Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

When the lightning and thunder stopped and focused back on Mjolnir the sharp eyes of the God of Thunder turned to where Gilgamesh should have been.

A gust of wind emerged through the dust creating a small tornado causing the dust to dissipate.

And when it dissipated, all the Nordic warriors, from the honorable ones in Valhalla to the Gods watching the battle witnessed something they had thought impossible.

In the middle of the battlefield stood Gilgamesh without even a single scratch generated by the lightning.

Everything around him was destroyed due to Thor's powers, but Gilgamesh was unharmed.

Not even Thor could believe that someone had survived one of his powerful lightning bolts that had the power to destroy entire cities and countries.

But Gilgamesh was completely unharmed.

All this was due to a single ability.

Gilgamesh was a user of [Lightning Devil Slayer Magic].

One of the forbidden spells that allowed its user to oppose Gods with [God Slayer Magic], Dragons with [Dragon Slayer Magic] and Demons with [Devil Slayer Magic].

But Thor was a God, and the [Devil Slayer Magic] hunted Demons, so it was useless.

But what Gilgamesh was using was one of the passive abilities of this technique, perhaps the most useful of them.

The user was totally immune to its element.

No matter what the origin, be it divine or demonic, no lightning or thunder could harm Gilgamesh.

With this technique Gilgamesh basically nullifies Thor's main power as God of Thunder.

In fact the lightning that Thor shot at Gilgamesh only made him stronger as he could devour his element to become stronger.

Gilgamesh's body crackled with electricity as lightning and thunder danced around him, and his own eyes seemed to glow with the fury of the storms.

Gilgamesh fully inflated his lungs as Thor's eyes widened as Gilgamesh's power converged.

"Wrath of the Lightning Devil!"

An immense bolt of lightning emerged from Gilgamesh's roar, a bolt of lightning so powerful that it could compete with Thor's mighty lightning.

It was not a simple bolt of lightning, it was a huge concentrated beam of lightning that advanced in a straight line annihilating everything in front of it as the lightning headed towards Thor.

Thor could easily dodge this attack, he could simply fly away...

But he wouldn't do that! He was Thor, the God of Thunder! How could he proclaim himself that way if he ran from lightning!!!?

"Attacking me with my own element?! Very brave of you, King of Heroes! Yet?" cried Thor, raising his Mjolnir that crackled with electricity and divine power.

Thor swung his mighty hammer against Gilgamesh's beam of lightning, slamming it into each other.

The earth split and the clouds parted releasing sunlight as the mythical Armament against the demonic lightning.

Letting out a roar compared to a raging dragon Thor tightened his hammer making the increase his power and using his hammer to reflect Gilgamesh's powerful lightning away.

"Not enough!!!" shouts Thor in cheers from the battle, however with such joy he did not realize that Gilgamesh had disappeared from his original position.

Gilgamesh in an instant is in front of Thor with his fist clenched and covered by a metallic black glow of his [Bushuoko Haki] that strengthened his body from his own spirit.

Gilgamesh punched with all his might while Thor reacting to his fullest managed to hold off Gilgamesh's punch, but was still forced to retreat a little.

With an immense smile Thor swung his Mjolnir toward Gilgamesh with his lightning and thunder preparing to finish off the King of Heroes.

Reacting Gilgamesh closed his left fist and created an earthquake bubble using the power of [Gura Gura no Mi] the last ability he had acquired and punched against Mjolnir.

If it was only Gilgamesh's fist against Thor's hammer he would have been easily crushed, for Mjolnir is a construct divini, a weapon created to be wielded by the most powerful Norduco God and which can only be rivaled by Odin's Spear, Gungnir.

But it was not just a fist, a fist imbued with the power of an earthquake, of one of Mother Nature's most known and dangerous catastrophes, upon its power entire countries could be torn apart and the entire world destroyed.

The moment they collided Gilgamesh's fist broke the very air against Mjolnir causing the hammer of the mighty Thor to recoil a little to the surprise of the God himself.

However before Thor could react it was as if the air itself had punched him, an unreactionable pressure of air slammed against Thor sending him flying away.

When Thor managed to regain his composure and turned his eyes back to Gilgamesh, his eyes widened as he saw what was in front of him.

Beside Gilgamesh stood six beings.

The first was a humanoid that looked like a human while its body was made entirely of flames.

The second was a huge and long creature with a serpent-like body and having its body made of water.

The third was a humanoid creature with the appearance of a sage carrying a staff while its body is made purely of lightning.

The fourth was a woman with light blue skin and clothes of the same color, her body is purely made of ice.

The fifth was a large creature with thick arms, legs, and torso, its body is made of earth.

The sixth was a fairy with a thin body and green clothes and skin, its body is made of wind.

Thor frowned as he saw the beings in front of him and the power they emanated, they didn't look like living beings, they literally looked like the elements personified.

"Is that a power of yours Longinus?" questions Thor to Gilgamesh who smiles.

"That's right, Celestial Captives. A technique that allows you to summon avatars that embody and use each of the elements using the power of [Zenith Tempest]" explains Gilgamesh pointing at them.

Ifrit, the Lord of Flames and Avatar of Fire.

Leviathan, the Goddess of the Seas and Avatar of Water.

Ramuh, the Sage of Lightning and Avatar of Lightning and Thunder

Shiva, the Lady of Ice and Snow and the Avatar of Ice.

Titan, the Colossus of the World and Avatar of the Earth.

And Zephyr, the Fairy of the Four Winds and Avatar of Air.

Thor, contrary to what you would think because he was fighting against several enemies, did not feel overwhelmed but happy for the battle he would have.

Titan, the Avatar of Earth stepped forward taking the lead as each of his steps made the earth itself tremble in his presence.

Titan approached one of the nearby mountains, digging his fingers into it Titan roared as with sheer force he lifted on his back a mountain over a thousand feet high to everyone's surprise.

In a battle cry Titan hurled the mountain at Thor himself who held his hammer even harder as it crackled with electricity.

Then Thor did something unbelievable as he hit the mountain with his hammer sending it flying away like a baseball.

Advancing with amazing speed for his size Titan surged in front of Thor with his fist raised to punch the mighty God.

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