel gave that ever so annoying smile, "And how will you enforce that?"

When Azazel spoke Gilgamesh gave a mischievous smile that seemed to startle every member of the room.

"I was hoping you would ask that"

Gilgamesh for a moment closed his eyes.

And then his eyes open.

And the world shudders.

Nobody knew what was happening. But the earth shook for a moment, the ground beneath him cracked before breaking like a shard of ice that has been smashed by a hammer, the very air screaming under the power he radiates, the space around him vibrated, shuddering, as if they were sentient beings. His golden hair shone even brighter as his power manifested.

The pure and strong aura they all felt made in the back of their minds scream at them, shouting and demanding that they kneel before the being before them now, it was aura he labeled as one of the primitives.

Divine power.

A power that only the Gods possess, a creature that trusts to be the most superior being in the World and the Universe. Even one that has just been born possesses the power to destroy a city like a toy, a creature that all mankind salutes and kneels to.

Its crimson colored eyes with a slit open to the world, eyes that represent power, eyes that are superior and show the world that the owner of such eyes is the predator.

All the Leaders and the old veteran warrior no doubt recognize the kind of power they felt before, even now the aura still hovering in the air and still radiating from Gilgamesh. A divine power is not something you could gain so easily, only a few are able to achieve it and the price they give to receive such a blessing is difficult.

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