Global Beast Taming: Awakening Top 10 SSS Talents at the Beginning

Chapter 447: Speak for Yourself, or Shall I Make You?

Chapter 447: Speak for Yourself, or Shall I Make You?


Zhou Wenlong could hold back, but some of the Zhou Family’s younger members couldn’t, and after uttering that sound, they were immediately silenced by the Zhou Family strongmen, who covered their mouths and even dared not look in the direction of Jiu Lingkong.

After all, although the young man beside their own ancestor was strong, he couldn’t possibly kill those two powerhouses from the Holy Institute, could he?

If those two thought of revenge afterward, or bore a grudge against the Zhou Family because of this, their days might be even more miserable than if they had offended the Long Family.

The Supreme Elder, ah, was already among the group of people with the highest authority next to the headmaster of the Holy Institute.

Having offended such a person, no one knew where the Zhou Family’s future lay.

“Ye Feng~there’s no need for this!”

“The Long Family has been eliminated, there’s no need to offend the powerhouses of the Holy Institute for me, especially since you also come from within the Holy Institute. It’s too difficult for you.”

After witnessing this scene, Zhou Wenlong, standing beside Ye Feng, felt a warm current flowing in his heart, but still soberly transmitted his thoughts to Ye Feng.

After all, he did not want Ye Feng to fall out with the Holy Institute over such a trivial matter for him.

“Lord Zhou, rest assured, I know what I’m doing!”

Ye Feng did not transmit his thoughts but spoke directly instead.

His words made both Jiu Lingkong and Wang Chen look towards Zhou Wenlong with their sinister stares, expecting nothing good from Zhou Wenlong’s mouth, which only fueled their anger.

Especially Jiu Lingkong, for whom Zhou Wenlong had already been placed on his death list.

The same went for the Zhou Family!

Seeing this, Ye Feng laughed. Did these two really think he wouldn’t dare to kill them?

Since when had he made such an impression that they would entertain that thought?

The next second, Ye Feng’s gaze fell upon Wang Chen, and Wang Chen was startled, feeling an immense terror wrapping around his Divine Soul, too late to react; he knew nothing anymore.

And in the outside world, everyone saw Wang Chen’s body turned into ashes just like the Long Family’s strongmen before him, scattered with the wind.

“You, what audacity!!!”

Jiu Lingkong roared with rage, as his violent Force surged out, an intense shockwave like a hurricane, scattering all surrounding powerhouses in disarray!


Cries and howls were incessant, these people could never have imagined that Ye Feng would actually make a move to obliterate a powerhouse from the Holy Institute, and a Deputy headmaster at that.

Nor could they have imagined that Jiu Lingkong would really strike!

Now, the situation had truly escalated!

The Holy Institute would definitely not let things slide, especially since the Holy Institute had both a Supreme and an honorable reincarnation!

By then, who knew if these bystanders would be affected!

Damn it, had they known, they would have bloody well stayed at home and not come to this commotion. How vexing!

“My courage has always been great, do you want to see?”

Ye Feng’s eyes remained unperturbed, facing Jiu Lingkong’s full-force outburst without even a flicker on his robe.

When Jiu Lingkong saw Ye Feng’s calm demeanor, an inexplicable chill ran through his heart, and his imposing aura receded like the tide.

He knew he dared not strike!

“Tsk, tsk, tsk~ What an imposing display!”

“People who don’t know might think that the Saint Lord himself descended upon Earth!”

Suddenly, a voice echoed in the sky, causing everyone’s eyes to gaze toward the heavens. They saw a young man appear from nowhere and in the next second, arrive beside Jiu Lingkong.

“Elder Jiu, it can’t be that you’ve gotten used to lashing out at your own people and showing off your might, but when it comes to outsiders, you tuck your tail between your legs and dare not strike back?”

Jiu Lingkong didn’t answer the young man’s words, but his complexion became pitch black, yet, his heart heaved a sigh of relief.

No matter what, they were grasshoppers on the same string, the other party’s appearance meant that those people already knew about this matter, and he himself was safe.

Jiu Lingkong felt a trace of fortune in his heart, his life was saved, as for Wang Chen, he didn’t allow him to think even for a second.

At this moment, Ye Feng raised an eyebrow, looking at the youth who had appeared before him, a rare unusual color flashed in his eyes.

Of course, he sensed fluctuations similar to the Great Five Elemental Beast Mastery Cultivation method from the youth’s body.

This guy had fused five Imperial Beasts into organs like the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys, and his bloodstream was also filled with a large amount of mechanical elements.

In other words, this was a strong individual who had taken the Mechanical Faction to a far extent.

Jiu Lingkong had also chosen the Mechanical Faction, but how could the Sky-breaking Realm compare to the Primordial Realm?

Moreover, it looked like this guy should be that Zhou Feng’s man.

“That Zhou Feng’s person?”

Ye Feng suddenly spoke, making the youth’s eyes flash with murderous intent as he looked at him.

“You dare to call the God Lord by name, truly ignorant of life and death!”

The youth’s eyes were exceedingly cold and frightening, causing the temperature of the surrounding space to plummet sharply, making everyone subconsciously shiver.

True Primordial Meaning combined with the Mechanical Faction’s force, transformed into a new power.

This new power made Ye Feng’s eyes light up!

It seemed this Mechanical Faction guy indeed had some genuine skills, he was not of common origin.

As the saying goes, too late, but suddenly, the youth took a step forward, instantly completing Armor Fusion and Super God Transition, pushing his strength directly to the peak.

He had seen that Ye Feng’s strength was that of a Level nine Primordial Realm powerhouse.

Although he was only at level six Primordial Realm, it didn’t prevent him from possessing absolute confidence that he could crush Ye Feng.

After all, he was a person under the Machine Emperor, who was one of the three emperors beside the God Lord, in other words, he was a true orthodox practitioner of the Mechanical Faction.


A strong aura turned into a merciless raging wind that unleashed chaos in Jiang City.

Powerful force caused the City’s Defence Formation to be directly activated.

Although it blocked this overwhelming force, the energy of the City’s Defence Formation was rapidly depleting at a rate visible to the naked eye, and cracks of pitch-black space tore through the city.

“Those who insult the God Lord shall face the ultimate penalty!”

The youth’s figure flickered and disappeared, appearing before Ye Feng in an instant, carrying a fierce and overwhelming force, aiming directly for Ye Feng’s face.

Terrifying power burst forth from his mechanical-like body, rushing toward Ye Feng like a tremendous dragon.


A rare light smile appeared on Ye Feng’s face as he softly exhaled, as if blowing out a whiff of breath, he met the youth’s attack head-on.

“Courting death!!”

Ye Feng’s actions undoubtedly caused the murderous intensity in the youth’s eyes to surge!

Indeed, he seemed to think of him as trash, just like Jiu Lingkong.

He intended to make Ye Feng pay dearly for his ignorance!

In an instant, the youth’s power collided with that breath from Ye Feng.


Then, to the youth’s shock, his all-out strike was actually blown away by the other party’s breath.


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