Goblin Kingdom

Volume 3, Intermission - The Ones Pushing from Behind (1/3)

Volume 3, Intermission - The Ones Pushing from Behind (1/3)

The goblin leading the monster army is one of the four appointed generals, Gi Gi Orudo. Within the monster army is the combat unit, which leads the monster beasts, and the supply unit, which is stationed at the rear. Goblins are omnivorous and can eat the meat of the monster beasts raw and drink river water without any problems. If humans did the same thing they would surely find themselves sick. Goblins had eyes that worked so well in the dark that it was laughable to compare them to humans, and they also possessed strong bodies that could be likened to the flesh of beasts.

But despite all that, until the king appeared, the goblins have been living in the forest at the bottom of the food chain. Save for the Kobolds, they were an existence meant only to be eaten. Just overturning this one thing alone would already be enough to marke the greatness of the Goblin King, but the Goblin King brought forward even more advanced ideas.


Before the king came to power, the goblins merely ate what they came across. So long as there was meat, they would eat even in excess.

But even without that, they had much difficulty in procuring foods. If they didn’t eat what was in front of them, someone else might steal it. Although the goblins managed to rise to power within the forest as one of the strong, they were not blessed with a powerful body. Of course, there are those who have gained such power through evolutions, but goblins after birth were not blessed in physique at all.

In order for them to transform from prey to predator, they had to receive training in both fighting and cooperation in the Fortress of the Abyss under the behest of the king. At the same time, thanks to the monster army and the cooperation of the demihumans, the goblins even began advancing on the department of raising livestocks.

They domesticated the monster beasts.

To the goblin beast tamers, monster beasts were both family they lived alongside with and an essential food supply. Goblins like Gi Gi, who possessed a constitution, that attracted monster beasts just by standing were a rarity among the goblins. In that sense, Gi Bu Rakuta was truly the back bone of the monster army.

Unlike Gi Gi, who fought in the frontlines, Gi Bu stayed outside of battle and worked to ensure and pick out monster beasts that could be used for food or for fighting. He even helped out in increasing the reproduction rate of the monster beasts.

He raised monster beasts, and saved them for later to use as a food supply.

It sounds simple when put into words, but feeding an army with that took a lot of effort. As such, the supply unit of Gi Gi Orudo’s monster army led by Gi Bu came to be called as ‘The Ones Behind Everyone (Kurua)’.

The Kurua led by Gi Bu were increasing by the day due to the construction of the ranches, allowing them to serve more food for the army. From the Forest of Darkness, to the Western Region, to the Border Lands, monster beasts of all sorts were being domesticated.

There are three main bases for the Kurua. In the Fortress of the Abyss within the Forest of Darkness, in the Colonial City within the

Western Region, and in the Fortress of the Foggy Plains (Melgion) within the Border Lands. 3 large-scale ranches have been made in these locations.

They decide on a suitable size, they build fences to protect from other monster beasts, and then they raise monster beasts inside. There are many different kinds of monster beasts. In the Forest of Darkness, there are Eirel Deer (Spear Deer) and Three-Horned Boars (Triple Horn). In the western region, there are the terrifying carnivorous horses and the three-eyed unruly horses brought from Gi Gu’s region.

In the border lands, there are three-horned boars (triple horn) and three-eyed unruly horse. Lately, however, they have also started to raise Prairie Big Horned Cattles (Bulbita) and Man-Eater Birds.

For the Man-Eater Birds, it’s not just their meat that’s eaten. Their eggs also serve as an important source of nutrient. The meat and milk that can be gotten from the Prairie Big Horned Cattles (Bulbita) are precious as even the humans within the army can eat them.

As their bases increased, the monster beasts they raised also changed. This is because of the increasing number of humans in the army and the special characteristics of the monster beasts. In the first place, the term ‘monster beasts’ simply refer to all beasts that humans cannot handle. Monster Beasts are animals that evolved to adapt to a region and are unlike the animals raised by humans in that they are able to absorb ether.

There are many cases wherein monster beasts grow extremely weak after being taken away from the environment they are used to. That remains true regardless if it’s for a big monster beast or a small and weak monster beast. This was the problem that Gi Bu’s Kurua had the hardest time with when moving from the Forest of Darkness to the Western Region.

Of course, there are exceptions, and monster beasts that migrate at longer distances are not limited. The horse-type monster beasts, for example, do not grow weak much even when away from the environment they are used to. Another example of an exception is when a monster beast is taken to another region immediately after birth.

It was after much trial and error that Gi Bu and his Kurua were able to progress well with the construction of their bases in the Border Lands. The monster beasts at the Border Lands were all lacking in brutality compared to the monster beasts at the Forest of Darkness.

Perhaps it was because of how dense the Forest of Darkness - to the point that not even light could penetrate it - that the monster beasts in it were the most savage among the regions. The second most brutal would be the monster beasts near the Western Region. Because of the influence of man, there are many monster beasts in the border lands that are docile. Of course, since they’re called monster beasts, they still lay waste to human crops and bring much harm to humans, but to Gi Bu and his Kurua, who were used to the monster beasts of the Forest of Darkness, the monster beasts of the Border Lands were rather adorable.

It was to the point that rare-class beast tamers could tame any of the monster beasts in the Border Lands with no difficulty.

The domestication of monster beasts began with catching. They would weave durable ropes out of vines and use those to bind the monster beasts, and then suppress them until they decided to obey. It was rather forceful, but most monster beasts would become docile after clearly establishing who’s stronger.

Very rarely, there are goblins like Gi Gi, who are blessed with a constitution that makes monster beasts like them. He still needs to catch the monster beast first like anyone else, but unlike others, all

he needs to do is raise his hand, and the monster beast would bow its head. Take note, however, that this is the exception and not the rule.

“You can’t use that as a standard.”

That’s what Gi Bu had to say (with his arms folded) when a rare-class goblin asked him how he could become like Gi Gi. Even for Gi Bu, who’s already evolved into a noble class, Gi Gi was a special case.

Once a monster beast has been made subservient, it will no longer go against its master. The reason low-leveled beast tamers can only tame wild dogs is because that’s all the power they have.

A monster beast is successfully tamed if after suppressing it one is able to feed it. There are an infinite variety of feeds depending on the monster beast. For example, even though they are both herbivores, the Prairie Big Horned Cattle (Bulbita) prefers dry grass, whereas the Man-Eater Bird prefers fresh leaves. Gi Bu knew this only from experience.

It would not be wrong to say that Gi Bu and his Kurua are the ones pushing forward the Goblin King’s army to reach their current shocking speed.

It was because of them that the goblin armies could afford to attack immediately after occupying a territory without having to first hunt.

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