Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

"That's why we don't talk openly with other factions" finishes Sjfn. Valerie is fascinated by what they are telling her, so much so that she forgets Gilgamesh for a while. She looks back at the warriors in the heat of passion and a slight blush appears on her face.

The door behind the table of the gods opens and all the gods and goddesses are shocked by what they are seeing. Gilgamesh looked normal, but with a huge smile on his face and a confident gait.

"Gil" Valerie shouts as she runs towards him and hugs him with tears streaming down her face.

Gilgamesh, slightly confused, asks, "What's wrong Valerie-chan?"

"I ... I thought you might have left me" she says with sobs.

Gilgamesh messes up her hair and says, "You don't have to worry. I promised to protect you and not leave you alone, right?"

Gilgamesh can't help but find this naive side of Valerie cute, having been raised in isolation she was kind of shy and very attached to Gilgamesh, Sebas and Enkidu.

A if only Gilgamesh knew how much Valerie's personality would change.

She nods her head, which is still buried in her chest. Gilgamesh looks up and still sees the shocked faces in the crowd. He hears whispers of conversations.


"... your willpower ..."

"How much power ..."

Numerous murmurs of the same thing come from all of them, and many of the women look at him with lust in their eyes.

Gilgamesh walks over to the goddesses he met before and his friends, with Valerie not letting go of his arm. He thinks her reaction is a bit extreme, I mean, he just left a little. It's not like he's been gone for weeks!

As he approaches, he sees Hoenir looking at him with a bit of admiration, Sjfn sporting a big blush, and Sif just has a surprised look on his face, Sebas and Enkidu looked normal as always.

"So, anyone want to tell me what this is all about?" he questions with a laugh. Seriously, some of the looks are starting to make him weird.

"You slept with Freya ..." Hoenir says. Valerie grips him tighter after she hears this.

"Well?" Gilgamesh asks with a scowl.

"Dude, you slept with Freya!" he just says louder.

"Gilgamesh-kun," Sjfn says drawing his attention to her and his face turns redder, "sleeping with Freya almost always means you are completely enchanted by her. It's like her aura, only 100 times more powerful. You basically become her slave/toy who doesn't care about anything else until she gets tired of you and it takes decades for you to get over it. This is why Valerie thought you would leave her.

It takes someone of immense willpower and strength not to fall for her charms or if they do to leave. Even Odin, the man who was able to understand the runes of the Fates through sheer force of will, was not able to completely withdraw for a while."

Gilgamesh is shocked by the information. Thinking about it, he definitely got a little lost in desire, but that's normal during sex with someone so beautiful, right? Who wouldn't want to have sex with her?

"You also survived her ..." Hoenir says with admiration.

"Er, yes" Gilgamesh says embarrassed to talk about the sex he just had.

"That never happened" Sif informs him. Gilgamesh smiles a little upon hearing that. Something he can really be proud of, after all it's not often that you beat a Goddess of Lust in a sex contest.

"For us gods, this is probably the most memorable thing that has happened in the last century" Sjfn says as he rubs his body against Gilgamesh, "Not a single man in the 9 kingdoms has managed this, and believe me, almost everyone has tried."

Gilgamesh pales a bit, for that is a lot of men. But before anyone can speak, a rumble of thunder and laughter catches everyone's attention

"Hahahaha, truly a feat worthy of the King of Heroes" a laugh echoed through the palaces of Valhalla, sounding as if it were the thunder itself.

Everyone turned their attention to the source of the laughter and saw standing in front of the gates a large red-haired man with a red beard while wearing Nordic battle clothes, at his waist he had a hammer of extreme beauty and emanating lightning.

The man emanated the aura of a God.

And even though Gilgamesh never met him personally he knew who he was.

Thor, the son of Odin, the God of Thunder and of battles and Odin's strongest son, a God who is among the 10 Strongest Beings in the World.

"Thor, you have returned" spoke Odin joyfully to his strongest son.

Thor let out a big laugh that resounded like thunder, "Yes my father, when I heard Sebastian was here I decided to come back" said Thor as he approached Gilgamesh and his group.

"It has been a long time in Sebastian" spoke Thor with a respectful tone.

"You have grown stronger Thor" said Sebas as he nodded to the God of Thunder.

Thor had met Sebas when the butler had helped the Norse and the first thing Thor had done after the battle was to challenge Sebas to a fight.

Thor was basically a battle maniac who always traveled throughout the nine realms in search of powerful opponents.

However, even though he possessed his immense power Thor was easily defeated by Sebas when he fought the butler.

Thor was not upset about the defeat and had only said that he would train so that when he met Sebas and they fought again he would win.

"Honey" Sif said as she approached Thor getting a kiss on her.

Thor turned his gaze to Gilgamesh and earned a huge smile.

"So you are the King of Heroes? Truly a great warrior" said Thor with a cheerful tone.

"And you are Thor, you are also very famous God of Thunder" said Gilgamesh receiving a nod from the God.

"Hahaha, so you know me, that makes it simpler" said Thor while laughing before looking at Gilgamesh, "Fight me" said Thor making everyone's eyes widen.

Even Gilgamesh was surprised.

"What?" asked Gilgamesh surprised.

"I have challenged dozens of warriors, I have killed millions of enemies and so I recognize a true warrior when I see one, and you are a true warrior" announced Thor firmly, "And I can see what you desire, a battle, a place where you achieve glory, a place where we test our limits. So where better place than in Valhalla" announced Thor with fervor.

"Then will you accept my invitation, King of Heroes?" questioned Thor firmly.

Everyone was perplexed by the course of events, many even expected Odin to interfere.

Don't get it wrong, they all liked battle, but no one would challenge Thor, the God of Thunder and the strongest Nordic God, a God who reached the Top 10 of the World's Strongest Beings.

"I know that as a disciple of Sebastian you are certainly strong" Thor spoke calmly.

Gilgamesh simply smiled encouragingly.

"Very well Thor, you have a fight" said Gilgamesh smiling.

Thor and all the other warriors in Valhalla smiled.

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