Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

How long does it take until you have enough power to be the champion? The defending champion, Deihauser of the fallen House of Belial, is strong, a limit on the Ultimate level on the level of Satan in power. How long does it take until you reach your dream, little girl?"

"I...I...uh...I..." Rias stuttered and couldn't look me in the eye.

"Decade? Two decades? Century? Two centuries? Do you think that old bunch in the devil's council will wait this long? Your family will lose its prestige before that happens and the House of Gremory will drop the Devil Extra rating, as will people like Abaddon and Bune, who helped the losing side in the civil war, have degraded themselves to the same level of traitors in the eyes of the masses."

I gave Rias a ridiculous look and a mocking smile.

Well, of course she could keep her family name safe if she got a Longinus possessor.

In the light novel, Gremory's name was not tarnished after the aftermath of House Phenex, due to the existence of the Red Dragon Emperor as her servant. It was reason enough to give them face and keep their prestige and name safe. However, in this world everything was different.

"And what do you think will happen next? Ridiculous. Ridiculous without end. Gremory's magnificent and kind name will be a laughing stock because the heiress can't live up to her responsibility. Girl, if you don't want to get married like that, you must denying Gremory's family tree, freeing yourself from the engagement, but of course you won't dare do that, will you? That's right? In fact, you're just a delusional, selfish, spoiled little girl. pathetic you are, makes me want to puke... "

Rias tried at all costs to keep her tears in her eyes as she didn't want to show weakness.

"What do you want?" question Rias trembles.

"To be honest, I don't want anything Rias Gremory..." I said calmly as I sat back. "What I've done before is make sure you know that I'm not someone who will shrug and forgive what you tried to do to me like it was nothing. I just made a point of saying what will happen If you were to make me your enemy." I said coldly as I gestured with one hand before standing up.

"Rias Gremory with that, I made my point. Where are you and where I am. And let me tell you, even though you've asked for backup to face me, I guarantee it won't stop me from coming up. you. If I die, you'll fall with me." I stated in a harsh tone before turning and heading for the door

"Oh, those fallen angels... You can leave them to me. I also plan to visit them after all." said Gilgamesh as he left the room slamming the door.

Rias gives a wave as she asks Sona and her peerage to leave, which they do.

*With Rias.*

Fear was not a foreign concept to Rias She knew very well how this feeling worked and had also felt it when hunting her first lost devil.

Rias was afraid of what happened with Gilgamesh's disappearance, but when he arrived at the Occult Club room she thought they could talk.

They didn't talk...

It was more like a one-way conversation, a lecture full of threats. Every time she tried to speak, he interrupted her as if he were dismissing her. He spoke to her as if she were a being who didn't even deserve his time.

Never in her life had she been treated like this... treated as nothing but dirt...

This man not only dared to harm her peerage and make fun of her. It's true that she could be wrong in the first place and, to be honest, she had already prepared to apologize to him, but when he started talking like that and hurt her pride, that feeling disappeared instantly.

She was a Gremory, and no one could harm her peers without receiving a painful memory! Dragon or don't be damned.

Rias was no stranger to fear, but what she'd just felt made all of her old fears seem lighter in the face of blazing flames that burned an entire building.

In the name of Satan, she even saw her own death as Gilgamesh's aura filled the entire room. She saw her existence being scorched by a single breath of fire, turning her to nothing but ash. She couldn't hear anything or feel anything but fear. She almost screamed when she saw her death, but held it back when she realized she was still alive.

And when Gilgamesh spoke to her again, she had seen not a human, but a giant dragon in front of her, mocking her with flames that burned from her nostrils and ready to burn her existence.

She remembered how one of Old Satan's factions had stared at her older brother as if he were some kind of monster, and she was sure she had just shown exactly the same expression when looking at Gilgamesh.

Oh hell... In the name of Four Maous, what kind of sleeping monster did she provoke?!


Rias turned to see her queen, who was no longer smiling. And while she looked calm, Rias could still see that his queen was still disturbed by recent events.

"Yes Akeno?" She asked. Calm down, calm down, she had to calm down. She was the king, she had to calm down for her subjects.

"Koneko woke up... She's back to normal, but whenever we mention Gilgamesh-san's name..."

Koneko... Rias realized that Gilgamesh hadn't done anything bad to her. He didn't threaten or hurt her. Dammit, he didn't even touch her! Gilgamesh simply looked at her. That was everything and nothing more.

But she finally understood the magnitude of the impact of this act.

Koneko was a Nekoshou...her heightened senses allowed her to see more than what appeared in the eyes of others because she had more heightened and acute senses. In other words, Koneko had seen before what they had just seen. No wonder the poor girl was so scared; it must have reached its breaking point when the dragon's power exploded.

Gilgamesh's recruitment not only failed but also backfired. Instead of making an ally, they made an enemy! It's true that Gilgamesh had said they were neutral, but that didn't mean he wouldn't hurt them. They had already made a serious mistake in the first place. To be honest, she never imagined that meeting Gilgamesh would be like this. She was thinking that, at worst, she wouldn't make Gilgamesh join her peers, but that clearly had surprised any scenario she had imagined!

"So what are we going to do with him?" Akeno asked.

"We'll leave him alone and he won't bother us." Rias said with his eyes closed "Yes, we will monitor him but we won't make a move. Not until I can redeem our group's reputation for him." She muttered.

"What about the fallen angel? You know if he attacked them, he could cause trouble, right?"

"Oh, don't worry, let him stay. If they were officially negotiating here, they would come visit us, so it's clear they're here for something illegal. And I doubt they're working here with permission.." Rias said while she made a dismissive gesture with her hand.

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