Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 260

Chapter 260

Thanks to his divine speed and immense technique Achilles could dominate even the most difficult of opponents.

But all this was proving useless against Gilgamesh.

With Gilgamesh's immense combat abilities, along with his divine ability with a spear and the ability to predict all of Achilles' blows with his [Sharingan], adding that his abilities were being further increased due to his divine power.

The King of Heroes was slowly suppressing Achilles in the fight.

The Hero of the Trojan War obviously knew this and realized that if it continued like this he would not be able to defeat Gilgamesh.

Achilles quickly leaped into the air to Gilgamesh's surprise, the Hero of the Trojan War raised his right hand that held his spear while his muscles tightened strongly on the spear.

Lowering his hand Achilles literally threw his spear at Gilgamesh at a speed that easily exceeded the speed of sound and fired at Gilgamesh.

Gilgamesh did not move as he saw the spear advancing against him at a divine speed.

His eyes changed, his [Sharingan] rotated in his iris as the black patterns took on a new form.

It was the [Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan].

An immense golden aura emerged from Gilgamesh's body as it slowly formed into the form of bones and a rib cage formed around Gilgamesh of golden color while an upper golden skeleton form formed around Gilgamesh with two arms, and on one of them was an immense shield.6

It was the [Susanoo] a humanoid made of energy from the one who fights in his name. It is the third ability granted to those who have awakened all the abilities of both [Mangeky Sharingan].

Achilles' spear crashed into the shield of Gilgamesh's avatar as an immense shockwave was generated from its impact.

Forcing his arm the energy humanoid swung his shield sending Achilles' spear flying away.

The Hero of the Trojan War landed on the ground as he stared at the bewildered Gilgamesh avatar.

Smiling Gilgamesh undid the energy avatar as his [Mangekyou Eternal Sharingan] returned to primary form.

"That was unexpected" commented Achilles as Gilgamesh's aura shattered.

"Are you going to give up?" asked Gilgamesh with a smile making Achilles laugh.

"Obviously not" said the Greek demigod as he raised his hands in a fighting pose.

Gilgamesh completely undid his powers as his [Sharingan] crumbled and Gilgamesh assumed a fighting stance.

The Greek hero could only smile as he prepared himself along with Gilgamesh.

Both demigod heroes fired at each other crashing into the middle of the battlefield as Achilles landed a punch to Gilgamesh's face and the King of Heroes did the same.

Both were forced to retreat before advancing again as they launched more bursts of punches and kicks at each other.

Having been trained by Chiron in the world's oldest mixed martial art, Pankration. Achilles is very skilled in unarmed combat, using powerful punches, elbows, and kicks to overwhelm his opponent with his absolute strength and speed.

However Gilgamesh was advancing with his punches and kicks covered in [Busoshoku Haki] and divinity.

Naturally Achilles was not to be injured by any means due to his Noble Phantasm [Andreias Amarantos].

[Andreias Amarantos] is the Noble Phantasm that maintains Achilles' gift of immortality by being blessed and exalted by the gods of Olympus, protecting him from all ill will and intent to kill.

Although his mother, the goddess Thetis, wanted to make him a fully immortal god by heating him in holy flames to extinguish his human blood, her husband, Peleus, objected because this would "destroy him as a human," so only a part of him, his heel, remained human after he stopped the process midway.

But even with this divine Invulnerability there were still weaknesses, beyond Achilles' heel there was still a way to hurt him.

Only those who have the blood of a god in their veins are allowed to hurt him.

And to Achilles' misfortune, the one he was facing was a demigod, but not just any demigod.

It was a demigod who has two thirds of his blood divine, being closer to a god than to a human.

Blood and more blood flew across the battlefield as they both clashed and attacked with everything, with the sole purpose of defeating their enemy.

Gilgamesh attacked Achilles in the chest causing the hero to bow down and spit up blood before attacking Gilgamesh again.

But when the blow was inches from reaching Gilgamesh it was repelled by an invisible force before Gilgamesh punched Achilles in the chest with all his Haki sending the hero flying.

Gilgamesh was easily overpowering Achilles thanks to two abilities of the [Busoshoku Haki].

The [Emission] and [Destruction].

With the [Emission] user can project his Haki flow a short distance from his body without a medium. This method allows the user to damage the target without making contact, but he still needs to remain relatively close.

This ability can also be used in conjunction with Harden. The aforementioned use of Emission involves channeling excess Haki from the body through the fists. This allows you to repel an enemy without making direct contact or using brute force.

With this Gilgamesh was reflecting and nullifying Achilles' blows.

And with [Destruction], a higher degree of the emission technique. This technique allows the user's Haki to enter the target's body and destroy it from the inside out.

Gilgamesh used [Destruction] not to kill, but to strike directly at Achilles' internal organs while attacking with his divinity making.

Gilgamesh slowly approached where Achilles had been thrown as the Greek hero stood up.

"Looks like you won" Achilles said as he spat blood and fell to the ground.

Gilgamesh smiled as he saw all his friends approach and declared the end of the battle.




Soon after the battle against Achilles, the King of Heroes returned home with his friends and ended up healing the Great Hero of the Trojan War.

Achilles had woken up totally happy with the battle and told Gilgamesh that they would fight again and the next time he would be the winner.

Gilgamesh had laughed and agreed, and soon the rest of the day had passed and night had come with everyone going to sleep.

Achilles and Merlin had earned their own rooms in the house and were happy.

It was now 2:33 and the low sound of footsteps echoing through the house could be heard.

Gilgamesh had got up to get some water because he was thirsty and also to go to the bathroom.

As he walked Gilgamesh saw Merlin standing in the doorway leading to the backyard while watching the stars.

"You are awake Merlin" spoke Gilgamesh approaching and drawing the attention of the Flower Mage.

Merlin turned and saw his master approaching and smiled.

"Oh master, sorry if I woke you up" spoke Merlin as he turned back to look at the stars next to Gilgamesh.

"You look happy" commented Gilgamesh as he observed the smile on the wizard's face.

Merlin chuckled lightly, "Well you can say that, I am happy to see my dear disciple and also even Mordred and be able to see the human world in person once again" commented Merlin calmly.

The Flower Mage had never seen Arturia so happy, she was acting much more "human" than she used to when she blotted out her emotions.

Whether it was her fights with Mordred, which you could tell were getting along well, or Valerie's wicked pranks that annoyed the King of Knights.

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