Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 284

Chapter 284

With Enkidu, Valerie, Le Fay and Merlin.

Already in the area where the Nobility of Rin were, the last group for the battle was gathering.

On one side was Rin and her [Queen] Ingvild and [Bishop] Medea.

Already on the other side were Enkidu, Valerie, Le Fay and Merlin side by side.

"It seems they have come to us" said Rin calmly.

"Yes, it is likely that the others are in battle" commented Medea calmly.

"I hope they don't mind that, but we want to finish this quickly" said Enkidu smiling calmly.

Rin's smile widened.

"And you think you could do it so easily?" asked Rin.

A strong green aura began to emanate from Rin Astaroth's body, a strong wave of wind arose as Rin's demonic power energy surrounded her.

Alongside her Ingvild and Medea also gained strong magical auras around them.

Enkidu and his companions, on the other hand, did nothing as they watched.

"Looks like we will have to respond accordingly" said Enkidu seriously standing face to face with Rin.

Valerie gained a strong magical aura as she faced Ingvild and Le Fay and Merlin stood face to face with Medea.

"I can't wait" said Rin smiling.

With Achilles vs Leonidas.

Back to the two Greek heroes it was possible to see both on the battlefield preparing.

On one side was Achilles, he had a simple, and sturdily finished spear, well designed for combat in his right hand.

Leonidas on the other hand had a large shield in his left hand and a long spear in his right hand.

"Here I come!" announced Achilles smiling.

"Come!" shouted Leonidas excitedly.

Achilles steady his foot on the ground and fired at Leonidas, the earth shattered like fragile glass by the shockwave of Achilles' advance.

Leonidas' eyes widened when he saw Achilles' immense speed.

In his legend, Achilles is recorded as the fastest hero in human history. This is embodied in his [Dromeus Komts].

And even without using his Noble Phantasm, Achilles possesses a speed unmatched among servants.

Leonidas quickly raised his shield in time to defend the blow.

The tip of Achilles' spear crashed into Leonidas' shield, the descendant of the King of Sparta was sent flying backwards due to the immense force.

Even though he was sent backwards, Leonidas in one swift movement repositioned himself and aimed his spear at Achilles.

The spear glowed blue as electricity began to flow through it and several bolts of lightning surrounded it.

Being charged an immense bolt of lightning shot out from the spear of the descendant of the King of Sparta advancing against Achilles.

The Heroic Spirit's eyes widened as he felt the divine power coming from the lightning, this spear had been given to Leonidas by the Greek King of Gods Zeus himself, so it was bathed in divine power

Due to the power of the Noble Phantasm [Andreias Amarantos] Achilles possessed his invulnerability, the Noble Phantasm representing Achilles' gift of immortality by being exalted by the Gods of Olympus.

Only attacks with divinity could hurt Achilles, and because Leonidas' spear was bestowed upon him by Zeus it meant that it could hurt him.

Achilles swung his spear cutting the lightning bolt in half.

However, in the midst of this Leonidas advanced appearing in front of Achilles while swinging his spear at him.

The hero exalted by Olympus in one swift motion defended with his spear and kicked Leonidas' body sending him flying away.

Before Leonidas could recover, Achilles advanced against him launching a flurry of attacks at high speed.

Achilles fought using his hero-killing spear, [Diatrekhn Astr Lonkh], using jab and strike techniques along with clever finesse to overwhelm his opponent with his divine speed.

Leonidas simply could do nothing but dodge the attacks that followed against him.

Seeing this, Leonidas summoned the power of his Sacred Gear.

Achilles' eyes widened as he saw the shadows around him turn into large spears and advance against him.

Achilles in an instant jumped away to deflect the blow.

"I must admit that you are very strong. That's why I will respond to you" said Leonidas seriously.

The shadows around him began to increase exponentially as the smile on the face of the descendant of the King of Sparta smiled

"Balance Breaker"

The shadows explode around Leonidas, they increased in such quantity that the entire battlefield was completely covered in shadows.

The smile of the "King of Flames" widened as the shadows and fire began to surround his body.

"That's Spartaaa!!!" shouted Leonidas with immense conviction.

The shadows around Leonidas increased as they took the form of about three hundred humans, each wielding a spear and a shield.

"Balance Breaker: Thermopylae Enomotia" shouted Leonidas activating his Balance Breaker

Achilles' eyes sparkled in interest as he watched Leonidas' power increase.

"So that's your Balance Breaker? Interesting," Achilles said with a smile.

Leonidas' smile widened even more.

"Yes, my [Balance Breaker: Thermopylae Enomotia] is a subspecies I created taking inspiration from the legend of my ancestor and his 300 soldiers" said Leonidas smiling hugely.

The shadow soldiers stood beside Leonidas and prepared to advance against Achilles.

"Do you intend to face me with all these soldiers?" asked Achilles smiling immensely, "Very well! In the name of my father, my mother and my friends I have sworn never to turn my back on a battlefield."

Firming his feet on the ground, Achilles shot forward advancing against the shadows that were advancing against him.

In one swift movement, Achilles swung his spear, sending out a powerful shockwave that destroyed dozens of soldiers

Yet even destroyed they simply rebuilt themselves from the shadows.

"It seems that even if I destroy the shadows they will come back, in which case I must defeat Leonidas" thought Achilles smiling.

Achilles in one swift motion firmed his foot against the ground and fired at Leonidas at a surreal speed, activating his Noble Phantasm [Dromeus Komts] Achilles embodied his power as the fastest hero in humanity.

All the shadows around Achilles were destroyed simply by the mere pressure of the shockwave generated by his momentum.

The speed was such that it caught Leonidas off-guard; in an instant, with such speed that it seemed like teleportation, Achilles appeared in front of Leonidas, driving his spear into the body of the "Flame King".

Leonidas' eyes widened as blood leaked from his mouth and all his shadows crumbled from the great wound and loss of concentration of the "Flame King".

As blood dripped down Leonidas' body his body slowly turned into blue lights.

"It seems... that... I... lost" said Leonidas at intervals as blood leaked from his mouth.

"Yes" said Achilles calmly, "But you were a good opponent"

[A " Rook " from Rin Astaroth-sama withdrew]

Achilles just watched as Leonidas disappeared.

"Well, I guess I'll go help the others," Achilles said.

Whistling the hero summoned his chariot and in a flash of green lightning he advanced toward the sky.

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