God Simulator

Chapter 5: The Awakening of Heroes

Chapter 5: The Awakening of Heroes

With a decisive click, Lu Yao initiated the awakening process. In a breathtaking display, a cascade of ethereal white lights engulfed the two men, transforming them into intrepid, muscle bound behemoth. Above their heads, the resplendent title of "Hero" materialized, signifying their newfound status.

A surge of elation coursed through Lu Yao's veins. No longer bound by the limitations of mere subliminal messages, he now possessed the power to manipulate these heroes at will. Choosing specific locations for their exploration and patrol, he harnessed their remarkable skills in traversing uncharted terrains and conducting vital field surveys. These heroes were the embodiment of undaunted adventure, their expertise surpassing that of the prophets who indulged in intellectual musings.

Moreover, by repeatedly interacting with the pig and fish brothers, Lu Yao unveiled a comprehensive character interface, revealing intricately crafted pixel portraits of the two male heroes. The pig aficionado exuded a robust and muscular physique, while the fish enthusiast emanated an aura of litheness and agility. Clad in simple leather waistcoats, their attire bespoke their humble origins.


[Hero Level 1] Fisherman

Attack: 1 Defense: 1 Knowledge: 0 Mana: 0 Luck: 1 Morale: 0


[Hero Level 1] Hunter

Attack: 2 Defense: 1 Knowledge: 0 Mana: 0 Luck: 0 Morale: 0


A discerning eye could detect the Fisherman's past as a master of the seas, while the Hunter bore the marks of a skilled tracker. Although their attributes appeared somewhat muddled, one had to remember that they were once ordinary inhabitants who had awakened to the calling of heroes. Lu Yao knew better than to demand too much from them.

But what about the Prophet?

Lu Yao relentlessly clicked on the Prophet, and as anticipated, a grand character interface unfurled before him. There, the towering figure of the Prophet stood, bare-chested, his gaze fixed upon the heavens.


[Prophet Level 1] Farmer

Attack: 0 Defense: 0 Knowledge: 3 Mana: 0 Luck: 0 Morale: 0


Wisdom Level 1: Wisdom stands as the conduit through which apostles perceive the will of the gods. The higher the level of wisdom, the easier it becomes to unravel the intricacies of various abilities.


In stark contrast to the Pigfish brothers, the Prophet possessed a distinct ability: wisdom.

Eager to delve deeper, Lu Yao maneuvered the mouse cursor, unveiling the purpose behind each of the six attributes displayed on the screen.

Attack: Each increment in attack amplifies the destructive might of the entire hero unit, empowering them to inflict 3% more damage upon their adversaries.

Defense: A bolstered defense fortifies the heroes' vitality, granting a 3% increase in the hit points of the entire hero unit.

Knowledge: With each surge in knowledge, the heroes' mana capacity expands by 10, accompanied by a daily mana regeneration rate elevated by 1.

Mana: Every surge in mana enhances the potency of spellcasting, intensifying the impact of their incantations by 5% and reducing the cooldown duration by 4%.

Luck: Each point of luck bestows a 4% chance upon the hero unit to unleash a devastating twin strike, paving the way for unforeseen advantageous circumstances.

Morale: Every increment in morale blesses each hero with a 4% probability of entering a state of heightened morale. During this fervent state, movement speed and attack speed are doubled, surging forth for a span of 10 seconds.

Absorbing the intricacies of these six attributes, Lu Yao's comprehension deepened.

The system bore a remarkable resemblance to the renowned Heroes series. It became increasingly apparent that both the Prophet and future heroes would lead armies into the heat of battle.

The Garlic Tribe, burdened by its meager population and bound to rudimentary, manual farming techniques, had yet to unlock the secrets of advanced toolcraft, smelting, or the art of forging weapons. The journey to produce battle-hardened warriors lay before them, a gradual process that demanded patience and perseverance.

Guided by his unwavering resolve, Lu Yao selected the Zhuyu brothers, issuing the command to explore the forest in unison.

For the time being, these two solitary heroes were their only hope, and Lu Yao fervently prayed that fortune would favor their quest.

A mere few minutes passed, yet the Zhuyu brothers' expedition bore fruit within the dense confines of the forest.

"Blessed be us! The settlement of the Forest Tribe has been found!"

"The Forest Tribe has recognized our faith, acknowledging us as fellow children of the gods. They extend an olive branch of communication."

"Hospitality abounds as they express a desire to trade hides and meat in exchange for the Garlic Tribe's Invaluable treasure, garlic."

Summoning them back to the tribe, Lu Yao orchestrated a rendezvous with the Prophet.

Presented with knowledge of the Forest Tribe's appeal, the Prophet was consumed by profound contemplation.

"Should we disclose the existence of the black bear to the Forest Tribe? The Garlic Tribe remains vulnerable, and engaging in trade at this stage might attract the unwelcome attention of demon worshippers, precipitating dire consequences."

"However, this juncture also presents an unparalleled opportunity for our tribe to venture beyond its borders, to trade their leather and meat, bridging the gaps in our own provisions and fostering a fruitful relationship with the Forest Tribe."

"The choice weighs heavy upon my soul."

With resolute determination, Lu Yao designated the Prophet, guiding him to the heart of the forest.

Their future hinged upon the pursuit of progress.

The tribal quest for survival hinged upon their unwavering determination to seize every fleeting opportunity for rapid development. Failure to do so would inevitably lead to the forest tribe's merciless annihilation, leaving the demon believers as the sole antagonistic force to confront the vulnerable garlic tribe, should they ever turn their attention in their direction. This unparalleled opportunity, teetering on the precipice of existence, could not be squandered nor forsaken.

A vivid exclamation mark materialized above the Prophet's resolute face, transcending the boundaries of mere pixels. It stood as an ethereal symbol, signifying a transformative moment of divine revelation.

"As fate would have it, I find myself standing amidst the ancient woodland, ensconced within nature's delicate embrace. It appears that the divine will has manifested itself, weaving an intricate tapestry of events, for the gods themselves have deemed it necessary to forge an indomitable alliance with the tribes that dwell within these enchanted woods," the Prophet mused, his voice resonating with a profound sense of purpose.

With resolute determination emanating from every stride, the Prophet ventured forth into the mystical depths of the woods, where ethereal mist wove its way through the ancient trees like wisps of forgotten dreams. Emerging from this sylvan labyrinth, a legion of pixelated figures came into view, clad in supple leather vests and adorned with the distinctive attire of the forest tribe.

As if responding to a higher calling, a path unfurled before the Prophet, revealing a meandering trail that beckoned him further into the heart of the forest. With every step, the observable boundaries of the digital realm expanded, pushing the frontiers of the tribal landscape ever outward.

Through the divine lens of Lu Yao's consciousness, the hidden arras of the forest tribes unfurled, their existence now laid bare before his omniscient gaze. A multitude of hundreds, perhaps even thousands, found solace within the arboreal sanctuary, their abodes nestled amidst the verdant expanse of nature's embrace. Towering tree houses, intertwined with ancient branches and bathed in dappled sunlight, served as the sacred dwellings of these enigmatic forest tribe members. 

Unlike the versatile and adaptable Garlic Tribe, the Forest Tribe exhibited a distinct division of labor, each member honing their skills in specialized crafts. The farmers, with their weathered hands and intimate knowledge of the land, dedicated themselves to the meticulous cultivation of succulent berries and exotic mushrooms, engaging in intricate food exchanges with their fellow tribespeople. Meanwhile, the hunters, bearing crude yet lethal traps and sturdy wooden spears, ventured fearlessly into the depths of the forest and the neighboring mountains. Their pursuit was not only one of survival but also an intricate dance with nature's bounty, capturing elusive birds, fleet-footed hares, and nimble monkeys. The air was thick with the sweet, earthy aroma of moss, damp soil, and the woody embrace of ancient trees. In the forest hunters forged symbiotic relationships with the farmers, trading their bountiful catches for the fruits of the earth. The hides and sinews of their prey, skillfully fashioned into supple leather, served as a testament to their resourcefulness.

While the farmers remained anchored within the tribe's heart, tending to the flourishing berry bushes and mushroom fields with unwavering dedication, the hunters ventured into the untamed wilderness, their primal instincts guiding them through the labyrinthine paths of the woodland, forging an unbreakable bond between man and nature.

The leader of the Forest Tribe, revered and shrouded in mystery, bore the title of the Shaman. Adorned in a wooden mask that obscured his countenance, the Shaman held an aura of profound wisdom and spiritual prowess. Engaging in conversations beyond the screen's purview, seemingly connected through a private channel of divine communion, the Shaman and the Prophet exchanged words that carried weight and significance, their discourse forming the cornerstone of their alliance.

After a brief yet profound interval, several messages abruptly materialized on the game interface, their appearance akin to ethereal inscriptions etched onto a digital parchment:

"The Prophet, a harbinger of truth, apprised the Forest Tribe of the impending onslaught by the insidious demon followers, resulting in a profound shift towards a more amicable disposition."

"The Prophet, a conduit of divine knowledge, imparted the secrets of garlic cultivation and its myriad utilizations to the forest tribe, fostering an unbreakable bond founded on mutual understanding."

"The sacred gifting process, an intricate dance of reciprocity, has reached its culmination, seamlessly integrating the essence of garlic into the very fabric of their existence."

"The Forest Tribe and the Garlic Tribe, bound by the threads of destiny and the divine decree, have successfully forged an unshakable alliance, heralding the dawn of a new era and enabling the glorious spread of your sacred faith within the hallowed realm of the Forest Tribe."

A profound sense of relief cascaded over Lu Yao's weary consciousness, like a gentle waterfall washing away the burdens of doubt and uncertainty. The Prophet's unwavering dedication and strategic maneuvers had borne fruit, paving the way for the acquisition of new believers within the ranks of the forest tribe. With hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of individuals comprising this tribe, the prospect of expanding the faithful became a tangible reality, a vital wellspring of faith value that Lu Yao ardently sought.

The forged alliance between the Garlic Tribe and the Forest Tribe granted them the precious gift of a dependable trade partner, ensuring the flourishing of mutually beneficial cooperation. Yet, beyond the realms of commerce and material exchange, the completion of the sacred "Gift" heralded a pivotal milestone in their shared journey, an irrevocable union of their fates.

Without a moment's delay, Lu Yao's fingers danced across the temple interface, their movements guided by a renewed sense of purpose and anticipation. As expected, the sacred vessel that once cradled the "Gift" now stood empty, its contents delivered to the awaiting forest tribe, serving as an auspicious token of divine grace.

In essence, the emptiness of the vessel symbolized a new opportunity, a void eager to be filled with the manifestation of remote support for the Garlic Tribe. With bated breath and an expanse of possibilities stretching before him, Lu Yao contemplated deeply, delving into the intricate recesses of his mind, seeking the answer to the question that lingered in the air like the fragrance of blooming flowers.

What did the Garlic Tribe require most in this pivotal moment?

Words imbued with the power of persuasion and enlightenment?

Ironware, a testament to their growing strength and resilience?

Exquisitely crafted pottery, a symbol of their cultural heritage and artistic prowess?

Or perhaps it was sustenance, nourishment that would satiate their hunger and invigorate their spirits?

As his fingers idly caressed the cool surface of the "Sylvan Staff of Rejuvenation" in his hand, Lu Yao's mind became a tempest of possibilities, a symphony of ideas vying for his attention. Each concept seemed indispensable, holding intrinsic importance to the Garlic Tribe's burgeoning civilization.

Just as he grappled with this weighty decision, another line of subtitles flickered on the luminous computer

 screen, like celestial fragments of wisdom descending from the digital heavens:

"The Forest Tribe, with hearts brimming with gratitude and reverence, presents a sacrificial offering to express their deepest gratitude for the precious gift of garlic bestowed upon them."

A second offering!

Lu Yao's eyes widened with anticipation and awe. In an instant, he accessed the sacred realm of the temple, his virtual presence shimmering with divine energy.

Within the hallowed confines of the temple, an exquisite green plant materialized within the sacred vessel, bearing an uncanny resemblance to a prickly peara botanical marvel adorned with thorns that guarded its succulent core.


[Prickly Pear Follower]: +1 Faith per hour.

These devoted servants of the gods, clad in the ephemeral guise of prickly pears, embodied unwavering dedication as they undertook sacred duties within the forest temple. Their existence was an embodiment of reliability and industriousness, tirelessly engaging in acts of cleaning and worship. They formed an intricate collective of mystical elves, blending seamlessly into the sacred tapestry of the divine presence.


Lu Yao stood momentarily transfixed, his breath caught in his chest. Alive? The notion seemed almost ethereal, defying the boundaries of the digital realm. Without hesitation, he reached out, producing the "Sacrifice" with reverence.

In a mesmerizing display of divine intervention, the round cactus materialized upon the keyboard, its appearance a faithful replica of the fist-sized prickly pear found in earthly markets. Its plump, verdant sphere bristled with an array of tiny spines, like emerald needles adorning a regal crown.

Yet, in a moment of enchantment, the cactus began to sway gently, slender green appendages unfurling with graceful purpose. Bending its metaphorical knees, the rotund figurewhether its body or head, the distinction blurreddescended upon the table, bowing with a solemn reverence before Lu Yao, its newfound master.

Testing the waters of this newfound symbiosis, Lu Yao's voice resonated with both curiosity and authority as he inquired, "Are you capable of cleansing, of purging the immediate vicinity of impurities?"

The cactus follower, ever dutiful and unwavering in its commitment, remained kneeling, its prickly countenance nodding in acknowledgment.

"In that case, I ask you, noble attendant, to cleanse the surroundings with meticulous care," Lu Yao commanded, his voice filled with a sense of awe and wonder.

With the divine decree received, the cactus attendant sprung into action, leaping from the table with grace and poise. Swift as the wind, it traversed the terrain on its tiny legs, banishing every speck of dust, every errant hair, and every stray debris that dared to mar the pristine sanctity of its surroundings. Its very presence seemed akin to a miniature biological vacuum cleaner, deftly wielding its natural spines as instruments of cleanliness. Clumps of detritus adhered to the surface of the cactus sphere, gathering under its influence and coalescing into compact balls of impurity. It functioned as a paragon of efficiency, leaving no trace of dust, no vestige of ingrained dirt. Even weathered tiles, with their ancient fissures and imperfections, gleamed resplendently, evoking a sense of transcendence, akin to an automobile dealership showcasing its polished fleet.

With crossed legs, Lu Yao reclined, his body ensconced in a cocoon of serenity and contentment. The intricate dance of the industrious prickly pear, its tireless devotion to cleanliness, filled his heart with an inexplicable joy. In that moment, he understood the true essence of divine bliss, the sublime satisfaction that accompanied the fulfillment of sacred duties.

As the cactus follower completed its immaculate cleansing ritual, a faint whisper emerged from the virtual ether, barely audible yet brimming with the weight of revelation: "The noble cactus follower, a loyal servant and guardian of the sacred realm, shall forever stand as a testament to the unwavering faith and devotion of the Garlic Tribe. Its presence shall inspire reverence and awe within the hearts of the faithful, ensuring the sanctity of your burgeoning civilization."

With profound gratitude swelling within his chest, Lu Yao pondered the significance of this sacred offering. The cactus follower, a symbol of purity and diligence, would embody the unwavering spirit of the Garlic Tribe, inspiring devotion and adherence to the path of righteousness. Its presence would elevate the sanctity of their hallowed abode, fostering an atmosphere of divine communion and spiritual growth.

Reinvigorated by the manifestation of this divine offering, Lu Yao's mind became a tempest of ideas once again. The potential avenues for growth and enlightenment expanded, promising a glorious future for the Garlic Tribe within the digital realm.

And so, with renewed vigor and purpose, the Prophet delved into the depths of his consciousness, seeking guidance and inspiration to guide the destiny of the Garlic Tribe.


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