Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Not wanting to take any chances, Tannin opened her mouth and released several spheres of fire against one of the Dragons.

However when the sphere hit the dragon a barrier of light appeared around it.


Instantly the sphere of fire was fired again at Tannin who could not react and only be hit by his own attack.

[Reflect] was one of Albion's original abilities that allowed him to reflect attack up to a certain point.

A small explosion of fire appeared when the blow hit Tannin who in a flap of his wings made the smoke disappear.

"What is that?" asked Tannin perplexed by what he saw.

"These little Dragons, called [Wyvern] were created by my power using Ddraig's power and the power I stole from Albion, but I think you already figured it out" said Gilgamesh smiling.

Tannin narrowed his eyes, "I see, so the whites are able to use the power of the Hakuryuukou and the reds the power of the Sekiryuutei" Tannin analyzed.

Gilgamesh smiled at Tannin's correct deduction, the White [Wyvern] were able to use [Divide] and [Reflect], while the Reds were able to use [Boost], [Transfer] and [Penetrate].

"Go" said Gilgamesh extending his hand as the Red Dragons advanced alongside the White Dragons.

The Red Dragons quickly advanced against Tannin as they were covered by a red aura and they activated their power.

[Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!]

The auras of the small dragons suddenly increased as red spheres manifested in front of them, similar to the [Dragon Shot], and were fired at Tannin.

The Former Dragon King quickly began to dodge all the spheres, however he was taken by surprise with what occurred next.

The White Dragons quickly surrounded Tannin as the energy bursts collided with the White Dragons that created a wall of light.


The attack was reflected by the small dragon as it hit Tannin who grunted in pain from the attack.

Growling Tannin realized that if he continued like this he would be defeated by the small Dragons, and realizing this Tannin expanded his aura as he fired at the Red Dragons in an attempt to destroy them.

However, before it hit the little White Dragons turned forward.

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!

Tannin's entire aura slowly began to fade as one of Hakuryuukou's abilities was manifested, the power to split the opponent's power in half.

Tannin prepared to move forward, however he widened his eyes as he felt that Gilgamesh was just above him.

"Don't forget about me" said Gilgamesh punching Tannin so hard that Devil was sent flying against the ground.

The Red Dragons quickly moved to Gilgamesh's side.

[Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!] [Boost!]

The Dragons' auras began to increase as they approached Gilgamesh.


All the immense aura quickly transferred to the body of Gilgamesh who extended his hand creating an immense crimson sphere of magical power in his hand.

Tannin seeing the immense aura prepared to attack, however the White Dragons quickly surged around him.

[Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!] [Divide!]

Tannin's eyes widened as all his power began to decrease at an extremely high rate to the point where the Dragon King fell to his knees panting from the sudden lack of power.

And that was the moment Gilgamesh needed to finish preparing his attack and shoot Tannin.

All the former Dragon King could see before he fainted was the huge sphere of power hitting his body.

And then only darkness.



Right after the intense battle against the Dragon King Tannin, our beloved King of Heroes had used one of the "Phoenix Tears" that were in his treasure to heal the former Dragon King.

After being completely healed, Tannin had thanked Gilgamesh and invited him to come whenever he wanted in his territory that he would be welcomed.

Gilgamesh had smiled and agreed and then decided to return to the Gremory mansion due to the battle between the Nobility of Rias and of Rin starting in some time.

Arriving there Gilgamesh had immediately gone to take a bath, after all after spending almost twenty days in a forest you really get tired, just like bathing in a river.

After that Gilgamesh made his way to the main hall of the Gremory clan where he found his companions as well as Rias and his Nobility and Azazel.

"Looks like the King of Heroes is late" said Azazel laughing when he saw Gilgamesh entering.

The King of Heroes let out a laugh.

"Yes, after all Heroes always arrive last minute" said the Sekiryuutei as he turned to his companions.

His servants; Arturia, Mordred, Enkidu, Karna, Merlin and Achilles were all standing next to each other, even with their training their aura didn't look much different than before.

But with the other members it was already a different story.

Arthur had a more serious look on his face, the very aura that seemed to surround him was more powerful, and even his posture was more centered, very similar to Arturia's.

Both Caliburn and Excalibur were at his waist, both in their respective scabbards, which Gilgamesh had created a copy of Avalon for Arthur to guard Excalibur, and like the original it granted a great healing factor.

He really looked like the epitome of what a "Knight" meant.

Le Fay beside him also looked more serious, although she was still very happy and smiling Gilgamesh could tell that the girl's magical aura had increased dozens of times, there was no doubt that she had worked hard at her training.

Valerie also seemed to have a more centered aura regarding her magic power, it even seemed bigger than before, and Gilgamesh could tell that the Dhampir had also gained better control of her three Sacred Gear; the [Sephiroth Grail], [Incinerate Anthem] and also the [Dragonar Extinct].

Xenovia also seemed more centered, the fierce aura that was around her seemed more controlled, and it was also possible to see her evolution, but unlike Arthur she was not with her swords, it was likely that she was using magic to guard Durandal and Ascalon.

Leonardo still had an indifferent look on his face, but it was also possible to see that he had worked hard on his training, probably training mainly his stamina to be able to use more of the power of his Sacred Gear.

Sebas who was standing next to them had the same aura as always, which did not surprise Gilgamesh.

Asia also seemed more powerful, although she still had her innocent look and manner you could see that she was well centered.

And Fenrir was in his cub form as he lay in Enkidu's arms.

But what had surprised Gilgamesh the most was the presence of another person in the room.

Tiamat was sitting next to Valerie calmly.

"I am surprised you are here Tiamat, I thought you would be working for Ajuka" said Gilgamesh expression his surprise.

"I stopped working for him," replied the dragoness calmly.


"Ajuka was already busting my balls with work and that I should be more loyal to the Underworld and all its crap" said Tiamat snorting, "So I abandoned my work with him and told him to go fuck himself."

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