Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 56

Chapter 56

"I now understand. My father did not wish for gems to shine like stars, he became King for the sake of these stones. That's why I don't need the squad's sword, I don't need it anymore," says Mordred, smiling.

I listened all the time there talking and couldn't help but smile.

"I'm not one to say that, let alone follow someone, but you would have made an excellent King Mordred," I say as I place a hand on her shoulder.

Mordred blushed before grinning.

"Of course you do, Master," said Mordred, smiling.

We stayed a little longer while watching the stars.

Another day.

Student Council Room.

I took another sip of the surprisingly good cup of tea. I had no idea what kind of brand the leaves were, but they tasted fantastic considering I got this from the Student Council's personal stash, though I doubted Sona would have minded.

Despite the lights being turned off, the Student Council room was lit up thanks to the wide widows who filled the entire face of one wall. Even though it was only seven in the morning, it was already a clear, sunny day. I was sitting in a corner out of the way as I waited for the rest of the Student Council to arrive.

You must be wondering why I'm here?

This is simple Sona called me here and said she wanted to talk to me, so I decided to come over early and surprise her.

"Are you sure Kaichou?" a voice signaled that my waiting time was finally over, when I heard the steady pace of footsteps approaching the door.

"Yes, Tsubaki. I just need a minute to deal with something myself," the doorknob turned and the door opened a little, "Please make sure repairs are done before the start of the school day "

"I understand Kaichou." Tsubaki replied before I heard her walk away.

The Student Council door opened the rest of the way and Sona entered. She didn't seem to have noticed me as she immediately closed the door behind her before leaning her back against it and closing her eyes. The only sound that filled the room was the thud of Tsubaki's footsteps as they moved away, and when she finally disappeared, the place was plunged into silence.

I was about to call Sona and publicize my presence when something happened that gave me pause.

Sona, from where she was still leaning against the door, started to laugh. It started out as something quite low that could barely be heard, but it quickly grew. It soon got to the point where Sona couldn't contain herself any longer and she just relented, threw back her head and just laughed.

Her maniacal laughter echoed off the walls of the Council room as I just stared at her, perplexed, not knowing what was going on or what to do. After that, it continued for what seemed like a full minute before she finally began to mix her laughter with the words.

"HAHAHAHA, feel Rias, FEEL! YES! YES! YES! AHAHAHAHA", she said before starting to trust her waist. I had to rub mine to make sure I wasn't seeing things, but rather Sona Sitri, who was perhaps one of the most tense people I knew, relying on her hip as she interjected between each thrust a yell of "Burn! - Burn! -Burn! "

I looked into my tea and checked for drugs with my magic, but it came back negative. I checked it again, but when the results stayed the same, I gave up on denying reality and just looked back and gaped.

"Can you feel it Rias? Can you feel the weight~~? Did I say you can feel it?" It was at that exact moment, right in the middle of a hip pressure, that Sona saw me sitting in the corner. She stopped, immobilized in place, as her eyes widened and her face paled as she glared at me with a perfect 'deer in headlights' look.

Unfortunately for her, she froze in the last position she occupied, which was in mid-hip pressure. Which meant she had her arms behind her with her elbows bent and her groin was pushed forward toward a spot on the wall a little to my right.

What I wouldn't give to have a camera here, or better to show Serafall Leviathan.

For what felt like an hour, we just stared at each other, neither of us quite sure what to say, before I felt a big shit-eating grin on my face.

"Oh don't mind me." I said calmly as I leaned back in my chair and crossed my legs before nodding for her to continue, "Go on, this sounds important. I'll wait." Deliberately I lifted my cup to my lips and took a long drink as I watched her, doing my best not to laugh.

She just gaped at me, so shocked that her face went pale white before her embarrassment kicked in and she started to turn red.

"III...that's not...I mean...don't think that...ah," she started to stammer nonsense at me as her mind tried and failed to figure out something to say.

Deciding to feel sorry for her, I just held up my hand and motioned for her to stop. "Don't bother explaining" I said, "You can stop holding that pose now"

Sona looked down and her face, which was slowly starting to return to its normal color, turned red again as she realized she was still in the hip thrust position and quickly straightened.

I took a few more seconds to compose myself before asking, "So what happened? It must have been a big thing for you to act so excited so soon, and what does that have to do with Gremory?"

By this time, Sona had that strict librarian personality firmly in place, only the light dust of her checks showing any sign of emotion. But let's be honest, after seeing her behave like this, I'll never fall in love with her strict act again.

She gave a single cough to her fist before speaking, "Yeah, actually, I just got some pretty amazing news." She walked towards the table that held supplies of coffee and tea. "And it would be more accurate to say 'someone' happened than something."

"Oh," feeling my interest rise in spite of me, "and who is that someone?"

"Hyoudou Issei"

My expression darkened.

Honestly I wasn't a big fan of Hyoudou, not only because of the perversion something I still didn't understand as possible.

Of course in the novel he improves a lot and doesn't become so perverted, but still.

The reason is mainly because of his actions, I have no doubt that if Rias asked he would become a devil right away.

It pissed me off that he would throw his humanity away for this, throwing something so important away for a simple pair of boobs.

So I didn't save it, and I got [Boosted Gear], of course I could make better use of it.

Too bad I gave the three Sacred Gears to him.

The first Sacred Gear I gave him was a simple [Twice Critical] that allowed its wearer to temporarily double their power, if mastered Issei could increase even five times, although it's useless as Issei needs to boost eight times to reach the level of a [Rook] of the Riser.

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