Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 51

Chapter 51

Freed Sellzen, my mind immediately connected the dot.

Should I kill him? Well... if I kill him, it would indirectly help Gremory. And now, I didn't like them because of heir stupidity. After weighing Freed's death, like figuring out what kind of shoes I want to wear, what's left was making an entrance; an amazing fuck, amazing.

Hey! I am the Red Dragon Emperor and the King of Heroes. I should have incredible input to go against my enemy, you know?

"Ddraig, Regulus? Do you have any idea how I can get in?"

[Kick the door?] said Ddraig.

"Mehtoo clich" said Regulus.

"Yes, this has already been overused"

Me, Regulus and Ddraig exchanged ideas about my supposedly tough entry. However, we dragged him into useless pranks somehow. And we waste time unproductively.

[Go Tarzan and enter through the window?]

"With a loin cloth like an uncivilized barbarian?"

[Of course Tarzan was famous for his loin!]

"It might be a good one"

"You know, Ddraig, Regulus. Instead of intimidating them, I'll become a joke and they won't take me seriously."

[Damn...just get in normally now!]

"Yes, hurry up" 1

"You are crazy? They will mistake me for a lost child and not take me seriously and despise me! I hate being looked down on!"

[Go from Juggernaut Drive!] says Ddraig

"Go from Breakdown the Beast" says Regulus.

"Ddraig, Regulus, we're just cleaning up an irritating smell in space, not fighting a Top 10 member! It's over too much!"

[... ch. Stop whining and get in now!]

"Yes, stop chatting and come in"

"So, it's the clich entry, huh?"

My right foot rose. And then I kicked in the double doors. With a *bang* the doors opened and shattered into a small splinter by the small power I wielded. At first the church seemed empty, but my exceptional sense of hearing could hear him; the outcry in the hidden cellar.

A trapdoor suddenly opened. Dozens of men and women dressed in white robes came out with a lightsaber sword, which reminds me of a lightsaber from wars and silver weapons in their hands. They put a different mask on their face; caution, surprise and madness.

"Heee? And here I thought we're being attacked by shitty devils. Who thinks the attacker is really a lost lamb. Hahahahaso, bastard, you got a gut barking in this place, huh? Bored for living? do you want to die?"

The person spoken to was a young man with shoulder-length white hair and red eyes, red eyes, a little older than me. His expression filled with insanity and madness. He wore a white exorcist robe, just like the dozens of people here.

Freed Sellzen; was that person's name.

I was strangely calm. My face didn't tremble at the appearance of dozens of stray armed exorcists. In my eyes they have no value; they were no more than a bunch of scum, an ant that had escaped my notice. My targets were the four remaining Fallen Angels in this area and Asia. Unfortunately, they were still in the basement.

"Mutts. Why don't you already dodge and make it easy for me? It's not like your number mattered so much in my eyes."

Freed and the lost exorcists showed a mask of anger after hearing my arrogant words. They gnashed their teeth in rage. Their pride must be hurt by my ridiculous words.

"What's this? What's this? A brat dares to say something absurd in front of this incredible me? You're courting death, ah? If you're really bored of living, I'll send you to hell!"

With a scream filled with rage, Freed brandished his silver weapon and pointed it at my face. And then he pulled the trigger.

I let out a sigh. The blessed silver bullet escaped the weapon's nuzzle. He flew towards me in slow motion, which bored me to death because he was waiting to catch up. And I tilted my head slightly, letting the bullet pass like that.

"WHAT? WHAT the hell!?" Freed roared in disbelief, "How were you avoiding this incredible bastard's bullet! Tell me! Tell me! How did you do it?"

"... tch. Annoying. It's just gone, worm." I muttered coldly, my voice echoing in the silent church.

At that moment, the world slowed down. This was the phenomenon that someone with power usually experienced because of how fast they could move. And then I ran towards Freed and kicked the side of his head, holding my power so he wouldn't die. I decided to spare the insane exorcist so he could harass the Gremory group later.

For everyone in the neighborhood, it happened in a flash. I only stayed here for a moment, and the moment later I reappeared beside Freed with his foot raised in the air and the mad exorcist body thrown out of the church through the window, breaking him in the process.


Freed screamed and moaned pitifully as his body soared into the air until he disappeared from my sight. I put my foot down and went back to looking at the dozens of lost exorcists around me, my eyes sweeping and taking in his expression.

Disbelief. Denial. Surprise. Shock. Fear. Their expressions varied from one to the other, giving me something to see.

"So? Are you going to get out of my sight or are you going to give your life to me?" I asked calmly.




Screams filled with anger, fear and despair echoed in the air. The dozens of lost exorcists attacked me with abandon, showing their despair for the impossible - killing me.

"Humph!" I snorted, the air severely coming out of my nose.

I shook my thumb and middle finger. At that moment, a red colored magic circle with the dragon skull symbol appeared on the ground. The glowing circle was wide, nearly filling the church floor.

An emerald colored gem appeared on the back of my left hand and then [BOOST] and [TRANSFER] - shone with a bright light. What happened next was a horrible sight to remember; they all exploded, blood and body parts spilled into the ancient holy house. And just like that, silence descended. What happened was that they exploded because their mortal body couldn't stand the Red Dragon Emperor's Gift.

Y Ddraig Gosh was inexplicably powerful. So powerful until he unwittingly shared his power. He was the root of the second base power of [Boosted Gear]; [Gift]. Ddraig's [Penetration] and absolute [Dragon Fire] existed because that absurd power too. I have mastered all that power - the power of Y Ddraig Gosh. And if I activated the [Juggernaut Drive], the power I could access was really the power that belonged to Ddraig in his heyday.

I wiped my bloodstained cheek. Surprisingly, I didn't feel disgusted or want to throw up. What I felt was emotion from so much blood and I wanted to see more; the blood of my enemy. In that moment, I, once a normal human, finally understood the true meaning of bloodlust.

When I wanted to enter the cellar through the trap door, someone had come out first.

"Who are you?"

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