Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 213

Chapter 213

Then Vali stepped forward looking like a white blur as he shot toward Gilgamesh while raising his fist that was covered with an immense amount of aura.

Vali punched Gilgamesh so hard that everything inside the barrier shook and shook violently.

But Vali's smile vanished when he saw Gilgamesh's condition.

The King of Heroes had not moved even an inch when Vali's blow did nothing to him, not even scratch his armor.

"Are you done yet?" asked Gilgamesh bored.

Vali quickly stepped back when he felt Gilgamesh's power increase.

"Don't be shocked, keep your posture. Sharpen your senses and don't divert your attention even for an instant" said Gilgamesh before moving away.

[VALI RECUE NOW!!!] shouted Albion when he realized everything.

But it was already too late.

In an instant Gilgamesh appeared in front of Vali with his fist raised before even the strongest Hakuryuukou could react.

A single thought dominated Vali's mind when he saw Gilgamesh's fist coming in his reaction.


That was all Vali could think before Gilgamesh's fist collided with him.

Gilgamesh's punch connected with Vali's body.

Gilgamesh's punch went through Vali's armor strengthened by the Juggernaut Drive easily as if it was nothing before hitting Vali who spat blood and was buried in the ground generating an immense shockwave that sent everything nearby flying.

In a single blow the strongest Hakuryuukou was unconscious at Gilgamesh's feet.

Gilgamesh sighed when he saw Vali unconscious at his feet as he had to contain enough of his power not to kill the descendant of Lucifer with the blow.

Gilgamesh looked to the side and saw a blue jewel of [Divine Dividing] on the ground and smiling Gilgamesh created a small portal below it absorbing it to use later.

Gilgamesh's armor crumbled as he quickly stepped back.

The barrier in the sky shattered as from the sky fell a young man with short, light hair (black in the anime).

He is dressed in ancient Chinese armor that was worn during the Three Kingdoms period.

The moment his eyes fell he Vali he widened them.

"By the holy banana, they did a number on you Vali" said the frightened man to his unconscious leader.

Gilgamesh recognized who he was.

It was Bikou the descendant of Sun Wukong.

"Will you want to fight Youkai?" asked Gilgamesh smiling.

Meanwhile the leaders, except for Michael and Gabriel, for Gilgamesh still wanting to fight after all the slaughter he has already done.

Gilgamesh's friends on the other hand only shook their heads in denial at the way their leader was behaving.

"Certainly not after what you did to Vali" said Bikou as he slammed his staff to the ground and disappeared with Vali.

Gilgamesh only sighed.

Scene Change.

When Gilgamesh and his group entered the school, the groups from the three great powers came and applied the procedures after the battle.

They took the bodies of the dead mages, and continued cleaning everything up.

As they advanced to the center of the schoolyard, the forms of Sirzechs, Seraphal, Azazel, Michael, and Gabriel could be seen giving orders to people who appeared to be their subordinates.

"So, I am returning immediately to heaven and will work on a plan for the peace issue and the measures against the [Khaos Brigade]" spoke Michael with Gabriel at his side.

"I'm sorry, I'm the one who organized everything this time. We who set up the place of this conference feel ashamed." said Sirzechs embarrassed.

"Sirzechs, don't blame yourself so much. As for me, I am happy that the three great powers are walking together on the path of peace, aren't they? With that, useless quarrels will diminish."

"Well,subordinates who don't agree with that will leave."

Azazel made a sarcastic remark.

"That's inevitable. Since we've been hating each other for quite some time. However, it should change if only a little from now on. The problem is the [Khaos Brigade] that we can't assume is good."

"Then let's cooperate and discuss that issue from now on."

Azazel and Michael nodded at Sirzechs' idea.

"Then I will return to heaven. I will return soon, so we can conclude the formal peace contract when that time comes."

"Michael, I will leave the explanation to the Valhalla people with you. Since it would be problematic for me to move recklessly. After all, you have to tell what happened today to Mt.Sumeru as well." said Azazel.

"Yes, since it makes no difference whether it will be the Ruler of the fallen angels or the Maou explaining, I have to tell them. I'm already used to reporting to [God] myself."

After this, Michael took a large number of his subordinates and ascended to heaven together with Gabriel.

Azazel declared in advance to the troops of the fallen Angels.

"I have chosen peace. The fallen Angels will not fight with the Angels and Demons from now on. Those who are not satisfied with that can leave. However, I will kill you without hesitation the next time we meet. Only those who agree come with me."

[We will live for the sake of Governor Azazel until the day we die!]

The loyalty of the subordinates became a roar. Azazel pleased with this result expressed his gratitude with a small "Thank you".

Then Azazel turned his gaze along with Sirzechs and Serafall to Gilgamesh and his group.

"So you will help us?" asked Azazel.

Gilgamesh laughed a little.

"Obviously, after all I can't allow these mongrels to do as they please in my garden" said Gilgamesh receiving a chuckle from all three in response.

"Then I guess I forgot to ask you something important" said Azazel getting everyone's attention "What is the name of your Faction?" asked Azazel curiously

Gilgamesh paused for a moment for he had not yet thought of a name.

When Gilgamesh created his group it was with the intention of protecting humans, but with time he saw that many other people needed help.

And Gilgamesh's desire was to help them.

It was a Faction that did not discriminate, a Faction that accepted and protected those in need.

Be it humans who needed a family like Arthur, Le Fay, Leonardo and Asia or even beings who were rejected by their own like Fenrir and Valerie.

A group that accepted and protected regardless of their origin or race.

A Faction that gave a purpose to those in need and a place to return to.

A place that did not distinguish who you were, a place for the well-being of all.

An ideal place, of complete happiness and harmony among the members.

A family.

A utopia.

"How about Avalon?" spoke Gilgamesh surprising his friends.

Azazel let out a laugh.

"Avalon huh? King Arthur's dreamed utopia. A Faction that doesn't discriminate and helps everyone, really a good name" said Azazel receiving a nod from everyone.

"I expect great things in the future Gilgamesh, leader of Avalon, King of Avalon" said Azazel as he took his own way equal to Sirzechs and Serafall.

Gilgamesh and his group smiled at this.

His family was truly incredible.


Heaven's Representative and Chief of Angels, Michael. Governor of the fallen angels of the central organization [Grigori], Azazel. Representative of the underworld, Maou Sirzechs Lucifer. As well as Gilgamesh the representative of the new Avalon Faction. With these representatives of the new four great powers, a peace treaty was signed.

After this, disputes between these powers became forbidden, as a framework for cooperation.

This treaty adopted the name of our school that was the site of everything, and was called "The Treaty of Kuou".

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