Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 290

Chapter 290

Surya's son didn't even show reaction with the blow, thanks to his golden armor all attacks are reduced to one tenth of their power.

Karna's eyes widened when he saw Esdeath floating above him.


With a smile on her face, the blue haired woman snapped her fingers and did something that left even the stoic Karna surprised.

Behind Esdeath, in a blue mist, a huge ice stone materialized, which could easily be mistaken for a meteorite that was only a few feet off the ground.

Karna quickly exploded his [Mana Burst] all over his body that was bathed in an abysmal amount of flames and advanced fearlessly against Esdeath's huge attack.

With a single thrust, the hero fired directly at Esdeath's attack with his body bathed in flames of unparalleled intensity.

To Esdeath's bewilderment the moment Karna crashed into his attack, it simply went right through him.

Concentrating his power at the tip of his spear, Karna was totally annihilating Esdeath's blow.

The ice woman could not react as Karna surged in front of her striking him with her spear, and even defending with her foil Esdeath was sent flying away.

Crashing to the ground the "Ice General" quickly regained her footing while breathing heavily.

This battle was not good for her, her enemy completely surpassed her in physical attributes, Karna's strength and speed was greater than hers, and she still had that armor that seemed to nullify all her attacks.

Her ice was useless against her enemy's flames, and her Balance Breaker was not an option.

Esdeath's Balance Breaker; [Ice Storm Commander-In-Chief] had the power to create a "Russian Winter" capable of easily turning an entire country, even a continent at maximum power, into a frozen tundra of endless ice and snow, and was so powerful that Esdeath herself could be considered a Natural Disaster with consciousness.

However Esdeath could not control this power, unlike the Balance Breaker from [Absolute Demise] which could freeze an entire country and allows its user to distinguish between ally and enemy.

It was an attack that would hit an entire continent, an indiscriminate attack that would hit everything and everyone, enemy and ally, not unlike the power of the [Gura Gura No Mi].

So on this battlefield that was a little bigger than a city his Balance Breaker could kill his allies, or make them forcibly retreat.

And since her Balance Breaker was not an option, and her normal attacks had no effect she only had two options.

The first would be the [Ice Cavalry] which allowed Esdeath to create ice centaurs, however she could only create one per day, and after that she would be pretty worn out and not be able to use her Sacred Gear. So it was not an option.

What was left was her last asset.

But looking at Karna the ice woman stared in surprise at what she saw.

Karna was holding her spear, but not in the way she wielded it, but in the way she would use to throw it.

Esdeath's eyes widened as Karna's flames increased in incredible intensity and surrounded the spear in Karna's hand.

The flames wrapped themselves around the golden spear as Larna summoned the power of his Noble Phantasm.

"Brahmastra Kundala"

Activating his power Karna threw his spear as his Noble Phantasm was activated.

[Brahmastra Kundala] is a Noble Phantasm obtained by Karna from the Brahman Parashurama. It is a projectile that receives its igneous attribute,Mana Burst (Flames), which from one hit is compared to a nuclear weapon.

The weapon with the power compared to a nuclear weapon of flames advanced incinerating everything in its path.

The air overheated, the earth turned to lava from the intense amount of heat, the weapon was a literal beam of intense heat that burned everything.

Seeing the attack coming close to her, Esdeath knew she couldn't dodge it, so she resorted to her last trump card.

Esdeath quickly put her hands together as she activated her final ability.


A wave of blue energy expanded from Esdeath's body as the spear was inches away from hitting her.

And then everything stopped.

It was not in the metaphorical sense but in the literal sense, the whole space seemed to have been frozen, not even a single noise could be seen heard and nothing moved.

This was the power of Esdeath's trump card the [Mahapadma], a technique that could freeze space-time itself.

Even unintentionally the ice woman fell to her knees while breathing heavily, using the [Mahapadma] to freeze Karna's attack had demanded a lot from her body.

But what she could do now was to finish Karna off as quickly as possible.

However, what happened next made the blue-haired woman stunned.

Karna had suddenly appeared in front of Esdeath.

The power of the ice woman allowed her to freeze time itself, but there were limitations, only those with comparable power, or weaker than Esdeath, could be frozen in time.

But someone like Karna, who possessed an immense amount of magical energy and physics was able to move freely even with frozen time, although a little effort was required.

Karna's hand quickly went to her spear which had its power suddenly increased bringing her out of the time paralysis.

Before Esdeath could react Karna moved forward piercing Esdeath's body with her spear.

The woman's eyes widened as the spear of the Sun hero pierced her body and blood leaked from her mouth.

[Rin Astaroth-sama's "Tower" withdrew]

Karma only watched as Esdeath's body began to disappear in a blue light.

Sighing Karna watched her opponent disappear and quickly shot toward where her companions were.

With Enkidu, Valerie, Le Fay and Merlin versus Rin, Ingvild and Medea.

In another region it was possible to see the last three battles taking place, the last seven fighters were performing the last three battles.

In one of the three battles it was possible to see three people facing each other in what would be a two-on-one battle.

On one side were Merlin and Le Fay, both standing side by side as they stared at their opponent who was floating several meters above them.

The opponent of the Avalon Faction members was the descendant of the Witch of Betrayal, Medea.

The witch floated above the two calmly while holding a large magical staff in her right hand.

"Well, well, it looks like our enemy is ready to begin" Merlin commented with his typical smile.

"Yes, Merlin-sama" said Le Fay agreeing with the Flower Mage.

Medea's smile widened as she raised her staff.

"Rain of Light"

The air around Medea shattered as dozens of purple magic circles appeared around the woman as her magic began to focus on them.

In an instant they flashed in barely contained power as they shot down upon Merlin and Le Fay an immense rain of magical lightning.

Le Fay quickly extended his hand creating dozens of protective magic circles.

The beams of light crashed against Le Fay's barrier which slowly showed signs of cracking.

"I will help her" announced Merlin.

Waving his staff, Merlin's magic power created other magic circles while reinforcing those of Le Fay.

For Merlin, using magic in this world had become much simpler, although he was a genius magician, Merlin himself admitted that he was a fool and made mistakes in casting spells.

But in a world where he could create spells just by imagining everything had become much easier and simpler for the Great Magician.

Le Fay quickly created dozens of magic circles that fired a wave of elemental attacks at Medea.

The Witch quickly used her magic to protect herself from the attacks and continued to use her attacks against Le Fay and Merlin.

Increasing her magic power, Medea increased the intensity of her attacks as Merlin and Le Fay's magic circles began to crack.

"Give up, you have no way out" Medea said calmly.

Merlin prepared to increase the power of his barrier even more, but stopped when he felt several presences approaching.

Soon a smile appeared on the Flower Mage's face.

"I think you have no way out" said the man calmly.

Medea stared uncomprehendingly before her eyes widened as she felt the presence approaching.

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