God of Internet

Chapter 42: War Expenses

Today was the 10th day of the test in the divine world and the 20th day in the mortal world.

This meant that 33% of the test had already passed, and the likelihood of wars starting was now very high.

Two days had passed since I added the [Guardian iMonsters] option.

In that time, the amount of divine power I received was absolutely staggering.

Especially since most of the kingdom's nobles had spread the word about the Internet to the people in their city, the number of my followers in Arcantor had exploded to such an extent that the amount of Divine Power I received that day was still very high, even with the discounts from the users who listened to the lessons on learning to read and write.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Embryonic deity rank 6

| Number of believers: 155,845 -> 398,132

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Divine Power: 354,889 / 320,000 -> 1,230,780 / 320,000 (+1,592,528 -716,637)


With this Divine Power, I really thought about moving up a level, but with the likelihood of attacks happening in Arcantor at any moment, I decided to just save the Divine Power for a few days and use it only when it was really necessary.

Even if it meant that I would receive a little less Divine Power, it was better to keep myself alive and my kingdom safe than to waste it.

Especially considering that the 1.2 million Divine Power in my hand was equivalent to 120,000 Divine Power points in the hands of other gods, my desire to level up without much thought was greatly diminished.

And I was right to be worried, because there was indeed an attack that day, and I had to use the Divine Power points I had saved, or rather the Premium Internet Coins the players had saved, to make the iMonsters in the attacked villages stronger.

Only 10 villages were attacked, so I only had to increase the strength of 10 iMonsters that were already at level 10 to 12, depending on the size of the village.

But in order to deal with those soldiers, it was necessary to raise the level of those iMonsters to at least level 20 or 21, which was a high cost of Divine Power.

Not to mention the largest village, which was attacked by a weapon master, I had to evolve that iMonster to level 27, which had the power of a high arcane mage.

If it were a normal situation, an Arcane Mage wouldn't stand a chance against a Weapon Master, because the Warrior was two levels higher than the Arcane Mage.

But iMonsters were not pure mages.

These creatures were as agile and strong as they were destructive with their magic power.

So, while alternating between using magical power and physical power, the little green squirrel managed to deal with the weapon master all by himself, completely demoralizing the rest of the surviving soldiers who had come to attack the village, making them completely give up on this pointless battle.

This large village was controlled by a baron who was only an apprentice magician, and he saw with his own eyes how the little green creature had defeated an enemy he had no chance against, making this little nobleman extremely grateful to the God of the Internet.

If you encounter this tale on Amazon, note that it's taken without the author's consent. Report it.

Not only him, but the people of all the villages attacked by the enemy army were extremely grateful, and those who could read and write even posted reports about it on [Carrier Pigeon], spreading what had happened in those 10 villages throughout the kingdom and further showing the importance of the iMonster and the God of the Internet.

I smiled when I saw their reaction, and I was even less disappointed when I saw how much divine power I had lost to improve all the iMonsters that participated in the battle.


| Character Status


| Name: Adrian Innovashine

| Titles: God of Creativity, God of the Internet

| Level: Embryonic deity rank 6

| Number of believers: 398,132

| Average usage per user: 4 hours


| Divine Power: 1,230,780 / 320,000 -> 676,929 / 320,000 (-553,851)


An absurd expenditure of more than 500k Divine Power points in just one hour of battle...

And that's considering that I only buffed iMonsters I created with my deity, which already gave me a big discount on the Divine Power I spent on them.

If I used such a buff directly on a mortal from this world, the Divine Power probably wouldn't be enough to raise a single apprentice mage to the level of a master mage.

However, there was no point in crying over it.

He was saving the Divine Power for this very purpose.

I knew that spending ten times as much Divine Power on attacks and buffs was something I had to deal with, and gaining much more Divine Power than other gods was my way of compensating for it.

And it went extremely well!

Especially with the publicity the village leaders were already posting on the Internet for me.

[Today, our village was attacked by soldiers from Eldoria. There were too many of them, and we were all scared. We never thought we'd stand a chance against them, but thanks to what we learned in the Internet God's [Library], the PICs we save every day in the [iMonster] application, we were able to summon a very powerful firefox to help us.

This magical iMonster appeared and started shooting fireballs at the soldiers like a powerful mage!

It was amazing to see how this turned the game in our favor, even against highly trained knights! The soldiers were reduced from hundreds to just a few in a matter of minutes.

What would have been a sure massacre at any other time became an incredible victory today only because of the help of the Internet God and our investment in iMonsters.

I just wanted to thank the Internet God for teaching us how to summon these creatures.

If you're a village leader like me, try to learn about iMonsters and how to use them in Guardian iMonster mode.

It could be what saves your people, just like it saved ours].

Although only 10% of Internet users are literate, for a network that already had nearly 400,000 users, this meant that there were nearly 40,000 active users on [Carrier Pigeon].

Considering how surprising this news was, the first posts on [Carrier Pigeon] to get more than 30,000 likes were the ten posts made by the village chiefs about their experiences defending their villages with iMonsters.

Since the post written by the little baron was the most liked post because he had enough education and experience to describe it as a real emotional story, it attracted even more attention than the other posts.

It was funny to see how people in this world made posts and responded to them in such a formal way.

It was clear that they were making it more informal than the official letters they used, but compared to my previous world, it was like reading several old people chatting on the Internet.

[Is this really true? I never imagined that an iMonster could be so powerful. If that's the case, we should all start investing more time in these applications. Who knew that [iMonsters] would be so useful in battle?]

[What an incredible story! I was skeptical about iMonsters, but after hearing this, I'll start training with them right away. It sounds like they can really make a difference in desperate situations].

[This almost sounds like a legend, but if it's true, we'd better start preparing ourselves as well. Better safe than sorry].

[I'm glad you're all okay, as a wizard at Arcantor Magic School, I'm sorry I couldn't help since we didn't even know about this attack, but from what I've heard around the school, the higher-ups are ready to take action to help].

With the many comments on the post, people started commenting about it in real life, people who couldn't read started hearing about it from friends and acquaintances who could read.

Not only did this increase people's involvement with [Carrier Pigeon] and encourage even more illiterate people to learn to read quickly in order to participate in such conversations and discussions on the Internet, but it also greatly encouraged people to train iMonsters to protect themselves.

If it weren't for the limited number of times they could pray per day, I'm sure the average usage time would increase to at least 6 hours per day, even if it meant that these people would need less sleep per night.

Considering that ordinary people work at least 14 hours a day, and they still pray to be able to use the Internet 4 times a day, even if the usage wasn't specifically 4 hours a day, the amount of sleep they had left wasn't that much.

Fortunately, their average spiritual power was increasing, which would give me more divine power in time.

But while I was thinking about this, my vision shifted to a trading caravan, more specifically, the White Hawk Trading Caravan led by Rosalind.

At that moment, it was trading with small villages in Eldoria, and unbeknownst to the God of Fear, his kingdom was already beginning to be invaded, causing him not only to potentially lose Divine Power over time, but also to lose credibility with the people.

Meanwhile, even the soldiers who survived from his kingdom in Arcantor are currently hearing good things about the God of the Internet and are being given the opportunity to become my subordinates!

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