Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 232

Chapter 232

Gilgamesh was walking through the streets of Kyoto, looking at the full moon. Right after the Hot Springs Gilgamesh decided to go out around Kyoto to see some more of the culture.

Unfortunately, Gilgamesh was not paying attention to where he was going when he ran into someone or something. Coming back to reality, Gilgamesh looked at what was in front of him. The one in front of him was a man with light brown hair and dark green eyes, he was wearing a combination of a Japanese schoolboy uniform covered by what could be ancient Japanese armor.

"Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Gilgamesh apologized to the man standing in front of him, who looked to be in his mid-thirties. The man gave Gilgamesh a gentle smile.

"No need to apologize. You seem to be lost in your thoughts, so there's no reason to be upset." The man said with a smile, a smile that was very familiar to Gilgamesh.

"That smile is so fake" Gilgamesh thought.

Deciding to play along Gilgamesh decided to see if he could get some information from this man.

"So what brings you to Kyoto if you don't mind me asking?" Gilgamesh asked as the man's smile seemed not to disappear completely.

"I am here to see an old friend. Now go, boy, I have much to do." The man said before continuing on his way.

"My name is Gilgamesh, not boy." Gilgamesh replied before continuing on his way.

"Well Gilgamesh-kun, my name is Tetsuo Gin, it was nice to meet you." The man said before continuing to walk away.

[Partner be careful with that man. He is literally exuding negative emotions and evil intentions] Ddraig spoke to his host in a serious manner as Gilgamesh mentally nodded.

"Yes, I know. I guess I should tell Yasaka about the guy that something about him doesn't seem right. I felt a heavy presence around his body almost as if ..." Gilgamesh thought.

[There is no doubt partner, he is a Sacred Gear user] Ddraig said to Gilgamesh.

The King of Heroes nodded and decided to return to the Imperial Palace because something told him that something bad was going to occur.

Gilgamesh quickly made his way through the streets of Kyoto as he ran down the alley that would lead him to the Youkai house. He couldn't help but wonder who that man Tetsuo Gin was, for some reason he could swear he heard that name once from one of the council members? Shaking his head quickly, he needed to notify Yasaka immediately, if she wasn't already at the Hot Springs.

Both Gilgamesh and Ddraig were very concerned about who this man was.

[His presence was heavy, very heavy, too heavy to be a simple item sealed inside him. It looked like he had several souls in one body] said Ddraig receiving a nod from Gilgamesh.

"Something just doesn't seem right, ever since I met you something seems strange in Kyoto. My instincts are telling me there is danger around every corner" Gilgamesh replied before coming face to face with a familiar gray haired man with yellow eyes.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Yasaka's toy ~." Jin laughed with an arrogant smile spread across his face. Gilgamesh paid no attention to Raijin as he continued on his way.

"Oi! Brat I'm talking to you!"

Gilgamesh continued to ignore the leader Raijin, he had no time to deal with this idiot. However, Gilgamesh quickly jumped back when a purple blue lightning bolt struck the ground in front of him. Gilgamesh robotically turned his head to Jin, who was now glaring at him.

"How dare you ignore me, you lowly human! I should reduce you to ashes for such disrespect!"

"Look you idiot, I'm busy at the moment, so can you bother someone else?"

Raijin's eyes twitched with annoyance as his body began to discharge purple-blue electricity.

"I will kill you slowly and painfully boy ... Watch your tone ..."

[Kill him soon partner] said Ddraig angrily in Gilgamesh's mind.

Gilgamesh shook his head in denial.

"Yasaka wouldn't want a member of his council to be killed, otherwise he would have turned into a pin cushion by now" said Gilgamesh to Ddraig who grunted.

The pins in this case would be Gilgamesh's swords.

"Look what you have against me, can we settle this at a later date? I need to see Yasaka immediately." Gilgamesh spoke not wanting to get into a fight right now.

Jin, on the other hand, considered this an even greater insult.

"How dare you ... How dare you set me aside as if I were nothing more than a lowly peasant! You will pay for your disrespect, boy, prepare to die!" Jin roared before being hit in the back of the head by a flat tip of a sword.

Jin fell to the ground unconscious. Looking up, Gilgamesh did not recognize the person standing behind Raijin, he was a handsome young man, tall and slender. He has fair skin with pointed ears, oblique golden eyes with narrow pupils, and silver hair at knee height with short bangs. He has a purple crescent on his forehead that can be seen under his bangs, two magenta stripes on each cheek and a magenta stripe on each eyelid.

"Gilgamesh my name is Sesshomaru son of Inukimi-sama. Why do you need an audience with Yasaka-sama?" Inugami asked in a polite tone. Gilgamesh took a deep breath.

"I have encountered a rather suspicious individual, since I met him nothing seemed right. My instincts are warning me, telling me there is danger all around us." Gilgamesh explained as Sesshomaru nodded.

"Do you have a physical description or the name of this individual? I just hope it's nothing serious."

"Well, he was wearing some kind of strange uniform that was covered by some kind of ancient armor. He had light brown hair and dark green eyes, and looked to be in his late twenties to early thirties. His name was Tetsuo Gin " Gilgamesh explained before watching Sesshomaru's facial expression change from neutral to a mixture of anger and shock.

"What did you just say? Did you just say Tetsuo Gin?"

"Yes ... is everything okay?"

Sesshomaru shook his head.

"No, you haven't done anything wrong. It's just that that despicable man, Tetsuo, is a wanted man in both Takamagahara and Kyoto. If he is here, we should hurry to Yasaka-sama immediately." Gilgamesh nodded as he heard the anger in Inugami's voice, despite his neutral expression.

Without warning, Sesshomaru grabbed Gilgamesh by the shoulder before teleporting with Gilgamesh to the Imperial Palace.



Kurokaze was smoking his pipe while looking through various documents. Before he felt a slight chill in the air, something was wrong.

"Hmmm ... Something is wrong ..." He muttered before placing the documents on his desk before walking towards the window. With a slight nudge, he opened the window before looking out at the city of Kyoto, narrowing his yellow eyes.

Kurokaze was brought out of his trance when he heard a knock on the door. Turning and walking to the door before opening it, he came face to face with Gilgamesh and Sesshomaru. Raising an eyebrow, Old Karasu-Tengu raised an eyebrow as he noticed the worried look on Gilgamesh's face and the mixture of anger and concern in Sesshomaru.

"What brings you two here so late at night?"

"Kurokaze-sama, it's urgent, we have a big problem right now." Sesshomaru spoke in a tone that left no room for discussion.

"Oh, and what might that be?"

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