Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 49

Chapter 49

When a group of humans saw a single human make fire with his hand, they feared him. They isolated him and considered him a cursed person. And then the cursed person was sad - they started to question why. Why were they born different?

At that moment, gods or other supernatural beings came, offering them a chance and saying they were special, they were needed.

Few were really sincere and honest. But most weren't... And the sad part was that there were also humans who manipulated other humans.

"You must understand, Gilgamesh-kun." Sona sighed. "It's not like we have any bad intentions, the goal of Evil Pieces is to increase the number of devils. Both the war against heaven and the civil war have brought us to near extinction, not to mention we're not a very fertile race to start. we can only produce a large number of devils like humans or other races" She said.

"So you need strong new devils, fine. I can't blame you since you fight for your survival, but that doesn't give you the right to play with people's lives like they're toys." I replied mischievously and Sona nodded. .

"I understand that, but what could I say? We are devils like you said, we are not innocent beings. As for Rias' behavior and her conspiracy, she was desperate"


"It's not my place to say that." Sona told me as she closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them. "But she needs a strong group, she needs strong members to fight for her. For her dreams..."

"And that's why she tried to recruit me." I grunted and Sona nodded.

"Before her, I was actually the one who planned to recruit you. But as she needed your power more and because it was also for the sake of her dreams, as her friend, I couldn't abandon her. So I decided to give her one. chance to catch you"Sona told me and I snorted.

They tried to pass me off as if I were some kind of toy or doll. I was really tempted to pull out a Sacred Esoada and stab it now, to show what I thought about this kind of behavior, but I held back.

"And how would you recruit me? Would you have a wild animal attack me and then come and save me, becoming my hero?" I said sarcastically.

"Of course not. I was just going to ask you" Sona said and I blinked.


"I'm sorry, maybe my ears deceived me. You just-"

"I was going to ask you to become a devil and work for me. Like someone offering a job."

Despite the ridiculous words that left her mouth, Sona's face was serious. There were no signs of lying or lying, if she was lying she was clearly hiding it very well. But seeing her and knowing her personality, I think it's safe to say she wasn't lying.

"Are you out there asking humans to become devils?" I asked perplexed. "What kind of idiot would accept that?!"

"Well, Genshirou Saji did..." Sona said with a straight face and I blinked a few times, I knew that guy. We weren't close, but I knew him.

"What always looks at me?" I asked and Sona nodded. Yes, in the past I didn't know why he was always looking at me.

I smiled because I already knew why that was.

"He came in because he likes you, doesn't he?" I played.

I saw Sona's face flush a little and she straightened her glasses. Her eyes showed she was embarrassed, but I could tell she was also unhappy at the same time. Well, it was natural, even I felt uncomfortable with the idea of having one of my fans working as my servant.

And he looked at me clearly out of jealousy that Sona was always watching me and trying to recruit me into her peerage.

But still...

"So there really is an idiot like that, huh?" I muttered as I sighed. Really, I didn't know if I felt amused or sad.

"Sadly yes." Sona agreed with me strangely. "Rias was planning to ask, but you proved more... Difficult... You're the only boy who doesn't fall for her and doesn't pay attention to her either. Not only that, you didn't even show any sign of interest. meant that asking you to be one would be impossible. That's why she tried to make this plan. I'm not trying to justify her actions, but you should know that she's not a completely bad person, just a desperate person...."

"This issue is related to us devils... Even if you're the Boosted Gear wielder, you can't just interfere." Sona told me.

"Politics, isn't it?" I asked with a small smile and she made no sign of agreement, but I could tell I hit my nail on the head. "Let me guess, her problem must be some kind of contract that was given to her due to her high class devil status and to break it, she has to fight her entire set of slaves." I imagined while making a smug expression.

Sona looked at me for a moment before shaking her head and letting out a small sigh, a small smile of amusement plastered across her face.

"You're strong and smart. That's why I want you." She said with laughter and I furrowed my brows.

"Oh? Was it a confession I heard? From the Ice Queen of Kuoh Academy? King of Kuoh Academy? Is the Queen seeking the King's warmth?" I asked with a smirk, and Sona blinked before she seemed to finally realize what she had just said.

"T-that's not what I meant!" She retorted in a slightly high-pitched tone, while a pink hue graced her pale cheeks. "I want you as a member of my peerage!"

"Now you're being tsundere." I said with a fake grimace, making her eyes flutter.

"I'm not being a tsundere!"

"You want me as your peers, which is technically slavery, which means you want me as your slave. Really, you're not only cold, you're also a sadist. What a weird combination! Tsundere and a sadist!"

Sona spat incoherently a few times, making me laugh. As soon as she realized I was teasing her, she gave me a cold look. But after what I had seen before, there was no way I could see that stern look in the same way.

But really, what happened to Rias, I don't think I could blame her too much. I could have reacted too strongly, so maybe I should have been more lenient with her. Oh well. I should probably apologize for overreacting after she was able to redeem herself in my eyes.

"Anyway, if you're planning to ask, you should know that I'm not going to become a devil." I said as I shook my head.

"This is what you think." Sona replied as she adjusted her glasses. She sighed into my furrowed brows.

"Gilgamesh-kun, to be honest, being a devil isn't as bad as you think. My plan for when I was going to invite you was to try to persuade you in a calm and logical way. If you want things like fame and power, you can get them. It's true you'll work like a low-class devil at first, but it'll be worth it, I assure you."

Between Rias and Sona, I knew Sona was the smartest, it was very clear to see every semester, her ranking was always at the top and it was written on the bulletin board in the main building of Kuoh Academy. All her records and notes were always perfect, never below the top, even slightly. And the way she spoke also makes her sound experienced and competent when she would recruit someone to take her place, unlike Rias.

"I will offer you the formal position now, Gilgamesh-kun. Become my colleague, I assure you it will not be a mistake. You will find you worthy. What do you want? What is your dream? I will help you to realize it. You will. And in return, you will help me. You will make your dreams come true and you won't have to." Sona made her offer in a very convincing and smooth tone. As if she were a woman who reached out to a poor boy who lived on the streets.

"Kaichou... Why don't you tell me your dream before I tell mine?" I asked as I pulled one leg back, placing a single hand on it and placing my head in the palm of my hand.

Sona looked at me with her brows furrowed before humming and putting her hand on her chin as she put on a thoughtful face.

"I think this is part of a good negotiation, knowing the person you will work with before joining." She said with a tone of acknowledgment, "Okay, if you want to meet Gilgamesh-kun, I want to create a combat school. One for reincarnated and lower class devils."

"Fighting school?" I asked with a wink.

"Let me tell you, lower class devils are devils that only function as servants or slaves if you express it harshly. Most of them are actually reincarnated beings. And let's just say that only a few higher class devils treat their servants, just as they deserve. Me and Rias are two of them."

Oh... Ooooh... Oh...

Now I get it. Now I understood what she was trying to do. What she wanted to do. What was her dream and what she intended to do.

"You plan to bribe the slaves..." I stated in an understanding tone "You all realize that there is a high chance your slaves will rebel against you and seeing how your race has survived one civil war, you don't want another to happen so soon. You plan to show them that there are nobles out there who really want to protect them and acknowledge their works so they don't try to rebel."

Sona's eyes widened a little when she heard this before they narrowed and she straightened her glasses.

"It's a negative way of saying it. I don't remember you being such a pessimist, Gilgamesh-kun."

"You are a devil." I simply pointed and Sona, to my surprise, snorted, a woman's laugh.

"Gilgamesh-kun, I admit that is one of my goals. You must know, we are very close to extinction after the civil war, we can't have another one. We will go extinct if that happens." She said in a serious tone. "I don't want that to happen. However, I am sincere in helping them too, they are our people after all."

I looked at Sona blankly.

I was never going to change who I was.

Even if I was on the verge of death I would accept something like that.

After all, humans are so interesting.

Humans...were creatures that could show kindness even surpassing the angels themselves. They were gentle creatures, soft and caring. They even did something stupid just for the happiness of a different race, proof enough to show the world that humans were great and gentle creatures.

And yet... At the same time, they were also the most cruel... They didn't even care if it was a child, humans could kill them in cold blood and even laugh when they did. They could starve to death and even **** them when they had not yet reached puberty.

Humans were weak, that wasn't a lie, but a fact... They didn't have fangs, claws, poison or anything that could be used as a weapon on their bodies. Usually all they could do was cry and mourn.

And yet, if we were so weak, how did humans still rule the world?

Simple... it was because human beings, among all living beings and beings... were the most cruel...

They were the most beautiful creatures and yet also the most disgusting...

It was like people said... The greater the light inside people's hearts, the greater the darkness inside them too...

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