Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

"Do you know Sairaorg?" asked Gilgamesh curious.

"Yes, we always feud to measure our level and he always talks about you" said Rin making Gilgamesh look a little surprised.

The King of Heroes had met Sairaorg and fought him several times after the events with Regulus.

Gilgamesh won every battle and this only motivates Sairaorg to train even more, and making the heir Bael declare him his rival.

The last time Gilgamesh had met Sairaorg he had the power of the Maou Class with physical strength alone, he had become much stronger than in the cannon due to their rivalry.

"So how would you like to be part of my nobility? I still have one [Bishop] left" Rin said as she stopped in front of Gilgamesh.

Sona and Tsubaki who were standing back there looked startled at this, the thought of Rin having Gilgamesh in her Nobility.

Rin's nobility was already well known in the Underworld for her combat skills and having immense potential.

Rin herself was said to have the potential to become a Super Devil in the future and the candidate to become Maou Beelzebub and succeed her brother.

Gilgamesh laughed a little.

"While it is a good offer I doubt you would be able to reincarnate me" Gilgamesh said with amusement and Rin nodded.

"That's true, your accomplishments speak for themselves, but it can't hurt to try" said Rin shrugging.

Gilgamesh laughed a little.

"So you are the heiress of the Astaroth clan? From what I heard there was another one before you" Gilgamesh said referring to Diodora.

Rin stopped and looked for a moment and looked at Gilgamesh for a moment.

"Yes, my older brother Diodora, unfortunately he ended up dying" said Rin with a fake and feigned sadness that Gilgamesh noticed.

It seemed that the Astaroth heiress knew even the hidden side of her brother.

"So what have you come here to do?" asked Gilgamesh curiously.

"A job for my brother" said Rin before letting out a sigh.

"Although I wish I could fight you to see your power, my brother would probably complain that I took too many risks" said Rin smiling.

"Your brother seems protective" Gilgamesh spoke and saw Rin shudder a little.

"Yes, a little protective" said Rin weakly and embarrassed.

Gilgamesh couldn't help but think that it seemed that Ajuka Beelzebub was a little too protective of his sister by the reaction.

That was all that was missing was another siscon brother, along with Sirzechs and Serafall.

Gilgamesh was beginning to think that the requirement to be a Maou was to be siscon.

"Well I guess that's it, I really just wanted to meet you, see you next time" Rin said before heading for the door and leaving.

Gilgamesh looked for a moment surprised before turning his attention back to Sona who did not have a pleasant look on her face.

"You two seem to have hit it off" Sona spoke sarcastically and with jealousy in her voice.

From the look on Tsubaki's face she also had similar feelings.

Gilgamesh only smiled teasingly.

"Ohoh don't tell me you are jealous Tsubaki-chan, So-tan?" asked Gilgamesh teasingly making the two blush.

"N-don't talk nonsense!" shouts Sona embarrassed next to Tsubaki.

Gilgamesh laughed before moving forward and sitting down on a chair.

"An unexpected visitor huh? I'm surprised Rias isn't here" Gilgamesh spoke calmly.

Sona, who had already recovered from her blush, looks at Gilgamesh.

"Well, Rin always did what she wanted without worrying. But about Rias they don't get along" Sona informed Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh smiled with amusement as curiosity took over.

"Why?" asked Gilgamesh curiously.

"Well Rin and Rias were always compared a lot due to being sisters of Ajuka Beelzebub and Sirzechs Lucifer, the two Super Devils, so they always had a rivalry, however Rin was always better than Rias in everything from magical abilities to theories, thus making them drift apart, Rias didn't like Rin for the fact that she was better" said Sona to Gilgamesh who laughed.

"Jealousy and envy then," Gilgamesh spoke with amusement.

Although Gilgamesh was not surprised, Envy was one of the Capital Sins so it was not uncommon for a devil to feel them.

"Anyway, from what I hear the young devils games will start this year" said Gilgamesh receiving a nod from Sona, "Are you going to participate?"

Soma smiled at Gilgamesh's question.

"Actually, yes. I'm not sure if you heard, but there will be an unusual number of qualified heirs for this year's meeting. It will be the perfect chance for me to test myself and prove my worth to the rest of the underworld. Besides, Rias definitely plans to enter and there's no way I'm going to allow her to fool me."

Despite Sona's surprisingly childish attitude when it comes to her well-known rivalry with the Gremory heiress, Gilgamesh can't blame her for her reasoning.

"And what do you think your chances of winning are?"

"Honestly?" she asked and Gilgamesh nodded, "Zero."

"Oh ~?" Gilgamesh spoke with a teasing tone, "Why would you say that? Don't you have any confidence in the strength of your Nobility?"

"Not a bit," There was no hesitation in his voice, "I have the utmost confidence that my Nobility is more than capable of handling anything they end up facing."

All around Sona and Gilgamesh the Nobility of Sona were practically boasting about their praise, even as they continued to pretend they weren't listening and kept up their farce of working.

"So what's the problem?" asked Gilgamesh smiling.

"The 'problem', as you said, is the competition" Sona pushed her glasses up the bridge of the frame onto her nose as she spoke, causing it to flicker as it reflected the light, "Did I mention that this year's meeting will be unusually large, well, consequently it will also be unusual and fierce."

Taking a pause, she closed her eyes and organized her thoughts, before continuing.

"Like every meeting, there are several strong demons among this year's competitors, but there are three that stand out above the crowd."

Raising a finger in the air, "First, there is Riser Phenex. Despite being known as a playboy and petty trouble maker, Riser is undeniably a genius when it comes to using his family's flames. His regeneration is at the level that would have taken most Phenex the better part of a century to achieve, and yet he is barely over twenty years old.

"The fights he has participated in this year have only solidified that fact. Despite the fact that most of his Nobility consisted of members with substandard combat skills, he won all eight fights he fought in and came out without a single wound to show for it. Three of the eight opponents he faced simply resigned upon realizing that none of their attacks were able to harm him, even after he invited them to freely beat him.

"That doesn't even take his sister into the equation. While less talented in her control over the Phoenix flames than her siblings, she more than makes up for it with her intelligence. Ravel Phenex is a first-class strategist with a gift in small-scale strategy that I can honestly say rivals my own."

Gilgamesh raised an eyebrow at that. Coming from Sona, that was high praise indeed.

"While Riser has a more leisurely approach to managing his Nobility in battle, which basically consists of him just sitting back and doing nothing, Ravel has a more hands-on approach.

"While she doesn't participate directly in the fighting, she usually leads a portion of the Nobility to fight the enemy and helps them coordinate, while all the while she stays behind and assesses the enemy's battle style for threats and weaknesses. Under her leadership, they were able to win two matches without Raiser's participation.

"Together, they make a formidable team that covers each other's weaknesses very well. Although they have some rather large flaws that can be exploited, the raw power of two High Class Demons in one team makes it almost impossible for any team in their age group to take advantage of it."

Gilgamesh had to agree with this, by the standards of a High Class Demon Riser was strong.

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