Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

"Holy Ray". a flurry of white lightning came out of the sphere and bombarded all vampires with impunity. The attack was merciless and destroyed anyone who tried to resist or flee.

Looking at my handiwork, I could see that nothing but ash was left of the vampires' strength.

I moved at an insane speed, charging at the Vampires, annihilating all in front of me with my ax bathed in sacred energy. A single cut was more than enough to completely disintegrate them.

More and more of them were turning into bugs and other forms of monsters, but it was useless. I crushed them the same way.

I left nothing but ash and death in my path and kept moving forward, destroying anything in my path. Be it castle walls, statues or priceless paintings. I wreaked havoc everywhere I went and killed more and more french fries.

In fact, the Sacred Aura I was releasing, both from my body and from the axe, was getting more oppressive to vampires. So much so that they couldn't even get close to me without getting burned.

I kept moving and I didn't feel any more people coming at me, I suddenly felt my danger burn alarmingly.

I immediately moved aside with the powerful and received attacks. A wave of darkness swept through me without arms and destroyed a good part of the castle behind me. I then moved through all the waves of power that came from all sides.

Lifting my ax I focused on it and a concentrated air bubble appeared on it.

This bubble represented the power of the [Gura Gura no Mi].

And in a single swing I released it and everything was destroyed.

All vampires were annihilated by power along with almost every castle that was destroyed, the land was broken and everything was destroyed.

"I love the power of this fruit with me," Regulus roars in laughter and I smile.

I just smiled as I saw all the destruction, feeling Enkidu's energy leave I decided to end it all.

I raised my ax and concentrated my divine power on it causing a golden aura to emerge, at the same time I created a bubble of concentrated air there.

"Let's go all out Regulus" I say to Longinus.

"Yes, let's finish them off," Regulus roars in glee.

Then I lower my ax which opens a crack in the ground destroying most of the castle.

I think it's time to go back

With Sebas, Enkidu and Gilgamesh.

Now, near the house it was possible to see Sebas, Enkidu and Gilgamesh walking, Valerie was ahead as she mounted on top of Regulus.

"How do you think vampires will react when they find out she's missing?" Sebas asked.

"Probably nothing, as I doubt they would want an incident like that to leak out to the other factions."

Being isolated from the rest of the world, he worked on Gilgamesh's behalf and, because of his pride, he doubted that the Tepes Faction wanted their rivals, the Carmilla Faction, to know that they had lost their possessor Longinus right under the nose. Therefore, it would make sense for them not to report this incident to the other factions to prevent it from leaking to their rivals.

Although there was a problem and that was Marius. He didn't know when Marius made contact with Rizevim and Qlippoth in the original timeline and if he had already made contact with them, they would attack him when they realized he had taken the Holy Grail. And if that happened, Rizevim would pursue him to fulfill his dream of awakening Trihexa and invading the other world.

And he knew all about Rizevim and his unique ability as a sacred equipment canceller. Luckily, most of his team members didn't have that problem to face Rizevim.

"Aren't you worried about how the superiors of Heaven and Underworld react when they hear of your Longinus?" Sebas asks.

"Even if they knew, they couldn't do anything," says Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh knew that Heaven and the Underworld kept a close watch on Longinus' possessors and would doubtless not be pleased with his keeping them hidden, but he didn't care.

"Lord Gilgamesh, Lord Enkidu... do you live here?!"

I turn to Valerie and see her reaction.

I laugh at Valerie's shocked tone, the Dhampir's eyes wandering incessantly as she surveys my mansion.

"Yes, although it's only temporary"

Valerie starts running before going to examine the Garden.

"She's soexcited." says Enkidu and I nod my head.

"Lord Gilgamesh, who made these flower arrangements? They are beautiful..."

I follow Valerie's gaze and find her completely impressed by a collection of begonias and camellias, their profusion of colors an eye-catching display.

"Mainly the servants of this house. Did you have gardens like that where you lived?"

She gives me a sad look.

"Just a few roses," she says.

We reach the door and Sebas opens the doors revealing different types of creatures that live there along with other moving objects, all created by Sebas' magic to take care of the house.

Valerie screams with joy to see the 'help' gathered in all her glory with the household chores.

"Oh my God! It's like Beauty and the Beast!"

I hold up my hand and she gives her a curious look, her own arm half raised like she can't decide what to make of it.

Oh, right. Raised in a loveless family that had a collective shove their ass.

I reach out and clap her palm against mine, happily explaining, "Humans often use this as a way to celebrate something amazing they've just done, or as a way to recognize that they share similar interests and get excited about it." .

Her red eyes seem to glow with glee as she yells, "Oh I like this! It's so much friendlier than all the bows and greetings we had to learn at home," says Valerie before starting to run around the house.

Even Sebas beside me laughs. Who knew Valerie was naturally enthusiastic? The overuse of her Sacred Gear in the canon must have really done a great number, if that was her base state...

We moved into the living room and sat down, a collection of sofas and armchairs offering the option of comfort.

I sit on a sofa while Enkidu sits beside me and Sebas goes to prepare some tea for us.

"Lord Gilgamesh, may I ask a question?"

I smile at Valerie, she is sitting across from me.

"Of course, ask."

Some of her joy evaporated, replaced by nervousness.

"Uhm... what would the terms be for me and staying here, in your house? It's very nice and although I may not have many housekeeping skills, I'm more than willing to learn!"

Curious to see where this is going, I respond softly, "While I appreciate the offer, I'm no longer short of maids, Ms. Valerie."

She seems to lose some of her enthusiasm, looking hesitantly to the side before blushing and stammering under her breath, "Well-I don't, um...mind being more, well...intimate, if that's okay. with you..."

I resist the urge to smack my face into the palm of my hand as Enkidu gives me a dirty look.

Which intensified rapidly?

While I suppose it's not too unexpected, Valerie must be, what? 15 or 16? She no doubt understands perfectly well what it means to be a courtesan or mistress.

Clearing my throat, I reply, "While I'm quite flattered, you don't have to go that far. In fact, I already had an offer prepared."

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