Global Lords: Hundredfold Increments Starting With the Undead

Chapter 412: 385, Glory Cemetery_1

Chapter 412: Chapter 385, Glory Cemetery_1

Fang Hao stepped out of the tavern, a love poem penned by Eric in his hand.

After a round through the market with Anjia, during which they purchased some rare materials, they left by carriage.

Back to their accommodation.

Rolana was nowhere to be seen.

The maids told Fang Hao that she had gone out, but they did not know where.

Fang Hao glanced at the returned love poem and tucked it away in a drawer.

It was for the best that she wasn’t around. He wasn’t sure what might happen if the love poem was to end up in Rolana’s hands.

Dinner was served and done.

The workers from the clothing store and hotpot restaurant had returned as well.

Fang Hao casually inquired about the business in the shop and then everyone returned to their rooms to rest.

Come early morning.

At the city gate in the East City district, hundreds of fully-armed mercenaries had already gathered.

Judging by the mercenary group insignia on their chests.

More than a dozen large and small mercenary groups were present.

Fang Hao walked over with Anjia, Demitrija, Gray Bear, and a band of subordinates in tow, totaling 23 in number.

Among the mercenary groups, Fang Hao’s group was arguably the smallest in terms of manpower.

If it weren’t for Eric’s recommendation, Fang Hao’s tiny team would not have been selected by the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group.

As they approached the assembly point.

They heard Eric’s shouting voice, “Fang Hao, over here, come this way….”

Looking in the direction of the voice, they saw Eric waving at them from the right side of the mercenary formation.

Eric’s mercenary group wasn’t large, either.

A quick once-over revealed they numbered about 50, which was a typical size for a mercenary group.

Among these 50 or so individuals, there were warriors, archers, and several people toting large bundles and emergency equipment who were presumably support personnel.

Fang Hao’s group also brought their own baggage, all of which he had stashed into his storage space.

No one needed to carry anything.

Fang Hao approached Eric’s group with his people and asked, “Eric, are you also heading to the ruins?”

Eric was dressed in a linen robe and donned a set of leather armor outside.

Strapped to his waist was a slender longsword.

Despite not having moved yet, he was already soaking with sweat from just standing there.

“Of course, I’m going. And I have trained in swordsmanship since I was a kid, I just lack some real combat experience. On the other hand, are you sure you are up to this, Mr. Fang Hao?” In retort, Eric asked, patting the longsword at his waist.

Fang Hao observed Eric’s sweat-slicked, rotund figure skeptically.

Eric did the same, noting Fang Hao’s wiry frame and the rumors of his effeminate character.

“I’ve trained too.” Fang Hao patted the Light Feather shortsword at his waist as well.

The two looked at each other, each feeling that the other was nothing more than dead weight.

Nevertheless, the size of the group and the assurance from the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group that the mission was simple and lucrative gave them some solace.

Otherwise, Eric wouldn’t have agreed to be a part of this mission.

After a word or two.

Eric’s gaze fell on Demitrija behind Fang Hao.

Demitrija was indeed striking— tall and clad in a full set of golden scaled armor.

He was quite mesmerizing and easily drew the attention of those around him.

“Who is this?” Eric asked again.

“This is our deputy leader, Demitrija, from the Lizardmen tribe,” Fang Hao introduced politely.

Demitrija too reciprocated the cordiality, “Mr. Eric.”

The Lizardmen’s language had some quirks, but communication was not a problem.

“Hello, Mr. Demitrija,” Eric greeted him in return.

Then, pulling Fang Hao aside, Eric eagerly inquired, “How did it go? Did you deliver the letter I gave you yesterday? What did Miss Rolana say?”

Eric’s face reddened, his eyes filled with anticipation.

Fang Hao glanced at Eric.

He did not understand why Eric would risk Rolana’s wrath. The man seemed to take perverse pleasure in dancing on the edge of disaster. If Rolana were to get angry, Eric’s fat-laden body would be squeezed dry in no time.

“I didn’t have time to deliver it when I got home so late. I’ll help you deliver it after we return from the ruins, but as I said before, I can’t guarantee how things will turn out. From what I can tell, it’s best not to press on if she’s not interested,” Fang Hao hastily explained.

“It’s just as well that you didn’t manage to deliver it.” Eric immediately responded.

Oh? Had he changed his mind, realized that Rolana was not interested in him?

But before Fang Hao could ask, Eric produced another envelope from his pocket, thrusting it into Fang Hao’s hand, “I felt that what I wrote yesterday wasn’t quite there, so I spent the night revising it. Tear up the one I gave you previously!”

“Err… alright!” Fang Hao took the new envelope, responding reflexively.

After six o’clock, the procession set off.

The second team of the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group, with more than a hundred of its own members, briskly strode out of the city gate.

Behind them were troops from various other mercenary groups, with no particular formation in mind.

They marched out of the city in an impressive swell.

Socializing all the while, they followed the group onward.

Besides the Dragon Scale Mercenary Group who organized the mission, the rest of them were unaware of the ruins’ location or path. So, they could only silently follow from behind.

The surroundings of Lyss City were safe.

The region outside the city had been meticulously cleared by the army and encounters with ferocious beasts and monsters were rare.

Even the erstwhile rampant mountain bandits had been gradually eradicated with successive raids.

Those caught were dead, those who could, escaped. And it became increasingly difficult to encounter them.

The journey was relatively safe and the atmosphere among the mercenary groups was relatively relaxed.

For security reasons, Fang Hao relayed the information to Gray Bear Mountain Stronghold, ordering two Bone Dragons to follow the group in the clouds.

If any danger were to occur, they could come down and rescue everyone below.

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