Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 247

Chapter 247

All the gods were in full and people in the hall of Valhalla were silent as they watched an event animatedly.

On one of the tables had three giant piles of empty mead cups while everyone in the hall of Valhalla was betting on the winner.

The three who were competing were none other than Gilgamesh, Sebas and Enkidu who were in a competition to see who could drink the most.

Soon after Gilgamesh took a glass of mead Sebas and Enkidu joined him, while Valerie took only a glass of juice.

Somehow that no one knew Sebas, Gilgamesh and Enkidu had turned it into a competition to see who drank the most and everyone was now watching with excitement to see who would win.

Gilgamesh put his glass on the table as he dizzied a bit, he had already drunk over a hundred glasses and the only thing that kept him from going into a coma due to the mead was due to his divine blood that had healing properties.

"How the hell are you guys still normal?" asked Gilgamesh perplexed to his friends.

Sebas and Enkidu had drunk even more than him and were completely normal.

"I am a dragon so I am much more tolerant of that. You are 100 years too young to challenge me in that kind of battle young master" Sebas said as he drank another whole glass at once.

Enkidu laughed nervously, "Although I have the appearance of a human, I'm not human, I'm a being made of clay and so mead doesn't affect me" said Enkidu calmly.

Gilgamesh almost screamed at the unfairness of this, the fact that he had not yet passed out was his divine blood and Gilgamesh had asked Arashi, the consciousness of Longinus [Zenith Tempest] to use his powers to increase the temperature of his own body to make any impurity evaporate.

"Warriors of Valhalla!" Odin shouts, the whole place going silent, "We feast for a night together! Now it is time for this month's annual battle to become Freya's champion!" His spear, Gungnir, appears in his hand and he slams the butt into the ground.

The landscape changes as the warriors are no longer at the tables inside, but outside with their favorite weapons in their hands. The gods and their table are above them, ready to watch the battle of countless thousands of warriors free of charge to all.

"A battle?" asked Gilgamesh raising his head slightly, "Count me in" said Gilgamesh trying to distract himself from the loss to Sebas and Enkidu.

Weapon of the Gods laughed as his friend was a battle addict.

"Young Gilgamesh, this is a battle without magic. Only pure weapons and physical strength. All these people have been blessed and have the strength and speed of middle class or higher demons. Besides, if you die there, you will die for real, unlike them. Are you sure you wish to participate?" Odin says as all the warriors look at him.

"I am sure, it is a good opportunity to test myself against the greatest warriors of Valhalla" Gilgamesh said as he jumped over the table and summoned a sword.

The sword that Gilgamesh had summoned was a broad western sword with a golden hilt and it emanated a sacred, demonic aura.

This was Merodach the original sin, the sword that served as a mold for Gram and Caliburn.

All the warriors instantly looked at the sword impressed by its power, even Odin felt that this weapon could even kill a god.

Valerie looked at everything worried because she didn't want Gilgamesh to get hurt in any way.

Enkidu puts his hand on her shoulder and reassures her.

"Relax. He won't die and if he does, he will use his to get out, even if he has to give up" Enkidu says calming Valerie who nods.

Gilgamesh was shrouded by a small light as he was teleported to the battlefield.

"Are you worried about your friend?" Sif asks softly. Valerie nods as she watches him fight a huge Viking with an axe and shield. Gilgamesh nimbly dodges the axe blow and retaliates, bringing Merodach down in a slash. The Viking raises his shield and the sword strikes him deeply. Gilgamesh pulls it out and deflects the axe blow, this time coming to the Viking's side and swinging Merodach hard, nearly snapping the man in half. He dodges a sword strike that comes at his back, before delivering an air blow that breaks the woman's sword in half and splits it in two.

"Yes" she whispers, "I know he is very strong, but I can't help but worry" she admits.

"You know, my foolish husband is a battle madman and even though he is extremely strong, I can't help but worry too. You just have to trust them that they will respond well to you" Sif says a little sadly. Her husband is somewhere in the 9 realms fighting Odin knows what right now.

"Come on. Let's go back to the party and watch your friend win this" Sif says while offering her hand. Valerie takes her hand and walks back to the table, though she continues to look over her shoulder at the little golden dot in the middle of everything else.



Almost a full day has passed and the battle is not over yet, but it is about to end. There are 10 people left while the gods, Enkidu, Sebas and Valerie watch intently. Apparently, these 10 are the ones who win the most.

Gilgamesh looks at his opponent, Bjorn if she remembers correctly what Sjfn told her, who has an axe and a metal shield. Bjorn was breathing heavily with scratches all over.

Gilgamesh was also panting a bit, it seemed that drinking so much mead had affected his coordination and instincts a bit.

Valerie watches as he exchanges blows with Bjorn, each trying to get a feel for the other's style. Gilgamesh swings his sword diagonally, and Bjorn dodges and redirects it with his shield before stepping in and swinging his axe.

Gilgamesh leaps back and lifts Merodach, who takes the blow to the side, leaving not even a scratch on the blade. Gilgamesh attacks with one foot, which Bjorn blocks with his shield, but he still stumbles back a bit. Taking advantage of this, Gilgamesh presses forward with his attack, with swings from above, to the side and across, raining down blows on Bjorn's shield until it becomes unusable.

Bjorn, in desperation, ducks under one of the swings and goes in for the kill. Gilgamesh, however, dodges with his sword and knocks him down as he passes Bjorn cutting the warrior in half.

He picks up Merodach and, seeing a battle going on 20 yards away, throws him, spinning horizontally, and splits the woman in two. Gilgamesh runs and, dodging some of his new opponent's blows, delivers a violent kick to the man's kneecap, destroying him. He walks over and catches Merodach before he quickly makes work on his wounded opponent.

"Well, it looks like your friend may win this after all" Sif says with a smile on her face, "Still, I think another battle may just be starting" she continues as she looks at some of the goddesses. The blush on their faces as they look at the blonde with lust shining in their eyes bodes well for Gilgamesh.

"Your friend sure is a lucky man" says one of the gods she met, Hoenir, with a sad laugh. Valerie smiles awkwardly, not sure what to say about it.

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