Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 268

Chapter 268

Ajuka in the face of this simply smiled at her little sister just as Sirzechs did at Rias.

"Very well, I look forward to your challenge" said Ajuka calmly dropping her lazy face and looking at her sister.

"Very well, your dream has been heard, now return to your seat" said Sirzechs calmly.

Rin nodded as she bowed to the Maous and calmly returned to her seat and everything began again.



The sounds of muffled laughter filled the hall. It was not a laughter born of joy, or even amusement. It was derision, the sound of scorn and ridicule.

An insult.

And all of it was directed at the lone girl on the podium. Sona stood stoically as she always did in public, paying no attention to the laughter, eyes only on Maous. While it must surely hurt to see her dream being ridiculed, she did not show it.

"I wish to create a fighting school for lower class reincarnated demons" was Sona's response when asked about ambition.

And in response to her statement, all she received was scorn from the Elders.

"There is already a school for real demons - I understand! So you're just a little girl who dreams! It must be nice to be so young and able to think such childish thoughts."

Although it was only the Council members who said these things. The rest of the occupants of the hall did not share their feelings.

The audience fidgeted nervously, looking away from the spectacle, clearly annoyed by what was happening. Whether it was because they didn't agree with the Elders, didn't like to see one of their own humiliated, or else.


Or perhaps because they had a clear view of a very angry Maou.

The arms of his throne shattered under his control, teeth clenched so hard I could hear them grinding, Serafall stood motionless like a statue as he looked on as what should be his sister's grand debut in the underworld turned into a public humiliation with a face turned white with anger.

Gilgamesh looked at Sirzechs, trying to figure out why the hell he was letting this go on. He was just sitting there, watching the Council like a hawk, but doing little else. Until now, whenever someone stepped out of line, he stepped hard, but now, when I needed him most, it seemed he was content to let things go on for some insane reason.

The Elders continued to mock Sona as he said that his dream was ridiculous, that low-class demons should serve the high-class ones.

Gilgamesh was not comfortable with this, the King of Heroes really considered Sona a friend and therefore could not allow it.

However a demon had given the perfect cue for Gilgamesh to interfere.

"Lower-class demons are inferior to upper-class demons and weak just like humans" this was what the demon had said.

At that moment Gilgamesh's group stiffened, for they knew what was coming.

All the elders were suddenly thrown to the ground, as if an invisible force had made them kneel, this time not even Sairaorg and Rin could stand when the presence appeared.

Everyone turned their gaze to the source of such pressure and saw the King of Heroes step toward the center.

"Did you just call me weak?" asked Gilgamesh in his deadly cold voice.

Gilgamesh had to admit, hearing the silence of the entire hall at his words was strangely satisfying.

No one dared to speak at that moment as everyone knew of Gilgamesh's fame.

The King of Heroes, the current Sekiryuutei and wielder of five Longinus, the one who collected all the treasures in the world, who killed the Star-Lord of Grigori Kokabiel, who killed the descendant of the original Maou Leviathan and who beat the strongest Hakuryuukou easily, the Strongest Exorcist and among other titles.

And now this same person had been called weak by one of the Elders, and everyone knew that the King of Heroes did not take insults very well.

Gilgamesh saw the councilman in question turn deadly white as all the blood drained from his face when he realized that by calling humans weak right in front of Gilgamesh he had insulted the King of Heroes himself.

"No, I-" The man stammered as he tried to take it back, but Gilgamesh was not accepting any of it.

"Now correct me if I'm wrong" Gilgamesh interrupted, still holding a polite smile that fooled no one, "But I distinctly remember you saying that all humans are weak. And I believe that as a human, I fall into the category. So I ask again" Gilgamesh's eyes flashed a demonic crimson hue as his smile turned cold.

"Did you just call me weak?"

Gilgamesh didn't want to start a fight here, just warn them enough to get them away from Sona, so he was going to leave it at that.

"Yes" said a voice cutting through Gilgamesh's thoughts.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened momentarily before his narrowed at the source of the voice.

Spinning around in surprise, Gilgamesh turned to find that Zekram Bael was the one who had spoken. The older Demon was smiling pleasantly at the King of Heroes from where he was leaning back in his chair, eyes crinkled with joy.

"What did you call me?"

"I called you weak" Looking like nothing more than a gentle grandfather playing with his grandchildren, Zekram hurled another insult at Gilgamesh, while his crazed lavender-colored eyes danced with barely concealed joy, "Did you not hear me, or are you a deaf human and also a weak boy?"

Gilgamesh was not the only one surprised by the speech of the first Great King. Most of the occupants of the hall turned to Zekram in shock, slack-jawed. Even Sona, who did not budge an inch when she was mocked, gave Zekram a wide-eyed look of disbelief.

A fury flashed in Gilgamesh's crimson eyes as an immense bloodlust surged in him and the only thing that was keeping him from killing the demon was his self-control.

"Zekram Bael" Sirzechs called out causing his attention to turn to the Maou Lucifer, even Sirzechs who was good at hiding his emotions had awe flashing through his eyes.

"Have you forgotten who you are talking to? I am sure with the reputation Gilgamesh has he is anything but weak" Sirzechs said calmly.

"With all due respect my Lord Lucifer" Zekram nodded pleasantly to Sirzechs, "I haven't seen anything. All we know is his reputation but we have never witnessed his power to say if it is true" Zekram said with a pleasant smile on his face.

"Then what would it take to convince you of his power?" asked Sirzechs with amusement, "Do you wish to fight him?"

"Oh no, no. An old man like me would not be a challenge. With these old bones I can barely walk anymore, much less fight" The hidden ruler of the Underworld lied between his teeth as he laughed at the suggestion, "No, what we need is for him to fight in public so there is no doubt about his ability. Perhaps with a younger opponent, one more in line with his age."

Then Zekram Bael deliberately turned his eyes to the middle of the hall, where a hundred and more young Demons were lined up, with their Pariate just behind them.

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