Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 222

Chapter 222

A Few Days Later.

Kyoto, Japan.

It had been a few days since Gilgamesh and Gabriel had their evening, so to speak.

After that Gabriel had to return to Heaven as he had several matters to attend to in his Faction.

Gilgamesh's routine had returned to the same with Leonardo, Arthur and Xenovia training as usual, however Valerie was always pestering him about how his night with Gabriel went.

A few days later Gilgamesh had then left for Kyoto to eliminate the Fallen Angels who were causing problems for the Youkai Faction and also at Sirzechs request the King of Heroes should see if he could form an alliance with the Youkai Faction.

Kyoto is the capital of Japan, and home to the Western Youkai Faction, ruled by Yasaka, a Nine-tailed Fox Youkai.

By now Gilgamesh had arrived in Kyoto and decided and decided to see the city since it was the first time he had come to Kyoto.

Gilgamesh walked through the streets of Kyoto quietly and drew attention wherever he went because of his appearance.

Gilgamesh had to admit that Kyoto really was an amazing city, the culture and food of the city as well as the sights were great.

Obviously Gilgamesh should have already gone to meet the leader of the Youkai Faction, however just because he was working didn't mean he couldn't have fun.

"Next time I should bring everyone for a vacation. I bet Gabriel, Valerie and Tiamat would love this place," Gilgamesh reflected as he ate a Yakitori (grilled spicy chicken kebab).3

Gilgamesh paused for a moment as his sensor went off, Gilgamesh had the ability to sense evil energies easily and could sense some from a few miles away.

Using his [Kenbunshoku Haki] Gilgamesh realized that they had some demons causing trouble.

Sighing Gilgamesh decided to see what was going on, after all he was sent to take care of some Fallen Angels, adding some demons would be nothing.

In just a few steps Gilgamesh disappeared into the crowd without anyone seeing.


Gilgamesh walked through the farthest parts of Kyoto as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the energy of the demons.

Further along the path away from Gilgamesh, the sound of footsteps could be heard, it seemed that someone was running. A young girl who couldn't have been more than six years old, with blonde hair and matching eyes, she sported nine tails and a pair of fox ears. She was wearing a tall miko and geta outfit with white tabi. The sleeves of her haori featured a giant pentagram in the shape of a red star, surrounded by five smaller pentagrams between the tips.

She was Kunou, Yasaka's daughter, and she was very afraid now. She had already gone outside the Imperial Palace, protected by four of the most trusted guards who were handpicked by Yasaka herself. However, they were ambushed by a group of Stray Devils who were allied with the Old Satan Faction. The devils came out of nowhere and slaughtered two guards in seconds. The last two guards did their best to protect Kunou, but their efforts were interrupted as they too fell to the ground.

The girl was running for her life, trying to escape from her attackers. Blood was flowing from the wound on her shoulder when the demons tried to drug her, and a puncture mark on her right thigh similar to a bullet wound, which was caused by demonic bullets. She barely managed to wound one of her attackers, and there were too many of them for her to overcome. She was trying to get back to the Imperial Palace every time she got close, they seemed to be one step ahead of her and were teleporting her further and further away.

She could hear the sickening laughter, it was twisted in nature, it didn't sound normal, she couldn't understand why they wanted her? Turning quickly to the right, the young woman dove into several large bushes trying to hide. And it seemed to work when she heard the demons running through the bushes. Letting out a small sigh of relief, Kunou stayed there for a while before something caught her eye, looking to the left, she saw a blond man who couldn't have been more than seventeen years old.

Even though she didn't know if she could trust the man in front of her Kunou stepped forward. Despite how scared she was, Kunou gently reached out and grabbed Gilgamesh's hand, which was warm.

Gilgamesh didn't understand what was happening and why a child was coming to grab his hand.

Looking at the girl Gilgamesh saw the nine tails waving behind him and recognized her as Kunou, the daughter of Yasaka, and future leader of the Youkai Faction.

Yet Gilgamesh was still in doubt as to why she was here and what she was doing grabbing his hand.

[She looks hurt and scared, partner] said Ddraig in Gilgamesh's mind.

Gilgamesh agreed as clearly something was wrong.

"Hey, are you okay Chibi-chan?" Gilgamesh asked as he stooped down to her height, Gilgamesh still managed to offer a warm smile to the young girl.

Kunou agreed.

"My name is Kunou, not Chibi-chan, and I am the daughter of Yasaka, the current leader of the Youkai Faction of Kyoto." She said proudly causing Gilgamesh to let out a laugh.

"Well Kunou-chan, my name is Gilgamesh, it's a pleasure to meet you. So why don't you tell me what happened, and maybe I can help you." Gilgamesh said as Kunou nodded before explaining how she was attacked while playing in the garden outside the Imperial Palace.

Hearing it all Gilgamesh sighed and wondered why the fuck Sirzechs hadn't dealt with the Old Satan Faction yet, as they were always threatening the Factions peace.

Activating his [Kenbunshoku Haki] Gilgamesh could actually sense many signatures coming towards him and Kunou, and none of them seemed friendly.

Gilgamesh turned his gaze to Kunou who looked panicked.

"Kunou-chan stayed down, I will take care of them"

"No, you can't! You are only human and you will die!" She cried as the distorted voices of the demons could be heard approaching. Gilgamesh smiled mischievously as he couldn't help but laugh.

"It will take more than a bunch of flying mice to defeat me." Gilgamesh said before turning his attention to the newly arrived group of Demons.

They looked human, but at the same time they didn't, their features were twisted and distorted, truly giving them the appearance of a group of demons.

"I'll give you a chance to go away and never come back." Gilgamesh announced as the devil and the front of the group sneered.

"I don't think so, kid. We're here for the little girl, so if you turn her in now we won't hurt you too much."

That made Gilgamesh frown.

"Sorry, but I can't do that. Whatever the reason you want it, you can forget it, you won't get it without going through me first" Gilgamesh said calmly.

"You are awfully brave for a human! Too bad it looks like your life will end tonight!" Another demon roared before running toward Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh grimaced as he saw how sloppy this demon's movement was.

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