Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 225

Chapter 225

"I see" spoke Yasaka a little surprised.

Although surprisingly Yasaka can't help but feel that what Gilgamesh was talking about was true, and also the power Dragons that took shape then was not impossible other beings.

"I would like to make you an offer" spoke Yasaka surprising Gilgamesh.


"Well it takes a while to get the answer because I have to talk to the elders. Then I have many missions that I received from Amaterasu-sama daily and unfortunately some of them cannot be fulfilled. I want to know if you would like to take on some of these jobs? You will be paid very well for these jobs," Yasaka said to Gilgamesh.

The King of Heroes pondered for a while before answering.

"Very well I accept" said Gilgamesh receiving a smile from Yasaka.

"I would also like to offer you a room in the Imperial Palace. So you can spend some time in Kyoto" said Yasaka calmly.

"Very well I accept" said Gilgamesh making Yasaka smile.

There would be the beginning of a great friendship.


Several Days Later.

Gilgamesh finally began to adjust to his new life in Kyoto among the Youkai who coexisted peacefully with the humans of this beautiful city.

It had been several days since Gilgamesh had come to Kyoto and was living in Kyoto while waiting for the reply to Sirzechs letter.

It seemed that for Yasaka to give an answer would require a meeting of all the clans of Youkais.

And surprisingly Gilgamesh was not housed in the barracks where all the guards normally slept, instead he was allowed to sleep in the Imperial Palace.

It was early in the morning, possibly six or seven in the morning and the hero of our story was dealing with his greatest adversary that ever existed, a being that was able to stand even against him, the King of Heroes.

This formidable adversary was a tiny ball of energy known as Kunou, the tiny hyper kitsune that made it his life's mission never to let him sleep.

Gilgamesh was currently sleeping on an excellently made mattress. The King of Heroes was sleeping peacefully, but his peace would soon end.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The drumming of small feet could be heard on the other side of the door, and without warning the door opened. A small yellow blur flew from the open door before landing on top of the unconscious King of Heroes.

"UGH!" Gilgamesh groaned as he almost lost his breath. Focusing his gaze on the weight that was on him, he saw a familiar blonde girl with a smile on her face.

"Good morning Gilgamesh Onii-chan!"

"Good morning Kunou-chan." Gilgamesh said as he gently messed up the girls hair.

"Stop doing that!"

Gilgamesh laughed as Kunou stared at him for messing up her hair again. Looking at his watch, Gilgamesh was surprised that it was almost eight o'clock in the morning.

"Gee, she sure is late today? I want to know why?" Gilgamesh pondered for a second.

"Haha-Ue has something important to tell you, so she sent me to wake you up!" Kunou said with a cute expression, honestly the little girl was too adorable for her own good.

"Really now?" Gilgamesh questioned.

"Kunou! Kunou you woke up Gilgamesh-kun?" A familiar voice called out from the hallway before Yasaka entered Gilgamesh's room.

"Ah, I see you woke up Gilgamesh-kun." The blonde fox said with a smile, "Please get dressed and meet me in the throne room" Yasaka said with a smile as he clapped his hands together.

"All right, I'll be down as soon as I can." Gilgamesh replied receiving a nod from the older blonde.

"Come on Kunou, you can play with Gilgamesh later." Kunou pouted, but followed her mother out of Gilgamesh's room, as she knew not to argue with her mother.

Wordlessly, Gilgamesh kicked off his covers before arranging his bed. Standing there, Gilgamesh stretched his arms over his head as he let the blood flow through his limbs before heading for the closet. Gilgamesh decided to wear a black and gold kimono.



Gilgamesh had arrived at the throne room as he gently knocked on the door. Gilgamesh waited a few seconds before he heard "come" from Yasaka giving him the signal to enter the throne room. Gilgamesh realized that there were several other people in the room at the moment; one of whom was Kurokaze, the current head of Karasu-Tengu. He had red skin and yellow eyes, he also wore the clothing of a mountain hermit, the man was incredibly kind and even welcomed Gilgamesh with open arms.

Gilgamesh had liked old Karasu-Tengu because he was very friendly.

Sitting across from Kurokaze was Inukimi, the current leader of the Inugami clan, a role she assumed after her former companion Tga died two hundred years earlier. She wore a purple and white kimono with green and yellow butterfly designs and a dark blue outer wrap with a fur coat, which wrapped around her chest. At the end of her outer wrap, there was also another fur skin. In addition, she wore a light blue necklace with a Meidoo Stone amulet. She had light skin, long white hair, golden eyes, and possessed a crescent moon mark on her forehead.

Gilgamesh was indifferent to her, as Inukimi really didn't seem to care much for him, although she wasn't rude or nasty to him, she didn't show him much attention either. The female Inugami continued to stare at the young blonde for a few more seconds before turning her attention back to Yasaka.

"So, do you have an answer to my request?" Inukimi said to Yasaka who seemed to frown as he shook his head.

"I'm sorry, Inukimi-san, but I have no interest in getting a mate so soon." Yasaka growled as he released a fraction of his aura. One thing Gilgamesh discovered after staying close to Yasaka over the past few days was that Kunou's father was a taboo. Gilgamesh could only assume that the man really hurt Yasaka.

Sighing, Inukimi looked at Yasaka. Inukimi paused as he thought of his son Sesshomaru choosing a human over a powerful Youkai like Yasaka.

"I see ..." She said softly before standing up and bowing to Yasaka and Kurokaze, "Sorry for wasting your time, so I wish you both a good day" Inukimi said politely, but you could hear the tension in her voice. As she made her way out of the room, she stopped for a second as she looked at Gilgamesh before continuing on her way.

Kurokaze turned her attention back to Gilgamesh before offering the boy a small smile.

"Gilgamesh, my boy, how are you." The man asked.

"I am well. And how are you?"

Kurokaze laughed. "I am well, but as much as I would like to stay here and hear some of your life stories, unfortunately I must leave, for being the leader of a clan is a tiring job" Kurokaze said before walking away, "I wish you both a good day."

This left Gilgamesh alone with Yasaka as she took a deep breath while rubbing her forehead.

"I'm glad you made it Gilgamesh-kun." She said a little frustrated.

"Is everything okay Yasaka? You seem a little stressed?" Gilgamesh questioned since he was genuinely concerned about the blonde beauty before him.

"It's nothing really. Just normal people coming and trying to get me to marry them or their children." Yasaka groaned, she had no intention of marrying someone she barely knew, she had made that mistake once before, and she would be damned if she let it happen again.

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