Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 218

Chapter 218

"Why are you showing such concern for my peerage?" asked Sona with everyone's curiosity.

Gilgamesh simply smiled.

"Because I like you" said Gilgamesh causing everyone, especially Sona to widen their eyes, "and that is why I am giving this advice, after all I would like to see your dream come true" said Gilgamesh before getting up and leaving the room.

Sona, who was perplexed by Gilgamesh's last words.

He said that he liked her, but did not say whether it was in the sense of love or friendship.

Sona cried out in frustration, scaring her friends because now she had more questions than answers.

A Few Days Later.

A few days had passed since Gilgamesh had talked with Sona and her Nobility and since then he had not talked with Sona again.

Gilgamesh had stayed these days building his base with his Longinus [Innovate Clear] which although was taking a while, after all to create anything cost Gilgamesh physical and mental stamina.

The biggest change was that Gabriel came to live with Gilgamesh and his group temporarily due to her having some business with Grigori and the Underworld.

With Gabriel.

Gabriel was currently sitting on his bed in his room, Gabriel smiled as his eyes passed through his room.

Unlike heaven Gabriel received help from Gilgamesh to make her room the way she wanted it with all the things he wanted to have in his room.

Gabriel smiled lovingly as he remembered the evolution of his relationship with Gilgamesh.

Where at first they cast fleeting glances at each other only to turn away quickly and awkwardly, where before they used only subtle touches on each other, now things had become much more intimate.

Gilgamesh had always been hesitant with her, always afraid of hurting her as if his touch would taint her. It was she who had forced him to change his mind that she was not a fragile porcelain doll. Things had been awkward between them at first, as she had no idea what exactly she was supposed to be doing to hold him and progress their relationship.

Things had progressed, however, and as Gilgamesh became more and more comfortable with their relationship, they became more intimate. They were no longer exchanging fleeting glances and touches, instead she found herself regularly nestled in his arms, relaxing in the warmth of his core.

One of her favorite activities was when Gilgamesh was preparing his wings. He knew from experience that many angels and fallen women took pride in keeping their wings beautiful. What many did not know was that the wings of an angel, fallen or otherwise, changed like those of a bird. As such, they sometimes tended to get pin feathers that needed to be plucked out, and Gilgamesh knew exactly how to do this, making it quick and almost painless. She shuddered with pleasure at the memory of his hand caressing her feathers, gently stroking the covers while taking care not to damage her primary and secondary feathers. Considering she had 12 wings, it was something Gilgamesh had begun to do weekly, examining her wings, feather by feather, inch by inch from the time they had seen each other in the Church until now when she was living with him.

She remembered their first kiss, the shock that ran through her body when their lips made contact. With every touch, every whispered word of love, she could feel the emptiness in her heart closing, and with that affirmation of love she could feel the bond between them solidify. As they kissed, their wings spread, wrapping themselves around them, as their power soared. Golden rays of Sacred Light twisted and turned with his slate colored rays. Nothing anyone would do would be able to separate them; she knew this on an instinctive level from that point forward.

"Forgive me father for I have sinned." She whispered to herself, her fingers touching her lips as she thought about her kiss. Her cheeks were tinged with scarlet as a pang of jealousy hit her heart. They only had a little more time together, so she would have to go back to heaven.

Gabriel lifted his head as determination shone in his eyes.

She was going to realize her relationship with Gilgamesh and only one person could help her.

With Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh was currently in his room as he sighed bored with being home alone.

All of his group had left, it seemed Valerie had won some sort of raffle and convinced everyone, even Karna, to go with her and Gilgamesh was left alone.

Well, he was not alone, for he was with Gabriel, who was in his room.

Although from the mischievous smile that Valerie had on her face Gilgamesh could not help but suspect that Valerie was up to something.1

Now Gilgamesh was relaxing in his room while reading a grimoire, when he heard a knock on his door.

Curious, he got up and walked toward the sound. Gabriel and he had long ignored most of each other's boundaries, and she had not knocked on his door in a long time.

Opening the door revealed exactly what he expected, Gabriel standing outside, but there was something different. She was wearing her white robes once again, but there was something strange about it. For some reason, it seemed a little tighter in the chest area than her normal clothes, and offered an even better view. However, it wasn't just her clothes, but also her demeanor. She seemed ... nervous? However, he was unable to say more, as she was shielding her mind from his, obstructing their connection.

"Gil" She said, sending shivers down his spine. If he didn't know better, he would have described it as a husky purr, but this was Gabriel, her sweet and somewhat innocent love.

She put her hand on his chest and pushed him back into the room, and with a push he fell onto the bed.

"Gabriel?" He asked hesitantly, not liking the look on her face.

"My Gil."

"Okay, that was definitely a purr." He thought as he lay down on the bed.

He was only able to move back a little before he reached the headboard of the bed. That didn't stop her from moving forward as she rode on his waist, wrapping her arms around him.

"I don't want you to go." She whispered a sharp contrast to the voice she was using just a minute ago. It betrayed her fear and sadness, exposing her vulnerable side to him.

He passed his arms comfortably around her, protectiveness surging ahead. His head buried in the curve of her neck as he whispered words of love to her, just like a promise.

"I will never leave you Gabriel"

A shiver ran through her body as she pulled away a little so she could see his face. A perfect hand caressed the side of her face as she smiled at him, and for the first time since they began their relationship spoke what she really felt.

"Gil." "Gabriel." They both intoned, to the other's surprise. At that moment, their minds became one, and it was not two people confirming their feelings for each other, but a reaffirmation of what they feared.

"I love you."

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